
Chapter 1451: Spare

However, in the eyes of Manjur, Lin Fei at that time could only use the words of ancient fierce beast to describe...

Its fierceness completely surpassed the scope of human beings, especially Li Qingshan, who made fierce and aggressive, gave a scene that directly sucked into a nearly corpse, and it was even more frightening.

"Oh, Brother Lin..." At this moment, when Lin Fei walked in, Man Zhu'er wanted to come to the cold face, all with a little smile on his face: "Your injury is healed?"

Originally, Manjur was about to meet him, but just one step closer, he suddenly stepped in.

At that moment, in Manjur's vision, it seemed that he was walking towards himself, not a human monk, but an ancient fierce beast.

When Lin Fei walked around, he seemed to be a huge ancient beast. He lazily paced. Although he was completely relaxed, but just approaching, people felt a sense of depression.

After this momentum, Manzhuer took a subconscious step back.

"Huh?" Lin Fei had a strange look at Manzhuer, and then reacted.

After waking up from cultivation, I have never been able to converge.

After condensing his breath, he smiled apologetically at Manjur: "It was negligent at first, are you okay."

"It's okay..." Manzhuer finally breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, but for the momentum that Lin Feixin walked around just now, there was still a little bit of panic.

This kind of pressure just now, even if it is in Laoshan, only a few people can cause themselves...

The speed of Lin Fei's progress is terrifying...

"Have you finished talking..."

At this time, there was a dying voice...

Lin Fei turned his head and saw that the source of the sound was Qiao Zhifang nailed to the wall.

At this time, Qiao Zhifang, who was covered in blood and bruised, was also suffered by Lin Fei's unintentional agitation just now, as if he had suffered a first-level blow.

The scarred body was even more miserable. The scarred wound that had just healed was torn apart. The thick red blood dripped down, and just looking at it, it seemed that I could feel the pain in it.

When I was talking at this time, I was all weak and very quiet, as if I would be breathing away at any time.

If it weren’t for Lin Fei’s ears, he couldn’t hear...

"You still have opinions?"

Faced with the moan of Yu Hua, Manzhuer waved her whip, her face suddenly became a little cold, and her hand had already grasped the whip in her hand.

"Hehe..." Who knows, Qiao Zhifang means no fear at all, and even smiles weakly: "No need to pretend, if you want to kill me, you have already started? Since you don't want to kill me, heal me quickly, Otherwise, I'll die to show you later..."

"You..." Manzhuer suddenly looked cold, but before he finished talking, he was stopped by Lin Fei to reach out...

"Let me talk to him." Lin Fei smiled.

Manzhuer frowned, but said nothing, but nodded, looked at Qiao Zhifang, and turned to leave the cave.

For a time, in this cave filled with a **** smell, only Lin Fei and Qiao Zhifang were left...

"Cough..." At this time, Qiao Zhifang first made a few weak coughing noises. However, the **** face, but there was no fear, but just raised his head and stared at Lin Fei with some difficulty. After watching it for a long time, I squeezed a bit of helpless smiles and said: "The ancient heritage you got from this mountain, I am afraid that these two people still know nothing about it?"

"Ha ha…"

Lin Fei smiled, and the doubts in his heart were considered certain.

During this time, although Lin Fei was retreating, Yu Hua came by three to five times. He casually asked a few words. Lin Fei also didn't notice the battle and had some understanding.

First, the Tianyan sword array was reproduced in the hands of Qiao Zhifang...

At that time, Yu Hua was envious of jealousy and was puzzled. What kind of **** was Qiao Zhifang stepping on, even the sword array that had been lost so long ago could be regained.

But Lin Fei knows that the mountain over Qiao Zhifang's side should be the same as here...

As long as you go up, you can reap the heritage, but here you are asking about the inheritance of Jiandao left by Jianzong Chifa, and Qiao Zhifang should be the heritage of Lingxiao Pavilion...

"I know you may have some questions, but it doesn't matter, as long as you spare me and Pang Tong's life, I will tell you all the secrets in my hand, how?" Qiao Zhifang said.

Lin Fei smiled and said: "You can explain these things long ago, why do you have to work hard until now?"

"I know some things about you. The impact range is too large. The fewer people you know, the better..." Qiao Zhifang shook his head and then looked at Lin Fei: "In order to deal with you, I was in the hands of Manjur. For several days, this kind of sincerity should be enough?"

"Oh?" Lin Fei heard this, but came a little interested: "It seems that you know a lot?"

"If I could not fall into this place, I would rather not know those things..." Qiao Zhifang sighed: "Those long-lost Famen powers are endless, but the acquisition process is too difficult..."

"Go on." Lin Fei smiled, knowing what Qiao Zhifang knew, there were really many.

Reaching to save people, I was on the mountain and met the trace of the red-haired real person. This Qiao Zhifang, perhaps behind it, should also be encountered what mysterious existence...

Qiao Zhifang said here, with a complexion on his face: "Once we landed here, we thought we were in Jedi. Who knows but saw a meteor that came from outside the sky and fell not far away from us, a powerful one 'S might is rushing towards the sky, and thousands of miles nearby are all tumbling, we rushed away quietly, but we only saw a mountain standing..."

"and then?"

When Lin Fei heard this, he knew that Qiao Zhifang, there should be no word to open the river...

I believe that there should be a lot of people seeing such scenes. Just check the time and calculate the time, you can easily get what happened at that time.

Of course, what the specific details were at that time, maybe only Qiao Zhifang and the two knew...

"Then..." Qiao Zhifang said here, but suddenly he paused, his eyes turned to Lin Fei, but he didn't say anything...

Of course Lin Fei knew what the other party meant, but only smiled and said: "If you are telling the truth, you can spare your life."

"Oh, of course, I can trust your words."

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