
Chapter 1500: Fang Duan

A fat face was even a bit jerky. After seeing Lin Fei, he wanted to salute and wanted to say something. There was a little helpless there...

"Brother Qi Yue, let's talk in advanced..."

Lin Fei couldn't see it anymore, and directly spoke to him.

Lin Fei has no doubt that as long as he does not speak, the other party may be hesitant to spend more than half an hour here.

No way, this brother Qi Yue is so special...

All in all, Qi Yue followed Lin Fei's group of disciples who came to ask Jianzong. When everyone was an outside disciple, everyone else struggled for strength and practice, fighting for various opportunities to complete tasks.

Including Lin Fei's predecessor, basically everyone wants to be appreciated by powerful elders when selecting inner disciples and get a better future.

As long as this brother Qi Yue, also because he was born in the world, he has always been very small, never arguing for anything, grabbing anything, those who came from the family of immortal cultivation come to him for help, and they never dare to refuse .

Everyone thought that this unremarkable mortal fellow was destined to be the life of a disciple outside his life, and no one paid much attention to it.

That's all the way to the selection meeting of disciples outside.

This cautious brother Qi Yue was shocked by a blockbuster, and was detected in a weak water spirit body that was rare for a hundred years. He was born with a rare talent in water line spells.

This was directly taken by Elder Tian Xuanfeng, and in countless consternations, he was accepted as a personal disciple.

At that time, many people worried that Qi Yue, who had become a disciple of the inner disciples, would have a grudge. After all, many people had instructed him.

Who knows, Qi Yue does not seem to know that her identity has changed. She is still the shy and unspoken. Among the many disciples of Elder Tianxuanfeng, it is also the most obscure.

After so many years, Qi Yue, who is most valued by the elders of Tian Xuanfeng at the Outer Door Selection Conference, has no place to stand out. In addition to these years, Luo Yuzhen, Tang Tiandu, and even Song Tianxing and others, Brilliant.

Qi Yue didn't do anything amazing, so she faded out of sight again...

In fact, if it wasn't for Qi Yue's weak water spirit body, it was the best manpower to manipulate Tianxuanfeng's Eight Spirits to get water streamers. Lin Fei would not think of him.

When I saw this Qi Yue, she still didn't know what to say. Lin Fei said patiently: "Senior Qi Yue, if you want to come to Luo Yuzhen, can you tell me clearly?"

"Yes, I made it clear. Brother Luo Yuzhen said let me obey your assignment and do one thing together. Besides me, there are a few brothers..." When asked by Lin Fei, Qi Yue should have been It was just a bit embarrassing after he finished speaking. He pointed out with a hesitant face: "It’s just... they don’t, it’s not very convenient to come up, and I want to ask Brother Lin to come down to the mountain..."

Speaking of which, Qi Yue looked at Lin Fei a little uncomfortably. Although these words were enough to be euphemistic, anyone could hear that they were tired.

It’s not convenient to be fake, and there are opinions in my heart that are true, especially when Luo Yuzhen has clearly issued an order, and dare to make such a statement. Obviously, the opinion is not so big...

With Lin Fei’s past history of fighting without a word, Qi Yue is really worried that if he finishes speaking, will he see a war immediately...

"Oh, let's go down the mountain together..."

Lin Fei didn't seem to hear the voice outside the conversation, just smiled, and then went down the mountain first...

Then, I met old acquaintances...

That is Tang Tiandu.

Lin Fei glanced, but not surprised.

Looking at the whole Sword Sect, there are very few people who are qualified to break into the underground fire veins, and even fewer people can directly face the Fire Demon Emperor.

In order to rebuild the indestructible sword body, Tang Tiandu was trained in the Eight Directions Storm Furnace. Because of this experience, the damage caused by the ground fire was much smaller.

Therefore, when discussing the manpower with Luo Yuzhen, Luo Yuzhen added Tang Tian to them.

"Oh, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Seeing this fellow who was repeatedly enemies with himself, Lin Fei took the initiative to smile, beckoning.

There is neither Qi Yue's anticipation of meeting the enemies, especially jealousy, nor once he meets, he fights.

After all, for Lin Fei, it is really not a matter of being filthy with Tang Tiandu...

Even before that, Tang Tian repeatedly broke into Yu Hengfeng, showing a provocative attitude, Lin Fei did not take it seriously at all, at most it was just a little trouble.

This is really not Lin Fei underestimating the other party...

It is really a lot of things that Lin Fei has to do, and they are all related to the future world annihilation. Compared with this kind of catastrophe that is enough to destroy the world, a Tang Tiandu is really worthless Lin Fei. Go to mind what hates him.

Tang Tiandu didn't even look at Lin Fei at all, even as if he didn't hear it.

The expected worst-case scenario did not happen. Qi Yue was relieved and quickly followed, pulling the man next to Tang Tiandu and introducing Lin Fei: "Brother Lin, this is Brother Fang Duan, the palm of Qian Yuan The first disciple of Menshou was the first brother of our generation to achieve Jin Dan, but these years, he has been walking around instead of the head. He has been traveling around the world in recent years. Immediately hurried back, once in front of the mountain gate, with the Qingshuang Master Qingshuang Master hard to fight a hundred tricks, dragging Brother Luo to return..."

"Oh, Brother Qi said it was too exaggerated..."

Fang Duan, known as the master brother, looks like he is in his twenties, his face is fair and fair, giving people a quite easy-going feeling.

It's just that his face was faintly pale, and his breath was a little faint, and from time to time he coughed gently, seemingly quite weak.

After hearing Qi Yue’s introduction, he waved his hands and smiled and said, “It’s just the dog of the bereavement who was beaten by the Qingshuang Master. The injury has not been cured yet. I’m just here to beat him. The command is..."

"Brother Fang is kind..."

Lin Fei didn’t ask for it, but he also kindly bowed his hand...

Among the disciples who asked Jianzong, Fang Duan was adopted by Qianyuan real people from an early age, even Li Qingshan was behind him, not to mention the highest rank, it was also one of the best, even when Luo Yuzhen worshipped Qianyuan real people. Under the door, Fang Duan personally guided to help him build the foundation.

The most rare thing is that this side is easy-going and undisputed. After Luo Yuzhen began to rise, and Qianyuan real people showed the meaning of inheritance, he actively asked to be sent abroad to make way for Luo Yuzhen.

Many people say that if Fang Duan's temper is slightly stronger, ask Jianzong Zhong, it will not be so calm.

After leaving Wenjianzong, this side's prestige among the disciples, not only did not decline, but became stronger. There is a faint weather in the future to ask the elder Jianjianzong...

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