
Chapter 1469: Difficult to clean up

One piece or two may not be a big deal, but the accumulation of them is to ask Jianzong from generation to generation, and the background of the accumulation is the hard work of the predecessors...

Moreover, it is seen by others. This is equivalent to the efforts of the predecessors, and half of it will be lost...

As Tian Xingfeng, whose mission is to maintain the order of the martial arts, it is a slap in the face to watch the other party come in and search randomly.

"What do the elders say?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"What else can I say..." Song Tianxing whispered: "Elder Tianquan didn't keep the good demon tower. After he left the border, the first one clearly supported himself as his teacher and nephew. The elders were sent out in search of the heads of the leaders. I was sent the most by Tian Xingfeng, and even the gatekeeper could only find a foundation monk..."

"There is..."

Song Tianxing glanced at Lin Fei, and the words came to his mouth, but he seemed to hesitate a bit.

"Huh? What else?"

Lin Fei froze for a moment.

"Also, during this time, you don't want to go back to Yuhengfeng..."

"What do you mean?"

After hesitating again, Song Tianxing said, "You also know that this thing happened after all because of your master, so in the first time when the incident happened, Yu Hengfeng was already sent by the nine gates The next search..."

"Then...Yu Hengfeng's Qiu Yuehua, who wanted to resist at the time, was picked up by the elders of the nine major schools, and was later taken into the town demon tower by Luo Yuzhen..."

Perhaps seeing Lin Fei's complexion suddenly changed, Song Tianxing quickly added: "But you can rest assured that this is also a kind of protection for Qiuyuehua. After all, the elders were all in a hurry and were looking for someone to vent , And the place like Zhenyao Tower can guarantee the safety of Qiuyuehua."

After speaking, Song Tianxing looked at Lin Fei, hesitant to say anything, after all, everyone knows that the true biography of Yu Hengfeng is special.

I usually don't like to do much business, but if someone is wild in Yuhengfeng, it must be a lesson.

Shihe in previous years is the best example...

However, it is really not a good time to return to Yu Hengfeng now. It’s ugly. Anyway, there is nothing good on Yu Hengfeng, and there will be no loss anyway. Just let them search...

Who knows, Lin Fei shook his head, and asked no more...

Song Tianxing was relieved a little, comforting: "Relax, Qiu Yuehua is said to have been detained in Zhenyao Tower, but she didn't have any hardships, but she just stayed away from the wind. You stay here for a while. , Wait for those people to search, then you go back."

Originally, Song Tianxing wanted to talk to the two again. What happened to them during this missing time.

However, no matter whether it was Lin Fei or Wang Lingguan, there was no more interest at this time. After going to the Heavenly Penalty Peak, they each found a place to live. Although Song Tianxing had always had a strange feeling in his heart, it was not much. Say what.


In the morning, Lin Fei did not say hello and left Tian Xingfeng alone...

After Song Tianxing learned, Lin Fei disappeared long ago, leaving only an empty room...

"I rely on..."

Seeing this, Song Tianxing couldn't help but look stiff.

What I have been worried about still happened...

In fact, just after yesterday, after returning from the evening, Song Tianxing realized that he seemed to have said a little more...

Lin Fei didn't say much on the surface. It seemed that he had listened to his own advice and felt relieved to go to Heaven's Peak. But in fact, the previous shots had no warning...

I thought I had persuaded Lin Fei, but the more I thought, the more I felt wrong.

Looking at it now, sure enough...

Where Lin Fei was persuaded, this is completely in mind, but just not ready...

"Brother, brother, it's not good..."

Song Tianxing couldn't care much anymore, and turned to report to Wang Lingguan's house.

If it was something else, Song Tianxing might not worry about anything yet, and he didn’t even bother to check it out. Lin Fei would let him do whatever he wanted to do.

After all, Qianyuan lived in town before...

Everyone knows that although the real person of Qianyuan did not show the mountain or reveal the water, during the hundreds of years when he was in charge of Jianzong, no matter what challenges Jianzong encountered, he would always be as stable as Mount Tai.

In the same way, even if there is any deep hatred between the elders, if there is a real person in Qianyuan to mediate, it can be a spring wind...

In the previous mediations, the prestige of the real person of Qianyuan has been proven countless times...

Anyway, there are real people of Qianyuan on top of everyone's head, suppressing everything, not to mention Lin Fei is going to make trouble, even if Luo Shenxiao goes on the battle in person, it is just a small water flower on the calm lake.

The last thing is nothing more than a little thing, a little thing...

I can't excite any storms at all...

But now it is different...

The real person of Qianyuan is missing, and several elders are sent out, who stayed in Wenjianzong to hold the power, but also the elder Tianquan who had never dealt with Luo Shenxiao...

Now is the sensitive moment of the martial arts. At this time, if Lin Fei makes things big and no one mediates, then it is difficult to say how far things will develop.

It’s a mess now. If things get out of control, it’s really hard to clean up...

At this time, Song Tianxing knew that he was not qualified to intervene. Now in the Jianjianzong, only the highly qualified Wang Lingguan can solve it...

So now, Song Tianxing can't control that much anymore, he directly breaks into the Taoist temple located in the middle of Tian Xingfeng, after waking Wang Lingguan from cultivation.

I can’t take care of Wang Lingguan’s disturbed look, and he quickly uttered what I saw just now, and said it to 15 or 10...

Sure enough, after hearing these changes, Wang Lingguan's somewhat ugly look suddenly converged and turned a little dignified, but he didn't mean to speak or get up. He was still sitting on the futon, frowning slightly, as if Thinking about...

This thought is that the time of Banzhu has passed, but Wang Lingguan still has no intention of acting.

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