
Chapter 1492: See you

Gradually, a huge vortex formed in the sea of ​​fire again, and Baguakanli was in this huge suction, but was unable to help himself, and was drawn into it a little.

Until later, it directly became part of the whole vortex...

It took only a moment for the effort, and the gossip Kan Lihuo was disturbed and struck, and the struggling power became weaker and weaker.

Lin Fei knew that the opportunity was coming, so while the vortex power reached its strongest, Lin Fei raised his hand, and the Golden Dragon stopped suddenly, swallowing suddenly.

He directly gave the gossip Kan Lihuo, who was gradually unable to struggle, to his mouth, returned to Lin Fei, and spit the gossip Kanlihu in his mouth into Lin Fei's hands.

Followed by hovering around Lin Fei, as if guarding...

At this time, Lin Fei also did not hesitate, sitting in the endless flame, entrenched in the real element, so that the gossip ridge in his hand suddenly rose from the fire, gradually changed its shape, and turned into a three. The flame lotus with a perfect circle.

The lotus has a general substance, the petals are exquisite, and the surface seems to be flowing with red magma. At this time, the fire lotus is blooming completely. As Lin Fei released the soul beads, the petals are suddenly closed. .

A hot high temperature erupted inside and began to burn continuously...

At this time, if someone is watching on the side, it will be a wonder.

Lin Feipan sat in the endless flames, surrounded by a golden dragon like a real dragon, and in front of him looked like a magenta red flame lotus flower, hidden in the air, you can see the inside of the lotus is a strange black bead …

It must be said that Baguakan Lihuo is indeed a spiritual fire between heaven and earth. Now that it has been tempered, the black gas outside the Soul Soul is quickly melted and constantly touching the core of the center.

Burning in this way, until the last elemental spirit is quenched, you can begin to sacrifice his free array...

The next thing you need is to wait patiently...

Lin Fei closed his eyes and devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining, without interference from the outside world.

For a time, in the endless sea of ​​fire, it was completely quiet, except for the crackling flame of the burning sound, there was no other movement.

At this time, Changsheng Mountain...

Yu Hua showed his figure from the escape light and came to a hall, looking up at the hall at the top of the main peak of Bulao Mountain, but did not enter immediately, it seemed a little hesitant.

But he seemed to have thought of something. After clenching his teeth, he stepped into the entrance of the hall.

However, after entering, he did not see the scenery in the hall, only a boundless mist came.

For a moment, in all directions and throughout the palace, there was a thick white mist tumbling, and it was almost impossible to see what was around.

It seems that because of the existence of this fog, the whole palace is transformed into another world, which is mysterious.

Yu Hua didn't have an accident, just swallowed a spit, quietly, more cautiously...

In fact, this place is well-known throughout the Luofu world.

This palace is said to have been excavated from the ruins of the ancient heavenly school, but it was the place where the mysterious masters and disciples practiced.

The palace has the ability to cover up the heavens, which is equivalent to an independent world. As long as you enter this palace, even the real power of the real body level can't spy on the whereabouts.

In a more exaggerated legend, even if it was met with thunder robbery, when halfway through the robbery, entering the temple, the thunder robbery could not chase in.

Only after leaving this temple, the thunder will come again.

Of course, these are legends, and the true power of this temple has not been seen by many people, but most people are convinced of these legends.

Because in the Palace of Longevity, this hall is called the Hall of Deception, and only those who have reached the critical point on weekdays are not ready to live in the presence of thunder.

They are not present all the year round, and even the head of the team will not come to disturb easily.

As a true disciple, Yu Hua is not qualified to come here. It is just that Yu Hua has a special status besides the true disciple. This can make an exception...

As he walked in, the mist in front of him suddenly dissipated, revealing an old man, sitting on the futon with his eyes closed, his body thin, skinny, and a white robe covered like a skull.

He was sitting there clearly at this moment, but it seemed to blend in with the fog around him. He could clearly see him but could not feel it.

It seems to be aware that someone is approaching, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes calm and gentle, when he looked at Yu Hua, there was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth: "Calm, relax, want to achieve the law, from now on, you need to learn Always calm."

"Yes, uncle."

Yu Hua took a deep breath and slowly adjusted her thoughts, her restless mood gradually calmed down.

This old man has this kind of magical power, which can always make people relax. It seems that as long as he is present, all major things are nothing.

It is said that this old man has occupied a high position in the longevity palace since Jindan, and is considered by the upper and lower Changsheng palace as the next best candidate.

It was only after that big event broke out that the old man failed to succeed the master, but went into hiding in the Temple of Deception.

However, the Changsheng Palace has never forgotten the existence of the old man. Even the head of the old man who claimed to replace the old man claimed to be willing to give up the head of the old man and follow the old man and learn from him.

If Yu Hua had some thin blood vessels of the old man in her body, she would never enter this place and meet the old man.

"Now talk about what happened?" The old man said mildly and looked at Yu Hua.

"Just received the news from Jianzong, Lin Fei and Luo Yuzhen had a conflict."

"It's no surprise, haven't you said it already, Lin Fei didn't lose to Luo Yuzhen's genius, he returned to ask Jianzong, and inevitably clashed with Luo Yuzhen."

"But...According to information, Luo Yuzhen gave in, he released Qiuyuehua, and..." Yu Hua said he was a little hesitant, and finally gritted his teeth, and said simply: "And Lin Fei gave Brother Wu Ying a lesson. After one pass and the return, the elders all said, Ask Jianzong this is a move to rebel. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to join the rest of the nine major schools and go to ask Jianzong Xingxing to ask for sin."

"Well, we have to completely dismantle Wenjianzong before we can study it... This time Lin Fei's return made Wenjianzong a civil disorder. It was indeed a good opportunity." The old man nodded: "But you should be here Say something else?"

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