
Chapter 1648: Matriarch

Followed by, Lin Fei just tidied up and walked out of the Dong Mansion. The auction was very rewarding. Later, he got two unexpected fortunes from Huang Quan and Bai Fa. The demand for gold gas was not in a hurry. .

I planned to tell the two brothers Ning Xuanshi to stop the regular auction, and now I am ready to find the traces of the old men, but I have no time to waste on these things.

Who knows, as soon as he went out, he found Ning Xuan's face full of anxiety, where he turned around like an ant on a hot pot, as if he wanted to enter and was afraid to disturb.

"Why, something?" Lin Fei asked a little curiously when he came out.

Ning Xuan turned his head to see Lin Fei coming out, suddenly relieved, and quickly greeted him: "Brother Lin, you finally came out, otherwise I have to plan to go in. The Nanhuang Temple has been opened a few days ago! The real descendants stepped away, and a large number of monks continued to flow in these days..."

"So early?"

Lin Fei could not help frowning. According to the previously estimated time, the Nanhuang Temple should be opened in a few days. He also took the time to get out of the customs. It was a bit unexpected. This time it will be opened a little earlier...

It’s just that it’s not too early to turn it on, it seems that it’s not worth the rush of Ning Xuan...

Sure enough, the next moment, Ning Xuan just said the reason: "It's Wu Ming. I came here a few days ago and said that the Matriarch Patriarch wants to see you..."


Upon hearing this, Lin Fei frowned.

The Matriarch Patriarch should be the realm of the Great Witch, divided according to the realm of the human monk. It is a proper real body cultivation, and it is a character who is high above and at the top of the world.

Why don't you see yourself as a junior?

Obviously, Ning Xuan also felt a little bit strange. After looking at Lin Fei for a few moments, he said again and again: "Brother Lin, you said, would this be related to the witchware you sold to Wuming..."

"It should not be."

After thinking about it, Lin Fei shook his head. The witchcraft had been sold for so long. If there was any movement, it should have been there for a long time.


This is a bit strange, there is no warning, why do you suddenly want to meet at this time...

"Brother Lin, do you think you are going or not?" Ning Xuan looked at Lin Fei nervously. After all, it was the real body. In Ning Xuan's eyes, every move had a great meaning. For this meeting, he did It was much more tense than Lin Fei.

However, after finishing the speech, Ning Xuan said a little worriedly: "Brother Lin, did you provoke the Wu people? The Wu patriarch has always been low-key, this time..."


Lin Fei rolled his eyes, and was a little speechless about Ning Xuan's imagination. If he could provoke a real body he had never met before, then he wouldn't go out. I'm afraid he would be beaten to death.

But let's meet one by one. Since the other party sent someone to invite you, it shouldn't be malicious.

And Lin Fei is also a little curious, what exactly does this Matriarch patriarch mean...

After saying goodbye to Ning Xuan, Lin Fei turned into a light of escape, flying towards the north for more than half an hour. The place he passed by at the beginning was still deserted, but as he gradually came to a lush mountain range, the surrounding The number of people started to change.

It's just that these people are different from the monks. Most of them are wearing animal skins and have strong postures. Even children of the same age are taller than humans of the same age. They are younger and they are hunting in the forest of adults. Too.

Along the way, Lin Fei even saw several half-age boys, tearing tigers and leopards in the forest hunting...

This is the Mauritian mountain range. The various tribes of the Maori have always been inhabited. It is also one of the most abundant places in the entire ruins.

Only in this kind of place can so many Maori tribes survive.

And for this territory, the Wu people have not experienced all kinds of battles in these years...

I don't know if I had been ordered, or the guards of the Wu people were so slack. Lin Fei came all the way and didn't encounter any people blocking him. He went to a rugged mountain smoothly.

When he arrived here, Lin Fei walked to the ground. It looked barren, but in fact it was the place where the entire Matriarch Patriarch was.

It was only here that Lin Fei met several peripheral guards. After explaining the intention, he was directly led into...

Then Lin Fei discovered that this seemingly barren place had no other holes, and the entire stone mountain was hollowed out and became a huge palace.

There is no decoration on the inside, they are rough and thick stone walls, which are unusually tall.

When a palace of the same style and roughness, but obviously larger in size, met six guards from outside the gate.

Each of them showed a sturdy momentum, the muscles of the body swelled high, and the strong body was like an iron tower.

It feels as if it is not a person standing here, but a wild animal...

Lin Fei was not surprised. In fact, in the ancient times, it was not uncommon among the witch clan, those strong men who could fight against the wild and aliens with bare hands were also surprised.

The six people in front of you are undoubtedly inheriting this bloodline. In this era when the blood of the Wu people is becoming thinner, it is considered to be a first-class genius. These six people swarmed up, fearing that the Fa phase would be easily torn...

However, Lin Fei just glanced at it and went straight to it.

It's just that this unknowing faction made the six Maori warriors look uncomfortable when they gave way, and when they looked at Lin Fei, there was a kind of badness in their eyes. meaning…

However, Lin Fei didn't notice it. After walking in, he saw the current Matriarch.

In the impression of the whole monk of the ruins, the man who can control the violent beast of the Wu people and expand the living space for it should be a domineering, saying that the unique Mazu master is right, but Lin Fei saw it but it was Found that this is not the case.

The Matriarch is indeed a sturdy figure with ordinary Maori warriors, but he is not wearing animal skin, but a simple black robe, covering the strong body.

It doesn't seem to be anything special. If someone who doesn't know sees it, I'm afraid it would be what a hunter.

At this time, he was sitting on the stone throne, with a simple stone spear next to it. Lin Fei recognized it as soon as he came in. This is the one he sold to Wu Ming...

Seeing Lin Fei's gaze set in, the Lord of the Wu clan signaled Lin Fei to sit down and said: "This is your stone spear. Thank you for speaking. If it is not for your arrival, this is rare in my tribe. The lost things will not come back so easily."

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