
Chapter 1522: resentment

Unless it is in the late phase of the Fa, the Fa and the Heaven and Earth have been cultivated to the realm, and the distance from the Dao Realm is only a line away, in order to completely offset these advantages...

But it was so easy. The realm of Fa-phase, one step at a time, oneself away from the late phase of Fa-phase, that is even more separated from the world...

At this time, seeing this giant approaching, Qi Yue really didn't even have the courage to do it.

At that time, his legs were soft, and he even wanted to throw away the magic weapon in his hand and turned to escape.

This is not cowardly, but a natural coercion above the level of life.

The gap is too big...

Fortunately, after all, Qi Yue has not been completely overwhelmed by this pressure, and she knows clearly that if she really does this, she will really die...

In this place of fire element, every bit of magma is the eyes of the fire demon emperor. Instead of fleeing, it is better to turn around and fight, and there is a line of life!

Can't counsel!

Thinking of this, Qi Yue gritted her teeth, and her heart was set.

I have waited for people to make sufficient preparations, and there is hope.

As long as according to the plan, Tang Tiandu and others can entangle the Fire Demon Emperor for a while, they can urge the Ba Ling to get the water streamer, and try to trap the Fire Demon Emperor with the power of the boundless water.

Along the way, Tang Tian and Lin Fei both used the excuse of improving their fighting power, and did not know how many treasures they had won.

Now, it is time for them to come into play!

Qi Yue suddenly looked awe-inspiring.

Without wasting time, slammed the Baling Nong streamer, slammed it, and urged the whole body to flow into it.

Suddenly, the whole hot space filled with a cool meaning.

At the same time, he turned his head and shouted in the direction of Tang Tiandu: "Do it!"


At this time, Tang Tiandu didn't change his face...

It looks as if he hasn't seen Qi Yue's movements, and doesn't mean anything.

Instead, at the moment Qi Yue was drinking, he gave him a cold look, without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand and squeezed a seal.

Suddenly, the slightly unhealthy fluctuations of the true element in his whole person seemed to disappear completely.

Even the breath of the whole person, together with the blood, stopped suddenly.

While doing this, Tang Tiandu quickly backed away.

To be honest, if it weren't for Tang Tiandu's backward movement, the whole person is really similar to the dead man...

Even so, it looks like a moving zombie at this time.


After Qi Yue shouted, she looked at this scene with some surprise.

The whole person was in a state of dumbstruck, even with his mouth wide open, which had remained intact and could not be closed for a long time...

what happened?

Next, shouldn’t Tang Tian understand his intentions and plans after he yelled, but should he go and haunt the Fire Demon Emperor?

What does this mean now?

Why didn't he pounce on it, but instead pinched a breath-taking handprint, then turned and ran?

Damn, did you get the wrong script?

This **** script is wrong? !

However, the Fire Demon Emperor obviously does not care about Qi Yue's so much psychological activity.

At this moment it looked roughly, Tang Tian was like a dead man.

In contrast, Qi Yue and Fang Duan, who are still in place, will be conspicuous countless times. They are simply fireflies in the night...

This time, I immediately locked in my goal, strode towards them, and strode closer to the past...

Suddenly, Qi Yue's face turned green directly...

Quickly want to retreat, quickly looked around, want to find where Lin Fei.

Unfortunately, the distance between the two sides seems a bit far...

Before waiting to find Lin Fei, I saw this Fire Demon Emperor, as if he had identified himself, and had rushed not far away.

For a time, Qi Yue was urging the Ba Ling Nongshui stream to a critical juncture, and he could not do it if he wanted to escape.

Moreover, this fire demon emperor, does not give the slightest chance to escape...

At this time, a giant claw waved violently, and the endless lava sea came together with it.

The tumbling magma, with the giant claws, fell like a sky and a sun...

Between Qi Yue and Huang Huang, it is simply inevitable.

Between Zhengxin and despair, he felt a force behind him and dragged himself to the side.

Suddenly, the whole person fell to one side under this power.

The whole person is dangerous and dangerous, passing by the strong wind.

It was just that the hot magma fell, but it was impossible to avoid. Suddenly there was a lot of trouble, and the robe on his body was broken by several holes.

Despite this, Qi Yue is already disgraced.

But now, Qi Yue couldn't care about it, but quickly looked in the direction of saving herself.


That's the side that has been suffering with himself.

However, after rescued Qi Yue, Fang Duan lost the best chance of escape. Although he was also trying to avoid it, he still suffered the biggest aftermath.

At this time, the warm face was completely unclear. The whole person was unkempt, and there were black and red marks on the body-that was the result of erosion by magma.

The most serious is that there are several scary and scary scars on the body, which almost traverse the whole body. The blood in the wound is unequal to flow out, but it is burned by the high temperature, condenses the wound, and prevents the blood from flowing out.

This is not so much a monk, it is more like a prisoner who has experienced the harshest punishment, not a humanoid...

Seeing this scene, Qi Yue was all cold.

It can be said that this should be his own end, however, Fang Duan was at the last moment to save himself.

This is Fang Duan who suffered these injuries instead of himself...

"Fang, Brother Fang..."

Looking at this scene, Qi Yue swallowed fiercely, almost speechless.

Fang Duan in front of me, watching the distance fall, only one step away...

And this is because he is too weak, and ... Tang Tian and Lin Fei.

It's these two people, that kind of profit-oriented approach leads to...

If Fang Duan got the treasure to treat the injury earlier, it must not be so fragile now!

Dharma priests, even if it is greatly reduced, it should be so difficult to escape this blow!

For a moment, thinking of Lin Fei and Tang Tiandu both felt resentful.

Originally, I kindly and kindly helped, who knows that along the way, it is actually regarded as an abandoned child who can be used, and even not seen by others.

Knowing this before, I shouldn’t have promised to help.

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