
Chapter 1332: Exhausted effort

Although Yu Hua’s Li Fei in Fengli was a style of food and drink, and Xiuwei didn’t make progress, but it was the hard work of life, and there was no worry about his life.

I even waited for a while longer, maybe I could get a chance to return to Luofu before Manjur.

Look at Manjur again, then there will be more tragedies...

Although it has achieved the state of dharma, it is a great opportunity not encountered in the past, but it was also exchanged for nine lives...

Looking at the few disciples who died, you know the danger...

At the beginning, no matter the background or talents, everyone was half a catty, but the result was a carelessness. Isn't it the same to fall on the spot?

If there is a choice, Manjur would rather give up this chance of promotion.

If this is the case, then Yu Hua is only a little better luck, and has not reached the point where Manjur is jealous...

But now, Yu Hua's experience is in love with Lin Fei...

The big mountain where all the lawmakers are helpless is actually making Lin Fei directly on the ground. Such a person will certainly not be limited to this achievement.

Future achievements of true body and even dharma body are very likely.

If it is the future, Lin Fei really achieves the dharma body, then Yu Hua, but with a dharma body has become a friend of trouble...

Such an opportunity, but it is very jealous...

Not to mention Yu Hua, even the entire Changsheng Palace will benefit from it.

Don't look at Man Zhu'er as the law, Yu Hua is just Jin Dan.

But Manzhuer is very clear that when he returns to his school, Yu Hua's status may be higher than himself...

"By the way, you said, will Lin Fei pass this mountain completely..." At this time Yu Hua also knew that his luck was really good, and excited, even the idea that suddenly appeared, quite Looking forward to Manzhuer.


At this time, Manzhuer had a cold face, and he completely did not want to ignore Yu Hua.

"Don't be angry..." Yu Hua immediately reacted, and his relationship with Manjur seemed to have deteriorated once again in an invisible way. He said: "I also know that it is impossible, just ask casually, but if I can really get through Enough…"

Speaking of which, Yu Hua also felt quite unconscious when he looked at Lin Fei that disappeared in the clouds...

Lin Fei's ability to show is simply incredible.

Maybe it was too easy for Lin Fei to open up the road, so Yu Huaguang looked at it and felt that if he continued like this, maybe Lin Fei could open up all the roads up the mountain in one go...

But that's just thinking about it...

After Li Qingyi was defeated from here, he always said that he can only come here again when he is in the real state.

This shows that in the eyes of Li Qingshan, an experienced person, only the real state can challenge this mountain.

Although Lin Fei stepped up step by step, it was still very difficult to reach the summit...

Not to mention...

At this time, the frequency of Lin Fei's emergence from the clouds was getting slower and slower.

It usually takes a long time to appear once. After it appears, it also needs to pause and rest for a period of time before it can enter the cloud again...

All this shows that Lin Feili has missed...

No wonder...

Between the real body and the Fa, there are two completely different realms. No matter how Lin Fei goes against the sky, it is impossible to break through the limits one after another and trample the difference between the realms underfoot...

In fact, Yu Hua's estimation is not wrong.

The difference in state is summed up by countless monks from the path of spiritual practice. Every step is a difference between the world and the world. Countless monks have exhausted their hard work and only seek to move forward.

When you reach the realm of law, you are left with amazing talents. Whether it is the nature of mind, talent, or background resources, they are the best choices. Even 90% of these people are squandering before the real body. It's hard to make progress in one's life, and the difficulty can be imagined...

Even if Lin Fei lived for two lifetimes, it is impossible to trample on this iron rule that has been passed down through the ages...

At this time, Lin Fei had stepped out of the fog for the tenth time. Behind him, there were twists and turns, dozens of miles of mountain road steps. If you looked at it from a distance, Lin Fei would It is by virtue of his own strength that he has opened up the rest of the road to a great deal.

However, after coming out of the fog this time, Lin Fei did not, as before, walked directly into the fog ahead.

Instead of standing on the spot for half a column and fragrant time, without moving...

Really tired...

Manjur and Yuhua guessed right...

At this time, Lin Fei, breaking through successive levels, consumes too much...

It's just different from what Yu Hua thought, the consumption here is not just simple power, but also accompanied by terrible mental consumption.

Because Yu Hua and Man Zhuer didn't know, every time Lin Fei broke the mark left by that dharma body, he also got a little mark, which contained the sword trick Lin Fei just broke.

Lin Fei must at least give it a rough idea, and withstand that kind of sword-infusion, the fog in front of him will retreat, and it will be considered a real breakthrough.

It’s just that it’s not easy...

In the end, this is the inheritance left by the dharma body. Every form is broad and profound, the mystery is hard to say, and the power is even more terrifying.

Along the way, the scenes that Lin Fei has seen are even more incredible.

One sword cuts the basalt, one sword cuts the stars, one sword breaks a small world that has just formed, and even fights against unknown beasts in the void...

When these pictures are spoken, they will be treated as fools.

However, Lin Fei saw it with his own eyes.

Lin Fei knows that these are the true experiences of the dharma body. The more so, Lin Fei can't see through it. This dharma body wandering in all realms and fighting the world, what is going on like this... frenzied.

It's just like seeing what destroys...

It is simply unbearable to watch these pictures in the same way, and they will be annihilated in an instant. Even Lin Fei needs a lot of spirit to watch them.

Fortunately, one pair of two pictures, so seeing the tenth picture, Lin Fei is really unbearable.

There is no doubt that it is another amazing picture.

It was a giant python, accompanied by the birth and growth of a small world at the same time. By the time the dharma body arrived, the giant python had reached an incredible scale.

The snake body surrounds the whole small world, connected end to end, this python almost merges with that world.

But when the earth-shattering sword arrived, the world that depended on the python directly broke into two halves, and the python was also hit hard...

Want to digest this incredible sword, has exhausted Lin Fei's effort...

Not to mention, Lin Fei did his best to deal with the imprint left by the dharma body.

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