
Chapter 1640: You can try

After finishing this sentence, I saw that the white-haired real person took a picture of the Qiankun bag. Suddenly, hundreds of Baisensen's bone swords appeared, forming a circle around the white-haired real person.

Each of these bones is at least derived from the demon king-level fierce beast, where the fierce beast's soul is detained, and each one has a real magic weapon power.

A total of three hundred and sixty were formed, and they concealed Tiangang. Once the power was unfolded, the power was simply strangling everything.

This is the true confidence of the white-haired real man who is inside and outside the desert ruins...

At the moment of collision, the two sides fought fiercely.

Although the white-haired real person is strong, the other party is not easy to deal with. In this barren ruin, it is also a centuries-old existence.

Just when the three hundred and sixty bone swords flew out, the black monk chose to use the huge body to meet the enemy.

Followed, only heard a tinkling between the heavens and the earth, the sound of gold and iron symphony dense enough to make the scalp tingling, rang out loudly.

After absorbing the countless souls, the black monk's body, like wearing an extremely powerful armor, no matter how intensive this bone sword attack is, there is nothing to do.

On the contrary, if the white-haired real person has been unable to break the enemy, then it is time for the black monk to show his power...

"I see when you can cut..."

The monk in black sneered.


Just when the monk in black just lifted the giant's arm and was about to swing it, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the 360-sword bone sword with a sensuous sword...


At the moment when the shadow appeared, the black monk was taken aback.

Speaking of it, the monk in black also had a few dealings with the white-haired real person, even before, even knowing the opponent's methods of practice.

The three hundred and sixty bone swords are indeed powerful, but, among them, did not contain this shadow...

What is this?

Could it be said that in a few years, this white-haired real man has also cultivated other means besides this amazing offensive bone sword?

When the monk in black was a little surprised, he saw the shadow, and he suddenly burst out of the dense bone sword group.

At this time, you can finally see clearly.

That black shadow was actually a black bone sword, with a ghostly spirit enveloping the surface, engraved with mysterious lines, and revealing a strange momentum.

At the moment of rushing out, the three hundred and sixty bone swords were connected end to end, which turned into a long white bone dragon, and the head of the long dragon was formed with the black bone sword.

The whole white bone dragon, with a heavy and terrifying roar, rushed from the void towards the giant that the black monk turned into!

Then, only a faint sound of dragon yin sounded, and the giant broke up quickly in an instant.

From a distance, this giant looks like a collapsed tall building, and the whole collapsed quickly...

"This, this is impossible!"

For a time, in the eyes of the black monk, it was unbelievable, and he could not believe that his own incarnation, which was supposed to be able to kill the opponent alive, collapsed.


In any case, the facts are irrefutable...

With the continuous roar, the dark clouds in the sky are gradually dispersed.

At this time, the monk in black knew that no matter what, he could not fight anymore.

At that time, there was no hesitation and fled...


Before he left, he only heard a real white-haired person, sneered, and raised his hand, which was a sharp grasp forward.

"Come here."

Suddenly, I saw only a behemoth, and it fell from the sky. Like a chicken, I had to hold the black monk in my hand.


At this moment, the white-haired real man suddenly froze for a moment.

Because at this time, there is another suction force, suddenly inserted.

I saw that it was only one step away, and the black monk who was about to be caught was forced to get involved in that suction.

Followed, I saw the black monk, fell into the hands of another young man...

I saw that the young man squeezed the black monk's throat with his hand, and then waved it gently. In the void, a crack suddenly appeared, and there was a scene of mountains and rivers hidden in it.

Then, the young man threw the real man in black into his hand.

After doing all of this, it seemed that I found a real white-haired person. No one nodded and said hello: "Meet again."

For a time, real white-haired people stayed for a while...

Is this Lin Fei?

But it's not right...

Whether he or the monk in black, the attention from the beginning to the end is on each other.

As for Lin Fei...

Isn't that a piece of fat?

Not long after playing with the black monk, he was surrounded by the yellow spring water, and there was no struggle.

Can only stay there honestly and take away the spoils of the winner...

But what is going on now?

The person who was supposed to be fat, actually stood here, as if pinching any weak animal, throwing the black monk into a mysterious space with one hand?

How is this going?

Lin Fei glanced at the froze white-haired real person, but said in a dull voice: "You should remember, I said at the beginning, I will hand you over to Wuming..."


The white-haired real man suddenly froze and suddenly reacted, what to say.

But Lin Fei said suddenly: "But now, I have changed my mind. You may go with the person in front, maybe it's better..."

"act recklessly!"

At this time, the white-haired real person suddenly calmed down and snorted: "Since you dare to show up, then I will kill you once, you..."

However, the real man with white hair was too late to finish this sentence.

Because, just when the words just fell, from all directions, there were seven swords with different shapes!

The golden long dragon, the rising sun, the chilly ice worm, a vague light, a thunderous thunder...

The seven kinds of visions exuded a kind of solemn sword qi, which actually sealed the surroundings from all directions.

Bai Fazhen only felt at the time that the neighborhood was like a net of heaven and earth…

After his face was uncertain for a while, he suddenly sneered: "Do you want to scare me by this means?"

Lin Fei said: "You can try."

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