
Chapter 1565: Prison lock

"This..." Suddenly heard this news for a time, Lu Chengan just thought his mind was very confused.

After being there for a long time, he suddenly reacted: "No, why haven't you said that, Uncle Shi?"

"You didn't ask again." Uncle Li also glanced at him with a puzzled face: "Besides, I asked Jianzong before, but there has never been such a disciple. I thought it was the master who was cheated by Luo Shenxiao. But looking at it now, it seems that Luo Shenxiao is somewhat reliable..."

"I..." Lu Chengan suffocated, but after thinking for a long time, there was really no way to refute anything...

When I was in charge of these big things, did my mind have a problem? I even found Uncle Li. If something went wrong, it would be troublesome...

But when I thought about it again, I felt like I had no other choice...

There are a lot of people in Xing Suzong who are too distracted, that is, when they gave up the position of leader, Uncle Li, who has a strange personality, is not selfish.

By entrusting this matter to him, at least we can guarantee that Uncle Li will not take advantage of this news to make wind and rain...


Although Uncle Li's temperament is strange, but after so many years, it seems that he has never heard of it. There was something wrong because Uncle Li broke...

"The other major schools, don't you know this?"

However, thinking of this, Lu Chengan suddenly reacted: "If you know it, you should sit down with Lin Fei and have a good talk. How could you fight like this?"

"That's not very clear." Uncle Li thought for a while and thought: "Anyway, I only know that before the head left, it seemed quite agitated, saying what Xingsu Zong Daxing is doing here, and what will happen when he comes back. Yes... Finally, I just mentioned this casually. It seems that the story of Luo Shenxiao’s succession has never been thought, and he will never go back. Maybe the other companies are all the same..."


Hearing this, Lu Chengan only felt that the whole thing was even more confusing...

The head of his own house is an old-fashioned form of practice for thousands of years. The state of mind is not that the heart is like water, and it is impossible to make a fuss. How can it be so obvious...

Too strange…

"Huh?" At this time, Uncle Li suddenly looked at the distance and seemed to find something. He said, "This Lin Fei... seems to be more powerful than I thought..."

"what happened?"

Lu Chengan looked at it, but he couldn't see anything. He quickly asked.

However, Uncle Li just wanted to speak, but suddenly shook his head and said: "No, maybe I was wrong, Luo Shenxiao didn't have that thing, how could his apprentice have..."

Lu Cheng'an is listening to the clouds, so I don't know why: "Uncle Master, what are you talking about?"

"Forget it, let's go and see first..." Uncle Li still didn't say much, thinking there for a while, and said: "If there is nothing wrong, then Luo Shenxiao's words were really a little humble."

As the voice fell, Uncle Li started with all his strength and went in the direction of asking Jianzong...

At this time, when asked about Jianzong, the war was still fierce...

Jian Zhu and others have never thought that a young monk can wait for himself to fight to this point...

Not only can he be tied, but he can still suppress himself...

This kind of combat power is so amazing...

"Several, I advise you to say, it is better not to resist, not to kill yourself for this little thing..."

At this time, Lin Fei's voice came from afar...

At this time, the three elders were fighting against the sword tide, the power like heaven and earth, they were all a little breathless.

But now, when he hears Lin Fei's words, his face suddenly becomes particularly ugly.

Previously, this was what they persuaded Luo Yuzhen and others.

But it was only half a day, but the words fell back on themselves.

This is just a face!

"Asshole, you younger generation, dare to speak rants?"

After saying this, Jian Zhu gritted his teeth and continuously changed the procedures. Suddenly, the ban on heaven and earth that shrouded the world was completely lifted.

And the whole abiding aura is not broken, and countless characters and seals change suddenly.

In the end, the whole banned aura is turned into a fierce chain!

The fierce and fierce, like a dragon descended from the world!

However, at the moment of seeing this chain, the elder Tianquan sneered: "The prisoners are all forced out, and these old guys really have no way."

The Wang Lingguan beside him also understood the meaning of the elder Tianquan's words and was completely relieved.

The so-called prison lock is actually a change in the ban on heaven, and the combat power is stronger, but the disadvantage is that it loses the most important ability to ban heaven and earth.

Now, although these three elders are ruthless, they are obviously unable to catch up. They even gave up the ban and asked Jianzong, but also to deal with Lin Fei with this change...

"Break me!"

With an old shout, this huge dragon-like chain was brought into the sky with infinite fierce prestige.

Lin Fei, who was urging the sword tide, rushed away...


In this sharp burst of air, I saw the chain and Jianchao meet suddenly.

In an instant, the infinite sword tide light disappeared, and at the same time, the huge chain also burst into countless characters, scattered into fine pieces of light, and filled the sky...


All of a sudden, it was as if the sky was cracking, the space was cracking out of the cracks in the Dao Dao, and the powerful aftermath scattered apart. Whether it was the Sect of the Sect or the school of the three major schools, the disciples watching the battle suddenly changed their looks.

Carry all kinds of spells to support this aftermath...

"I rely on..."

At this time, Song Tianxing, who was also transporting Zhenyuan quickly and blocking the aftermath, saw the scene at this time, and the whole person was a bit stupid...

As the battle became more and more intense, Lin Fei's shock also climbed with it.

At this moment, Song Tianxing completely saw how terrifying this past opponent, with all his efforts, had reached...

Under this boundless sword tide, it was actually the three old-style physiognomy that were fully dealt with.

This kind of power can only be described by earth-shattering...

Looking at the scene of the day before the collapse, Song Tianxing did not return to God for a long time.

However, what shocked him even more was still behind...

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