
Chapter 1539: Incredible

However, the magic weapon is an exception. The monks sacrificed the prohibition and merged countless heaven and earth treasures. The magic weapon can naturally breed the magic weapon.

But Yuanling is only Yuanling after all, not a real life.

But when it comes to the innate way, the magical spirit will undergo an essential transformation. Specifically, it will have a real breath of life. It can even be said that this is a new kind of birth in addition to the natural way of heaven and earth. Souls.

Once born, it enters the congenital ranks, and is no longer imprisoned by the magic weapon to drive away the shell.

This is the most important feature of the innate magic weapon.

But now, after experiencing the initial sacrifice of earth fire, Lin Fei felt the kind of breath that belongs to the innate Yuanling...

If it undergoes further refinement, it is not too far away from innate...


Now, he only listens to a dull roar that seems to come from the chaos, and suddenly bursts out of that Jianyang.

In an instant, I saw countless sword lights, carrying a sword in the sky, sweeping in all directions...

As for Fang Duan, it is in the center of being swept...

The endless roars were connected into one piece, and the whole space was filled with cracks and crumbling, as if it might collapse completely at any time...

"Lin... fly!"

When the roar gradually extinguished, at the square end that swept through the center of countless sword lights, gradually emerged from the sky of flames and smoke...

However, in Fang Duan today, the changes are great...

The dense sword marks appeared on his body, and the blood in the wound spewed out continuously.

But not much has flowed out, in the mid-air, it was evaporated by the high temperature, dissipated, turned into a dry blood-red mist, and fluttered away...

With the loss of blood, the breath of Fang Duan's entire person is rapidly languishing and shrinking.

This is just a short amount of interest, and that breath is a sudden fall into the realm of entering the law...

After burning the wound with flames and sealing it to death, the falling breath only stopped for a while...

However, at this time, his free array seemed to be alive. Like a fierce beast eating, a burst of suction erupted. The dissipated blood red mist was completely absorbed by it.

With the continuous absorption, thousands of sword lights were brewed again, and with a snorting sound, it was cut to the side...

All of a sudden, thousands of sword lights passed through, and the endless sword intention permeated, as if to cut the space, and the entire dozens of miles of space nearby was turned into a sword hell...


At this time, Fang Duan seemed to know that there was not much hope of escape, so he did not go back and forth, and a stern look appeared in his eyes. With a roar, the whole person rose up with the last force and took the initiative to welcome him...

The two met each other, and it didn't take long for them to collide...

All of a sudden, as if this space were to be destroyed, the power of terror stirred up, erupted, and spread throughout the space.

It seems that there are dozens of miles of underground magma nearby, which are constantly surging...

When the collision gradually stopped, I saw the scarred side of the side. On the chest, a deep bone was visible, and a shocking wound appeared.

The rolling blood was very hot and overflowing, but it was no waste at all. In the process of falling, it was swallowed by the other free array.

"I am dead, don't you want to live today!"

With a stern shout, Fang Duan suddenly pulled out a **** token from the chest scar.

In the middle of the place, there is a twisted flame, and between the twists, it exudes a terrible coercion, as if it contains infinite power.

This is where the essence of the Fire Demon Emperor lies, and Fang Duan is relying on this thing in order to control the Earth Fire.

Now this token is unstable and agitated, it seems that it can burst at any time, triggering the explosion of the whole fire element.

In fact, at the moment Fang Duan took out this token, the magma that suppressed Lin Fei had already given up the repression, but instead turned into thousands of fires and returned under the call of Fang Duan And go.

All gathered in that little token, the token is also showing unstable fluctuations...

"You think a little bit more..."

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled. When he was talking, he waved freely, Qi Yue was involuntarily, controlled by the other free array, toward the direction of Fang Duan, actively overwhelming

In an instant, I saw the endless sword light, and I was still urging the side of the token, caught off guard, and wrapped it up.

Fang Duan's figure disappeared in an instant, only to see the sky filled with sword light, and the aftermath in the space became ripples in the Tao, rippling out of a dozen miles around.

The stone wall on the ground trembles violently. In an instant, the already crumbling space is swept by the sword light, squeezed away in the direction of the square end...

Fang Duan didn't even have time to detonate the token. Under the overwhelming offensive, he was directly suppressed. In this layer of sword light and turbulent rock, the silhouette was completely disappeared, and he could not move...

All of a sudden, the rocks disappeared, the flames disappeared, and everything seemed to be quiet...

Only the layers of rubble left out there were waves of terror, and sometimes there was a flame with horror temperature, emerging from it...

At this time, Qi Yue seemed to be separated from the situation controlled by his free array, and recovered his free body, but the whole person seemed to be in a daze, looking to the square end sealed in the layers of stones...

"What do you think?"

Qi Lin didn't react until Lin Fei slapped her shoulder.

Turning his head, he saw exactly that the countless sword lights surrounding him seemed to have suddenly found the owner, and returned to Lin Fei who was standing beside him.

Lin Fei smiled and said, "I just worked hard."

"No no."

Hearing this, Qi Yue woke up suddenly and waved his hand repeatedly, where did he dare to give such credit.

What happened just now seemed to Qi Yue to be an incredible dream.

Watching indifferently, there was much effort along the way. Brother Fang Duan, whom he respected, suddenly showed his heart, and had long been connected with Hanshuang.

After that, it suddenly broke out, taking the elite demon fire left by the fire demon emperor as its own use, and even using it to control the earth fire elementary vein...

Qi Yue was almost desperate when she saw Fang Duan in control of the ground fire.

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