
Chapter 1541: Battleship

Because it is impossible to elaborate in detail, these things have already been regarded as the origin of the nine-day Qingshuang recipe. Even in the palace of longevity, it should be the existence of the high cabinet, and it is impossible for outsiders to easily know.

The reason why I can know all this is because, in the World War I World Extermination, each school played out all the cards, all kinds of secrets were exposed, and even some of the secret methods were shed.

Now even a brief explanation of one or two sentences is even true, if you continue to dig deeper, I am afraid to tell a history of ancient robbery in this place...

"In a word, since ancient times... Some excellent Falun Gong practitioners are unable to resist this ancient practice, you understand..."

Tang Tian glanced at Lin Fei, did not speak, but there was a thoughtful look in his eyes...

"That, probably... got it..."

After listening to this set of explanations, Qi Yue was still a little bit dumbfounded, completely unable to figure out, how did Lin Fei know so much...

But when I saw Lin Fei, I didn't ask much. I just nodded a little bit.

"Okay, please go quickly, this is not a place to stay for a long time." Lin Fei smiled and smiled.


Qi Yue was suddenly reminded, and almost forgot this.

Now is not the time to delve into it. At this time, after experiencing this war, the Earth Fire Elemental Vessel is already unstable to the extreme, and may collapse or even collapse at any time.

The key is to leave this place quickly.

Otherwise, if he didn't die in the hands of the Fire Demon Emperor and Fang Duan, but was destroyed by accident, it would be really dumbfounded.

"Brother Lin, why didn't you leave?"

However, just turning around to leave, I saw that Lin Fei didn't mean to move, and suddenly remembered that Lin Fei just said that he just wanted to leave, and he seemed to mean that he didn't leave...

"Let's go first, I still have a magic weapon that needs to be refined..." Lin Fei shook his head: "The power of the earth fire here is extremely strong, and it is a natural place of refining treasure. Kind of environment."

"But, but..." Qi Yue heard it, suddenly hesitating, more or less relieved.

However, at this time, Tang Tiandu took a deep look at Lin Fei, and no longer said anything, turned around and left.

"Relax, it won't happen." Lin Fei smiled and said: "I don't think the road back will be too peaceful. If you go back with your partner, there is a good way to take care of it."


Qi Yue hesitated for a while, and turned to leave.

Watching the figure of the two, gradually disappearing into the distance, Lin Fei withdrew his gaze and looked back at the stone pile at the side of the suppressor...

With a wave of his hand, he emerged as a free totem,

Time is running, and in a flash, ten days have passed...

During this time, in Jianzong Zong, some minor changes also occurred.

The first is that after returning from the underground, Tang Tian and Qi Yue both stayed in Tianyuan Dao Palace for a whole day, and then returned to their respective peaks at night.

Since then, Tianyuan Dao Palace suddenly became lively.

Tian Lingfeng’s Wang Lingguan and Brother Song Tianxing’s brothers, Zhou Yun guarding the Dao Palace, Qiu Yuehua on the Yu Heng Peak, and even the Jianlong Peak without the head of the dragon, sent several disciples to enter the Tianyuan Dao Palace...

The disciples were in and out of Tianyuan Dao Palace and became very busy.

But after they returned to their respective peaks, they gathered their manpower and material resources to strengthen their respective formations.

This day is passing in a busy day, although no one said anything, but in this invisible, even the most ordinary outside disciple can feel the change of atmosphere.

The whole question of Sword Sect fell into a state of wind and crane.

As if at any time, it is possible to fall into a war...

The last time this kind of atmosphere was created was when the nine major schools sent together to commit crimes...

At this time, nearly a thousand miles away from Wen Jianzong, a huge and incredible warship was slowly walking through the clouds...

This battleship looks at least vast and wide. At first glance, it is a city floating in midair.

But from the huge muzzle of runes, it can be clearly felt that even if this thing is a city, it is also a kind of war fort that can block thousands of monks...

This seems to float slowly, but in fact, it can span a distance of more than ten miles in just a moment.

It doesn’t look like long before he can reach the position of asking Jianzong...

In a quaint room of this battleship, several people sat in a circle...

"Uncle Shi, I just asked Jianzong in front of me. These people dared to deal with me. They clearly did not take my longevity palace into their eyes. This time they must be paid."

It was Wu Ying who was defeated by Lin Fei. At this time, the face that was originally quite handsome, but with added scars, looked almost to be disfigured.

At this point, between fists, clenched his fists tightly, talking about his past experience, it was almost a bite.

This is quite polite, but everyone sitting here is surprised, even quite understandable...

Wu Ying was originally from a prestigious self-cultivation family. Some people in the family served as elders in the Palace of Longevity. From birth to entering the Palace of Longevity, He had been a little bit wronged.

The enthusiasm brought by such a background is extremely high.

Now, in the ruined Wen Jianzong, he was frozen into a popsicle alive and sent back to the mountain gate.

Such shame can only be repaid with blood...

Wu Ying, who was calm at first, was almost stunned by the idea of ​​being humiliated. On the way, all the brains revenge and ask Jianzong...

However, at this time, the least people sitting here are the true disciples of the Changsheng Palace. From the status, they don't have to ignore him, and no one is crazy with him.

They all ignored it quite tacitly, but all of them coincidentally looked at the old man who was sitting in the first place, which Wu Ying called an uncle...

The old man looked quite thin, with a white flower beard hanging on his chest, and a large gray robe worn on his body, as if wrapped in a piece of dead wood...

At this time, I just sat there quietly, and a few coughs broke out from time to time. The breath was ordinary. It seemed that it was just an ordinary old man...

In contrast, the others sitting in this room are much more extraordinary.

In addition to Yu Hua sitting in the most inconspicuous place, the other few people have their own temperament, but the breath is long and powerful.

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