
Chapter 1531: did not expect

Finally, after a few stagnations, the fire demon emperor suddenly reacted from the stagnation.

However, this is too late.

Can only be a burst of desperate and stern roaring sound, with the last power, desperately waving the claws, against the two sides.

But this has no effect. Although the counterattack before death was strong, after all, it lost its biggest support.

Lin Fei and the two also lost the last obstacle. The battle experience of all kinds of hard work was brought to the fullest.

Every time the Fire Demon Emperor had just shot, they would be forced to go back by various means. The Fire Demon Emperor could not escape from the endless siege.

The most important thing is that the biggest crisis of the fire demon emperor is not Lin Fei's attack, but in the body...

Through the brutal wounds, we can see that inside the huge and magnificent body, there was a chill.

An ice-cold meaning spread quickly, turning the inside of this body into a icy sky and snow, and the blazing flame was extinguished quickly.

There was a cold and cold meaning in the fire demon emperor, spreading out...

But after two or three breaths, this fire demon emperor completely collapsed.

It seemed that there was a force bursting out from the inside, so that the fire demon emperor turned into a stream of tens of thousands of streamers, just like a grand firework, bursting out in all directions.

This firework lasted for more than ten years, and it never stopped...

When everything is over, there is only one person left in place...

That's Fang Duan.

At this time, Fang Duan was already covered with ice and cold, breathing a chill.

His hair became frost, the breath was weak to the extreme, and the only vitality was slowly passing away.

However, in his arms, he was holding something fiery red.

It looked like a heart, but it was the size of a human head. Although it was still on the side of the cold body, it still exhaled a fiery breath, hopping hopping in his arms.

Qi Yue couldn't care much anymore at this time, and quickly stepped forward, and helped the side of the ground fall.

However, Fang Duan shook his head hard and looked at Lin Fei.

When he spoke, he spit out coldness in his mouth and hugged the heart of the Fire Demon Emperor in his arms. He looked seriously and said: "Senior Brother Lin, the essence of the Fire Demon Emperor is all about this. I hope you can keep your promise. That opportunity for enlightenment is given to Brother Qi Yue."

Lin Fei glanced at him and nodded, "I promise."

Fang Duan's tense face eased down a little and spread his hands. It turned out that it was the token.

Only now, in the middle of the token, it is shining with red light, and it is connected with the surrounding seals, which seems to be one.

"This token, I have completed it when the Fire Demon Emperor collapsed, then I will give it to Brother Qi, I hope the two brothers can keep their promises."

When it came to the end, Fang Duan was looking serious, looking at Tang Tiandu and Lin Fei.

Seeing that both of them had no objections, it was finally a relief, looking at Qi Yue, but his face was still a bit worried and worried, his lips moved, and he seemed to want to say something.

Suddenly sighed, without saying much, just reached out and handed the token out slowly.


Just listened to the sound of a soft sword.

Fang Duan looked down at his chest. Yin red blood slowly poured out from a flat wound.

If it wasn't for the sword was too fast, then after the heart was wounded, the wounds were neatly fitted together, I am afraid that there is blood flowing now.

"Unexpected?" Tang Tian glanced at him.

Nine dragon-shaped sword qi, hovering around, just one of them, like a living creature, wandering outside for a while, just returned.

Just look carefully, you will find blood stains on it...

Tang Tiandu raised his hand back to the blood stains, as if it was not him who just made the sword, but just looked at Fang Duan, with a sense of indifference in his eyes, as if appreciating his pain.

It turned out that Qi Yue, who was about to take over the token, was staring at it all in a daze, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

When he was in a daze, Lin Fei reached out and grabbed the token.

Looking at it for a few times, it seems to be studying, but the scene in front of me is invisible.

"Lin Fei, Tang Tiandu, you, you..."

Qi Yue reacted violently, pointing at Lin Fei and Tang Tiandu, his voice trembling a little.

There was hardly any words to express his mood at this time.

He had never imagined that at this last moment, Brother Fang had sacrificed himself. Lin Fei and Tang Tiandu were both able to do the same thing with the same skills.

In order to take this token as his own, he actually did not hesitate to kill the other brother...

This is no longer explained by greed, it is completely the enemy's general behavior.

However, Lin Fei's accusation against him did not care about the general, but after watching the token for a moment, he suddenly grabbed it.

The token was under tremendous pressure, and a crack suddenly appeared on the surface. Finally, just before it broke, the entire token seemed to be alive, and a sharp roaring sound was emitted from this giant force...

Then, among the tokens, a tiger was born.

This is generally the same as the tiger that Fang Duan previously released, but now on this side, the breath is more than doubled. When he rushed out, he breathed the cold air.

Only now, this tiger has not completely condensed its figure, even the surface is looming and the breath is fluctuating.

After being crushed by Lin Fei, the tiger seemed to be suddenly awakened, but was directed at Lin Fei and bite away.

It's just that this tiger was suddenly exposed, obviously not well prepared and unable to exert any strength.

From the beginning, it was caught in Lin Fei's control.

Just a sword rushed out and shattered it.


Qi Yue saw the line in front of her, and the whole person was caught by surprise, completely unresponsive.

This, this, what is this...

Why is there a means of attack in the token given by Brother Fang Duan?

Could it be that he had long predicted that Lin Fei would break out? Steal this token, so left behind for this?

No, no, if it is expected, Fang Duan will have precautions from the beginning. How could Lin Fei easily succeed like now.

So what does this mean, and the real token is left by the real people of Kunwu, where countless rare materials are condensed, and it is impossible to crush it like this...

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