
Chapter 1463: Ask Jianzong

After the wave just now, everyone was in full alert, and glanced around to look around. Any movements would be noticed by them in the first time.

Lin Fei is the same...

It's just that Lin Fei's observation direction is different from everyone's, but he looks at the place where he just left, frowning, as if thinking about something.

Originally, Lingling Wang had calmed down a bit and was looking for Lin Fei to say something. However, turning his head, he saw Lin Fei's expression and suddenly felt a sudden discomfort in his heart.

In the crisis just now, Lin Fei Ke also had this expression.

Then, that scary black snake appeared, sweeping everything in an instant, and even the giant turtle fled.

Now that everyone is safe, what does Lin Fei mean by this thoughtful expression?

"Brother Lin..." Wang Lingguan felt more and more uneasy, and said a little tentatively: "Did you find something again?"

"Ah? No..." Lin Fei suddenly froze.

"Then you..." Wang Lingguan was still at ease, hesitant to speak.

"Oh, rest assured." Lin Fei reacted this way. Wang Lingguan was worried about this and smiled: "At least it's really no danger now, I just feel a little strange..."

"Strange?" This time, Wang Lingguan was taken aback for a moment, but now he is out of danger. What's so strange?

Lin Fei touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Brother Wang, do you think these appear too often?"

"This..." Wang Lingguan obviously didn't think of it. After being reminded by Lin Fei, he suddenly reacted...

The series of incidents encountered along the way are too nervous and dangerous. In this case, there is no time to think too much.

But think about it now, it seems that this is really the case.

These terrifying existences appear too often...

You know, whether it is a demon emperor, or even a more powerful dharma body, there is absolutely a rare presence in all circles.

Looking at the situation of the ten major schools, we know that in the north of Luofu, the ten major schools are the undisputed hegemons, but this is the kind of existence. For a long period of history, no dharma body will be born.

According to Wang Lingguan's knowledge, perhaps in the depths of the ten major schools, it may have something comparable to the real body level of combat power, it may be an ancestor who has long been missing in history, it may be some kind of magic weapon .

Most of them are based on the accumulated history of their respective schools. As for who has really been promoted to the real state, it is the bottom secret among the various schools, and few people know it.

It is under such circumstances that the ten major schools can dominate the northern border for thousands of years, which is enough to prove how powerful this real body level is...

If one said that he and others met his dharma ancestor, it could also be said that it was a coincidence, and the black snake encountered later could also be said to be a coincidence.

When the giant tortoise appeared, no matter how it looked, it felt a bit wrong...

The probability of a series of coincidences is too low, which should contain some inevitable factor...

"Brother Lin, do you mean..."

Thinking of this, when Wang Lingguan looked at Lin Fei, his brows were already frowning, revealing the meaning of inquiry. Since Lin Fei raised this kind of question, there should be some answers in his heart.

"I do not know."


"Really don't know."

Lin Fei really didn't mean to be perfunctory, I really don't know about this...

Whether it is a demon emperor or a dharma body, it is all occupying a place. Tens of thousands of young immobile existences. It is inexplicable to encounter them one after another.

To insist on knowing something, Lin Fei felt that this situation, probably, maybe, may be related to the real red-haired person...

When I traversed the mountain, I saw a lot of pictures, and the red-haired real man was everywhere in the void, calming many incredible beasts.

In this dragon bone world, he went to find the trouble of this old dragon.

No matter how you look at it, this long-lost red-haired real person, like the ancient fierce beasts that Shou Yuan rushed to and tens of thousands, seems to be like a hatred.

If it was because of his arrival that all the beasts would be blown out, it seemed reasonable to say...

But if that's the case, it's really more troublesome...

The red-haired real person asked the ancestor of Jianzong improperly, why did he want to provoke the two giants of Bulaoshan and Changsheng Palace.

And after the provocation, even without an explanation, he disappeared for many years, and there was no news...

Over the years, many people, including Bulao Mountain and Changsheng Palace, have speculated that the red-haired real person should have had some kind of problem in his cultivation, which made him unconscious.

However, it now appears that Chih Fa's consciousness is not only clear, but during this period of disappearance, it seems that Xiu Wei has once again made a breakthrough, and is among the top among the dharma body.

It was just that the range of activities was transferred into the void, and there were a lot of earth-shattering events.

This tangled piece by piece is simply a mess, making people clueless.

Lin Fei just feels faint. As long as the answer to any of them is solved, it may be a jaw-dropping result, shaking off many people's jaws...

"Forget it..."

Lin Fei had no clue after thinking about it. He simply shook his head and stopped thinking.

Regardless of what Chifa real man had planned or experienced, it now appears that there is not much hostility toward those who ask the descendants of Jianzong.

This is enough...

Lin Fei revived his life and did not need any special help. Now, in just a few years, he has reached the state of law.

Next, it is only a matter of time as long as no one comes to deliberately make troubles and become a dharma body.

When the time comes, there is enough practice, no matter what problems the real red hair person had, and what secrets are hidden behind it, for Lin Fei, it can be solved...

Of course, the achievement of the dharma body is still a relatively distant matter.

Before that, you have to return to ask Jianzong...

This trip has gained a lot, but there is not much chance to sort it out. At the very least, you have to first transform yourself into a free array and deal with it...

"Go, ask Jianzong."

Lin Fei took a deep breath, and the words fell, urging the entire mountain, skimming the void, and galloping towards Luofujie...


Desolate land, broken formation...

This place was originally the place where the bite array under Lin Fei cloth was located. Once the clouds were engulfed, releasing great power and directly absorbing the two dharma phases.

But when Lin Fei and others left, the bite array was completely disintegrated, and the former formation power disappeared, leaving only a faint mist, slowly floating in the air, but there was no such kind of devouring. Power.

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