
Chapter 1517: Explain

He took this token, which seemed to be somewhat reluctant, but after stroking it twice, the reluctance suddenly retreated, and a firm color floated on the surface: "This is the token, wait until After strangling the fire demon emperor, you can ask Brother Li to get a fire demon emperor demon pill, which may not be as good as the innate thing, but it is enough to complete this token..."

"Brother Fang..."

Qi Yue hesitated.

"Haha, my ending is doomed, and there is nothing to say." Fang Duan said with a smile: "I was born in the world, and I can have today. It is completely the result of Master's cultivation, otherwise it will have been turned into a piece of loess. Now, it’s just returning his life to Wen Jianzong. Brother Qi doesn’t have to care."

Qi Yue saw Fang Duan really was a free and easy look, and immediately sighed.

Although he could not bear it, as a monk, he also knew that there was no need to persuade anymore.

Qiu Renderen, this is the ending Fang Duan gave himself. No matter how many others said, I am afraid that he cannot change his mind.

This scene even gave Qi Yue a feeling of being a real person in Qianyuan...

Calm but indifferent, as if nothing could touch his heart...

If Fang Duan can escape this robbery and continue to practice, he will certainly be able to usher in a rebirth. Ask Jianzong will usher in another Kunwu real person or Qianyuan real person.

It is a pity that because of the previous battles, Fang Duan lost this possibility...

Thinking of this, Qi Yue no longer shirks, but is ready to accept the token.


Just before it was taken over, a hand was stretched out next to it and took the token with it.

"Tang Tiandu?"

Qi Yue froze for a moment, and looked up, wondering when Tang Tian came to the side, holding the token in his hand and playing with it carefully.

In the same way, Lin Fei came to the side unconsciously. At this moment, if he thought thoughtfully, he seemed to have listened for a long time...

"Brother Lin, you, you are, yes, Brother Tang, this token..." Qi Yue was a little stunned. He didn't expect that when he heard it, he was all gathered next to him.

But after the reaction, it was quickly to take over the token.


Tang Tiandu gave him a cold look, but he didn't mean to return the token. Instead, he looked at Lin Fei: "What do you think?"

Lin Fei looked a few times at the moment and nodded, "You can give it a try."

Qi Yue looked left and right, and the more he listened to the conversation, the worse.

Too familiar...

On this way, when there are any treasures, Tang Tiandu and the two are not like that.

Disregarding themselves and Brother Fang at all, they simply discussed with them and divided the treasures cleanly.

Now this kind of style is exactly the same as the previous routine.

But this time it was different.

Those things in the front are robbed, they are robbed after all, but this token was taken out by Brother Fang himself! It was also personally given by Qianyuan.

It's not easy to say, this is almost a relic of Brother Fang.

The two of them didn't let it go this time. Even such things as Brother Fang's efforts must be taken away?

If the previous experiences were ignored, Qi Yue could still tolerate in order to ask Jianzong to consider, but this time, Qi Yue could no longer stand it, and he had to resist anyway.


Waiting for Qi Yue to speak, but there is a voice coming...

"Two brothers, you are too much..."

It was Fang Duan who spoke this time.

Along the way, there was a gentle side who kept giving in. This time, it was a rare rebuttal.

He suddenly opened his mouth, looked at Tang Tiandu and Lin Fei, and said seriously: "Any other treasures can be given to you, but this token and inheritance, I am ready to give it to Qi Yue Brother Shi, this is the most appropriate arrangement for asking Jianzong. If the two brothers do not have selfishness at this time, it is best not to make any idea about this token."

Tang Tiandu looked coldly and said: "Senior Brother also knows, this is to ask what the Sword Sect belongs to. Now that the master is missing from a group of elders, it should naturally be handed over to the elder Tian Quanfeng, the eldest senior, together with Brother Luo Yuzhen. Negotiate."

"Tang Tiandu, you still have to be shameless!" Before Tang Tian finished, Qi Yue burst into shock, and her voice was a little trembling: "It's not just you who gave it to you. Just want to greet Brother Fang's token."

All along, Tang Tian's attitude towards Qi Yue has been directly ignoring the general. After all, in asking Jianzong, the identity gap between the two parties is too large, and Tang Tian has completely ignored the need.

But this time, Tang Tiandu was looking at Qi Yue for the first time, narrowing his eyes and saying, "Whose token do you say this is?"

"This is clearly the pain of Brother Fang Duan..."

I don't know why, seeing Tang Tian staring at himself, Qi Yue's attitude suddenly stagnate, and obviously the reason is somewhat guilty.

However, under the support of that rising anger, he continued to stare at Tang Tiandu, and argued reasonably: "If it was not for Brother Fang who took the risk to get it out, then he painstakingly studied the method of complementation..."

"Unpretentious!" This time, without waiting for Qi Yue to finish his speech, Tang Tian suddenly shouted, "This is what I asked Jianzong, when will it belong to the disciple? Brother Fang was only instructed to keep it temporarily. Don’t you understand the simple principle of giving and receiving in private?"

"You are a strong word!"

Qi Yue's face flushed red.

"Oh, well, Brother Qi is a little restless."

At this very moment, Lin Fei, who had been on the verge of speechlessness, suddenly stepped forward and smiled round the court with a familiar smile: "Everyone is asking Jian Zong for good. It’s so big, it’s better to negotiate slowly in the future."

However, Qi Yue would hear so much. Looking at Lin Fei's smiling face at this time, he remembered the grievances along the way.

Most of the time, this is the routine. Tang Tian sang a white face, Lin Fei came up to sing a red face again, and when the two sang a harmony, all the gains were taken away.

Once or twice is okay, but once more times, the fool can not see.

Just because of the other party's prestige, Qi Yue did not dare to say more.

However, this time, Qi Yue didn't care so much: "You two are the same raccoon dog. You came here only for your own personal benefit, clearly not for the sake of asking Jianzong."

Lin Fei didn't mean to be angry, just smiled, didn't speak, and stepped aside as if nothing happened.

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