
Chapter 1436: Show up again

No one knows what Chifa real people did with such an idea.

But there is one thing that everyone knows very well.

That is, since then, Chifa Real People regarded the Changsheng Palace and Bulao Mountain, the two ancient teachings, as the offenders to death, and even threatened to use the power of the whole school to live with Chifa Real People.

The reason why Wen Jianzong was not involved is purely that Wen Jianzong is also innocent of this matter and has no knowledge of the matter. After the incident, he also actively sent manpower to look for the traces of real red hair with the other two factions.

If this were not the case, after Chi Fa's real person disappeared, I am afraid that all three factions at that time would have to die together.

Now, the real red hair actually appeared again...

After this news spread, Lin Fei felt that he didn't have to wait for the World Extermination, then Luofujie had to be caught in a **** storm...

"Really an ancestor..."

Lin Fei sighed. In the plan, the entire Luofu Realm must be united to resist the big catastrophe. The two old forces, Bu Laoshan and Changsheng Palace, are important joint objects.

In the face of the future catastrophe, Luofujie does not have any qualifications for internal friction at all. If there is another storm, it will be bad...

But the only thing to be thankful is that this red-haired real person has no meaning yet, even to help these people, he has not actively exposed his identity.

Of course, I did not deliberately hide my identity...

It seems that he is like a Xianyun Yehe, and he just happened to meet his younger disciples, leaving a chance...

This is good news...

At least, this red-haired real man did not have the desire to be born at this time, but some time was left.

Even if it appears in the future, it is much better than now.

"Cultivation is still not enough..." Lin Fei felt a little helpless when thinking of this. Originally, he felt that after he was promoted to Fa, he could cope with most of the situation, but now, he is weak.

If a red-haired real person appears in the future, if he is a monk of the Fa phase, if he wants to intervene in mediation, who will care about you?

Only by having enough strength to influence the balance of the balance, can you be qualified to speak...

As for now, it’s useless to think too much...

It still matters to improve the strength...

Shaking his head, Lin Fei no longer thought of it, but turned to look at the stone sword in front of him...

According to the scene in the picture, this stone sword actually cut off the immortal fetus. It seems that this is the inheritance of this pass.


According to the legend in the Sword Sect, although this red-haired real person is a sword repairer in the realm of dharma, he is a bit strange and does not use any sword.

The only one was when the real red-haired man realized the Tianwen Thirteen Swords, in order to practice, he casually proposed a succinct essence from the underground cold iron ore veins and turned it into an iron sword.

After practicing the Tianwen Thirteen Swords in this way, they were carried with them and were called Tianwen Swords by future generations.

But everyone knows that Tianwenjian itself has no magical power at all, and the underground cold iron is mediocre, falling into the hands of ordinary disciples, which may be the level of a magic weapon.

The reason why you can ask Wen Jian such a loud name is because its owner is a real red-haired person.

The power that this stone sword just exploded just now, exudes momentum, and even its own material...

It doesn’t look like it’s a heavenly sword...

"Is it a mutation?"

Although Lin Fei just whispered casually, after he finished speaking, he felt that this might be the most reliable guess.

After all, the realm of Dharma body is already called the realm.

That is the true master of the world. Storms, lightning, space turbulence, and countless changes are just a matter of thought.

In some less civilized worlds, they are even called gods

This has been around for a long time. This original ordinary iron sword, if some unexplained mutation occurs, seems to be reasonable?

While observing the stone sword, Lin Fei suddenly found that among the stone swords, there seemed to be a dappled blood color, which looked like some creatures were left behind.


Lin Fei suddenly moved his heart.

You know, this sword follows the existence of the lunatics such as Red Hair Real Man. Red Hair Real Man slashes Xuanwu along the way, annihilates the world python, slashes the immortal fetus.

Enemy against all kinds of incredible existence...

Is it their blood on this?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei is a little excited. If it is really the blood stains that exist, it will make a lot of money...

Thinking of this, Lin Fei directly reached over and took it.

However, at this time, I saw that the stone sword suddenly moved, and then, just like a shadow snake, fled towards Lin Fei without warning.

"No!" At this time, Lin Fei just stretched out his hand, Lin Fei felt an amazing chill hit, an indescribable sense of crisis swept through, before he could hold it, he felt like he was being caught. Things are staring at...

A huge sense of crisis shrouded in...

Even if all the dangers he just experienced added up, Lin Fei felt that he was not so close to death as he is now...

In this instant, Lin Fei was too late to respond, completely subconsciously, and urged the heavenly swords to the extreme instantly. In an instant, the boundless sword light poured out from Lin Fei's body, vast and sharp. The sharp breath seemed to tear the space. Eventually, these powers turned into a horrible sword light, and towards the stone sword in front of him, fell down...

Follow, just listen to "bang" a loud noise...

The two sides collided...

For a time, the fog that fluttered around here was stirred up, and a large piece of sword light collapsed into a light spot, and the powerful momentum swept together, making the surrounding fog surging...

However, this collision only lasted for an instant.

The stone sword was slightly wound, and it was like a snake with a soft body. It directly bypassed the seven sword qi and ran into Lin Fei head-on.

All of a sudden, Lin Fei was too late to react, but just used his arm to hurriedly stop. At that moment, Lin Fei felt a powerful force and hit the arm fiercely.

A crisp bone breaking sound, clearly visible...

Lin Fei didn't even have time to feel the pain, and suddenly felt that this force knocked himself out directly...


Lin Fei didn't even have time to fall. When a person was in the air, a sip of blood spit out directly.

At that moment, Lin Fei couldn't feel the excess. It was just that if the attack was based on strength, he was just hit by a Fa phase lately...

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