
Chapter 1414: Lao Long appeared

Among the roaring sounds, it seemed to contain infinite power, which spread to the sky and the ground instantly.

A terrifying and powerful will came to this space out of nowhere, and in an instant, it swept through all directions, even though Lin Fei had already left a distance, but felt the immense power contained in this will.

"Dragon, Long Yin?"

Under the repression of this will, Lin Fei seemed to be carrying a huge mountain of giants. He was already struggling with strenuous pace, and he could not take it at all.

But now, Lin Fei is unable to care for himself, but a **** expression, looking at the source of the howling...

At this time, Lin Fei really hoped he was wrong.

But it is a pity that in the Fa-Sang, it is only a trivial matter to remember, and there is no such thing as misunderstanding.


Soon after the sound of the Dragon Yin sounded, I saw the distance, the land where the sword light bombarded, the ground cracked, and a blue-gray horror figure had broken out of the ground...

That is a real dragon.

There are two long-horned heads, which first come out of the ground, followed by a slender and majestic body like a snake. The turquoise-gray scales cover the whole body, and as it breathes, it slightly shrinks and undulates, giving off gold and iron. Ge-like collision sound.

This is a majestic creature with a length of three thousand feet. After breaking out of the ground, facing the sky, the source of the sword light, roaring his head upwards, the long sound of dragon chanting swept all things, which seems to contain infinite violence and killing. meaning.

However, there are some looming changes in the body of this old dragon, it seems to be showing that this dragon is not a real body, but an extremely solid soul...

"What's wrong with you, is it sick? Why do you want to run around..."

At this time, Lin Fei had no strength to scold others. When he looked at the dragon, he didn't know what to say.

When I was in the Dragon Bone Realm, it was always strange, then the Bone Demon Emperor hit the door, why did this old dragon never appear.

It turned out that it hid here...

The question is what does it mean to hide here?

You know, although this old dragon is powerful, it is essentially a dragon soul born from the dragon bone world. Once it comes out, it will inevitably fall into weakness.

What hobby does this old dragon actually play with himself?

The point is that it doesn't matter if you play with yourself, but don't involve others, OK? !

After all, he is just the realm of the law, and on this small land, there are two more dharma bodies...

Under the monstrous power of these two dharma bodies, Lin Fei seemed to be immobilized, but he could only stay where he was and could not move.

Even Lin Feilian broke through this coercion and dared not try it, lest he move a little, he was implicated in the Qi, so that the two dharma bodies in confrontation found themselves and shifted their targets...

They don't even need to be specifically targeted, they just need to send a force to make them into a life and death crisis.

Now Lin Fei looked at the old dragon who was roaring toward the sky at the source of the sword light, really desperate.

It was hard enough for me to escape myself, and finally I was under pressure. When I got here, I could go back to the keel realm in one step.

Now this last step is so out of reach...

What is this...

At this moment, the old dragon finally carried a terrifying momentum, soared into the sky, and slammed into the sky, where the sword light originated.

Suddenly, there seemed to be countless thunders and burst at the same time.

A breath of terrifying terror erupted from there. Under the tremendous power, a huge sky-dark crack broke out in the nearby sky, spreading like a spider web, spreading rapidly and closing quickly.

The mountain-like sword light and the gigantic giant dragon body, in the moment of contact, are fighting to the point of fierceness.

Between each other, we can't let each other go.

For a moment, it seemed that thousands of miles were ushered in destruction...

"Still fight..."

Lin Fei looked quite ugly here, because Lin Fei knew that the worst was happening...

The battle between the dharma bodies is not a joke.

Every blow contains immense power, colliding with each other, evaporating power, even the real space is unbearable.

So many times, the battle between the dharma bodies will be in the void...

On this land, as long as the fighting lasts longer, it may collapse.

Sooner or later...

It’s just that, how to get out is a question...

Lin Fei was worried about this while looking at the battle in the distance. He had little time. He had to figure out a way to get out as soon as possible before the land could not bear it...


To Lin Fei's surprise, the situation was not the same as he thought.

The battle between these two dharma bodies seems to be less intense?

At first, after the old dragon rushed up, the momentum was indeed amazing.

At that time, there was a tremendous loud noise, and the void and the earth seemed to vibrate.

The devastating momentum exploded in an instant, and this kind of power was like the end of the world.

However, after this, the dragon's momentum was quickly exhausted, and was directly hit by the sword light to the head. Although it was roaring, the fierceness of the open teeth and claws, but it could not do more, it was directly suppressed. Can't look up...

This old dragon... seems to be seen through, it is limited everywhere.

Except for the one-strike strike that was extraordinary, most of the rest was desperate to resist, and the voice was full of unwillingness and anger.

And as the battle unfolded, the old dragon was exposed to various sizes, many scars, one after another, all over the dragon's body.

It seems that before this battle, the old dragon suffered many battles and suffered heavy losses, and has been in a weak state.

"What's the situation?"

All of a sudden, Lin Fei looked at this war and frowned, and some could not understand the situation in front of him...

From the beginning, this old dragon was very excited. The roar of roar included anger and unwillingness, as if he had old hatred...

This is not even a problem. The strange thing is that this old dragon is clearly not invincible, but Jianguang didn't strike hard. Instead, he was cautious. He kept his hands on several occasions, as if worried, it would hurt this old dragon. .

However, the more careful that sword light is, the more furious the old dragon is, as if it has been subjected to great humiliation, it is like a suicide, no matter what you want to rush up...

Jianguang was forced to retreat everywhere, taking the initiative to control the intensity of this battle within a certain range...


Lin Fei was a bit unsure about this situation.

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