
Chapter 1508: bully

Where is this truth under the sky? !

Qi Yue's anger grew stronger, but when he looked at Tang Tiandu who didn't care about himself from beginning to end, he also looked at Lin Fei, who had nothing to do with it. The anger was full, but there was nowhere to vent.

Neither Lin Fei nor Tang Tian are far from Qi Yue as a golden pill, enough to challenge.

In fact, the reason why he can come here is because he has Ba Ling Nong streamer in his hand.

Since the practice, he has rarely asked the sword sect to go out. Although it is only sinister in the practice world, he has not experienced much.

But now, Qi Yue felt a sad, deep feeling of powerlessness.

However, obviously, whether it is Lin Fei or Tang Tian, ​​Qiyue's current mood is meaningless.

After quickly dividing this red gold tree, Lin Fei finally seemed to remember something. He pulled a few green leaves from the tree and turned it over in his hand. He handed it to Qi Yue and said: "These The leaves are born with yang and worn on the body to expel evil spirits."

"No need, Brother Lin keeps it for himself." Qi Yue said a little stiffly.

However, Lin Fei didn't care so much. After finishing the talk, he couldn't help but talk about Qi Yue.

Along the way, Qi Yue's previous gentle attitude became alienated and became even more reticent. She took the initiative to reach Fang Duan to help her find the way, and was unwilling to stay beside Lin Fei and Tang Tian.

On this day, the group of four people went deeper, but found a lot of treasures born in the land of extreme sun.

But most of them were Tang Tian and Lin Fei, for various reasons, in advance of official fees, and occasionally only a few pieces were left before they were brought out, giving Qi Yue who looked more and more ugly. Carve up.

After three or four hours of walking like this, the four finally reached the core of the earth fire.

Here is already out of the channel opened by the Kunwu real sword, and the eyes are suddenly bright, and there are bare dark red rocks in all directions, and you will encounter lava lakes when you walk a while.

Along with the lake, the magma foam was turned up and the hot air was curled up.

It looks like hell...

At this time, everyone was the same, became a lot more careful, and their feet became quite cautious.

According to the records of the Zongmen classics, this place is extremely close to the core of the Earth Fire Elemental Vessel. Crossing this place is the range of activities of the Fire Demon Emperor...

At this time, walking in front, already disappearing in the mist, the signal suddenly came.

Tang Tiandu acted swiftly, and was quite skilled in catching up with him.

Lin Fei and the two left behind, and soon, it was clear that there was another tens of feet of magma lake in front.

From time to time, the flaming magma foam turned out, and a plume of hot air with a smell of sulfur drifted through the air.

The most striking thing is that in the middle of this magma, there is a fiery red flower standing proudly.

The petals are carved like red crystals, delicate and gorgeous, reflecting the shimmer under the fire. As the magma stirs at the root, it moves the green vines, making the petals slightly rippling.

At this time, Fang Duan was at the edge of the magma lake, looking at the red flower, and wanted to pick it up, but he seemed hesitant...


Soon, Tang Tiandu arrived behind...

After he saw the red flower, he suddenly looked: "Fire Element Flower?"

Tang Tiandu did not hesitate anymore. After that, he looked back at Lin Fei: "I want the petals, and the roots belong to you..."

As for Qi Yue and Fang Duan, they were directly ignored...


Qi Yue had been accustomed to being ignored so much along the way. Originally, this trip was not to divide up these treasures. In addition, Qi Yue's temperament was already soft and always endured.

But this time, Qi Yue really felt unbearable.

Other treasures are just fine. Even if you miss this time, there are various alternatives when you wait for the outside world.

However, the Huo Yuan Dan refined by this Huo Yuan Hua is the most important ingredient for curing the injury at the side.

Now, in order to increase the fighting power, the two men actually knew nothing about it, and directly spent the fire element alone.

Along the way, under the banner of Zongmen, for his own self-interest, he could not even lose his face.

Especially when Fang Duan shook his head and smiled bitterly, his face was a little dark, and it seemed that he wanted to make a concession again, which made Qi Yue reach the verge of an outbreak.

Do not take such bullies!

At this time, seeing that Huo Yuan Hua was about to be picked again, Qi Yue was finally unable to bear it, and he planned to compete.

However, at this time, Qi Yue suddenly frowned...

It seems a bit wrong...

Ba Ling Nong streamer, who has been involved in his own life, seems to be slightly rippling?

This is no small matter.

This Ba Ling Nong streamer is taken from the eight-headed aquatic soul and revolves around a long-earned celestial bead pearl, which is best at restraint and induction of fire.

You should know that the Ba Ling Nongwa will not be disturbed. Once a feeling is generated, it is generally aware of the danger...

Qi Yue subconsciously urged the spirit of Baling Nongwa to cover his eyes.

Sure enough, Qi Yue discovered that the color of that Huoyuan flower was a little abnormal, and there was an abnormal blood color between the reds.

This is strange...

Huoyuanhua itself is a vigorous yang, the red color is extremely pure, how can there be strange blood color?

As I looked down further, I saw that the root of the Huoyuanhua was actually a little filthy black...

Seeing this, Qi Yue immediately understood.

This Huoyuanhua really has a problem...

Huo Yuanhua was originally a rare super-yang spirit between heaven and earth, and indeed it should not have any abnormalities, but if it gradually grows up, it will inevitably absorb their breath if it meets some monsters and ghosts.

Although it has little effect on the power of medicine, it will inevitably make itself show some abnormalities.

In other words, this Huoyuan Flower is afraid that the Lord will be guarding it...

Thinking of this, Qi Yue looked at the surrounding magma with some uneasiness.

With this fire element flower contains magnificent spiritual power, not only the number of peepers can be attracted, but also it must not be weak.

The existence that can be killed out of that group of competitors must not be ordinary.

These thoughts flashed quickly in Qi Yue's mind, and they hurriedly wanted to remind Tang Tian to be careful with Lin Fei.


Then the words came to my mouth. Suddenly thinking of the experience along the way, I suddenly swallowed the words at my mouth.

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