
Chapter 1416: Dharma body

Dharma body...

This **** is the one in heaven just now, who just subdued the dragon's dharma body...

The question is, this Dharma body is good, why should it fall? ! Talk to yourself a little person?

Is it because you want to go back to the keel world and think you are going to report?

Isn't it right, the dragon bone world is the oldest dragon. Now that the old dragon has been caught, will people be afraid of reporting?

Was he watching the game here, making the other party unhappy?

Damn, I want to go, but the question is I am gone?

Shouldn't the Fashen be so unreasonable?

By the way, he asked himself if he asked the disciples of Jianzong, what's going on? Is it to ask the acquaintances of Jianzong...

All of a sudden, Lin Fei's thoughts changed sharply, and he immediately came up with several possibilities, but they all rejected one by one.

Fortunately, Lin Fei also dealt with the Fashen level all the year round. At this time, all the thoughts floated, but there was no abnormality on his face. Disciple, practice at Yuhengfeng..."

"Your image is not achieved here." At this point, the figure paused, followed the judgment, and then asked: "Are you from outside?"

"Ah?" Lin Fei was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted and quickly said, "Yes, the juniors have just arrived..."

But at the moment, Lin Fei did not dare to ask more, and after the other party asked these two questions, he did not mean to continue.

Instead, he waved his hand casually.

Lin Fei was just startled and didn't wait for the reaction. As soon as he looked up, he saw a sword light and slammed at himself.

"I depend!"

Lin Fei did not expect that the other party would suddenly start to work. At that moment, almost all the hairs on his body exploded.

What a joke.

Although this is just a casual blow, but the opponent's sword light, but even the old dragon has suffered, and its power can only be described as incredible.

Compared with the old dragon, he is one hundred and eighty miles away. Why should he stop it?

Could it be said that the other party is actually asking Jianzong's enemy, asking himself this sentence, just to confirm his identity?

At this moment, Lin Fei's mind flashed a lot of thoughts subconsciously, and quickly disappeared, and he ignored them completely.

Because at this time, that Jianguang is coming...

It's just that all your thoughts are used to resist this sword light.

Life and death galaxy, seven sword qi, his free array, even the nether earth, all emerged from a corner, among which came the faint singing of Buddha, and the eighteenth layer of **** was revealed...

At this moment, Lin Fei did not have any reservations, and showed all his cards, one by one before this sword light.

These means are all Lin Fei's cultivation practice, and all the accumulated contents are even related to Lin Fei's enlightenment foundation, which is related to the cultivation path in the future. A little difference will affect Lin Fei's future. Practice.

But now, Lin Fei knows that he has no choice...

If the sword light in front of you can't stop it, then don't mention anything later, now you have to reimburse.

As for what to do after blocking this sword light, there is no time to think more...


Then, at the moment when the sword came to the body, Lin Fei was a little surprised to find that this sword light actually bypassed himself and cut into some void around him.

After what happened, Lin Fei knew nothing.

Although this did not slash towards me, but the aftermath alone makes it difficult to resist.

Lin Fei just felt that his ears seemed to be thundering and thundering at the same time, and the whole person's head was rumbling. As for the means he had just laid, it was nothing but fictitious.

There is no resistance to the aftermath, and it is passed by directly.

In that instant, the methods laid out in advance collapsed and returned to Lin Fei spontaneously.

As for Lin Fei, I just felt a huge force hit myself, followed by a black eye.

Then, it felt like the sky was spinning, and the whole person could not help but fall back.

Turning around...

Lin Fei was totally confused. After falling backwards, he didn't seem to have landed, but it seemed that he had fallen into the endless void, and the whole person fell backwards endlessly...

Just before the fall, it seemed that I heard the cold sound. For the first time, I had a little mood swings. I hummed softly and said a few words.

It is a pity that Lin Fei can't hear clearly...

During the fall, the feeling of weightlessness covered Lin Fei's entire body. Lin Fei only felt as if he was out of control. In the void, he could hardly move. He could only let himself fall indefinitely.

That endless sense of weightlessness is uncomfortable...

Fortunately, this is not really endless after all...

Maybe it was after a joss stick, and it seemed like a full day had passed.

Lin Fei felt that he finally fell to the ground, underneath was solid ground and gravel. The heavy feeling made Lin Fei feel relieved for a while.

Lin Fei tried hard to open his eyes to see what was happening in front of him, but after several efforts, he couldn't open his eyes.

It's just a faint feeling that a person seems to pause here, following the sound of footsteps and moving away...


This was Lin Fei's first thought. After realizing that he was safe, Lin Fei was relieved, and the exhaustion caused by the stress and pressure for most of the day suddenly rushed up.

At this time, Lin Fei could not hold on anymore.

The whole person's consciousness is blurred, and he can no longer stay awake. In an instant, the whole person fell asleep directly...


I don’t know how long it has been...

Lin Fei felt that there was no pain all over his body.

Although the consciousness was barely sober, the physical body seemed to be against the consciousness. No matter how it was mobilized, it was very difficult to move.

"I rely on..."

Finally, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and mobilized a trace of real element...

The whole person was almost exhausted, only to sit up reluctantly, opened his sour eyes and looked around.

"Sure enough left..."

Lin Fei first looked for the figure of the dharma body, and found that the sight in front of him was empty. Lin Fei was relieved.

This is good...

As long as it is not the power of the dharma level, no matter what difficulties it encounters, Lin Fei is confident to be able to deal with it.

In the confrontation with the dharma body just now, I exhausted my efforts and accumulated a lot of information, but actually did not play a role. That kind of powerlessness, Lin Fei really did not want to experience a second time...


where is this place?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei found something wrong.

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