
Chapter 1677: Ghost ape

No matter what is hidden behind him, he is not the same as the previous life. Now he can practice, at least when facing a crisis, he will not be as hands-on as he used to be.

Moreover, as long as the Black Abyss has not really been born, it means that it has not grown to an irresistible level, then it still has time for itself.

As long as there is any clue in these heavens and tens of thousands of worlds, when oneself achieves the dharma body, one sword will be cut.

In the previous life, as a waste person, he could all die with Yuan Huang. Does this life have the first chance, and he can't kill Heiyuan in the bud?

"real body…"

Lin Fei knew that he had to speed up his steps without much time delay. First of all, he had to hurry to achieve his true body.

Right now, after dealing with the old Taoist priests and their affairs, they will take advantage of the situation to clean up the Nanhuang Temple. With the help of the resources, how can they try to hit a higher level...

The white-haired real person who had just walked out and waited outside for a while, quickly greeted him, and asked a little anxiously, "How is it inside? Is there any clue to my master?"

"The clue is a little, but your practice is still a little bit, it is useless to know."

"Poor, how much worse?"

Lin Fei thought for a while: "It's probably a ghost ancestor, and the master of the witch plus so many spiritual ancestors..."


At this time, Lin Fei was a bit worried. The only successor of this old Miao Fa was so badly played by himself. At that time, he comforted him: "You don’t have to surrender yourself. Your Master has come here for so many years. I believe I can still wait for you. Rise, take your time, don’t worry."

"Ha ha…"

Bai Fazheng's mouth twitched, and it was easy to squeeze out these two words.

Lin Fei suddenly remembered something: "Yes, what is the old ghost you said just now?"

"Nanhuang Lianyinzong's..."

"Oh, the main school." Lin Fei nodded, and then left, "Go, go and find Zu Wuxue."

"No, I've already looked in that direction." White-haired real man hurriedly stopped in the back: "We should move on..."

"No, it's too slow. Change to another way."


"follow me."


Seeing that Lin Fei had left this place, although the white-haired real person was a little inexplicable, he didn't dare to say much and quickly followed.


At this time, the dusty ghost is miserable.

A black robe was ragged, his body was covered with scars, and his white hair was messy, without the slightest luster, like a hay, and his face showed an abnormal paleness, which was a little weak at first glance.

At this time, he was holding a ghostly long streamer, and looked at the black jelly in front of him with an ugly face.

The black dragon was covered with scales of a black crystal plate, and two long horns on the head rose into the sky, a dozen feet long, as if to pierce the blue sky. A pair of lantern-sized eyes gave a very heavy pressure.

This is a level of coercion on the bloodline. Obviously, this black dragon is already faintly possessing a tendency to turn into a dragon, but when confronting this dusty old ghost, there is a sense of caution in the eyes, more than three hundred feet The long body is hidden in the bottomless water, and it seems to dive back at any time.

However, just at this time of confrontation, the dusty ghost suddenly touched the injury, and suddenly his face changed, and a fierce cough broke out, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on the ground.

But at this time, the black Jiao flashed fiercely in his eyes, and hurriedly walked away, exuding a kind of flexibility that did not match the huge body, as if a black lightning flashed past, with a heavy roar of sound, roaring Go to the dusty ghost.

The dusty old face suddenly became unsightly. He had been entangled with this black dragon for more than a hour. The body of this black dragon was already clear and could not be more clearly understood. These traumas in the body are proof, and there is no more at present. In the face of the hard-won thoughts, I couldn't carelessly be embarrassed.

At that time, it was directly based on the body of the black streamer, by the force of the impact, flew out by the trend.

After breaking dozens of towering ancient trees in a row, he barely stopped.

Just when I was about to get up, there was an extremely weak dizziness in my mind. When the legs were soft, I almost couldn't get up...

After resisting the dizziness caused by the weak soul, after standing up reluctantly, the dusty ghost was suffocating in his heart to vomit blood.

If the black jiao was strong before it was changed, it would be impossible for him to push himself to this limit, not to mention, he was an elder who practiced the Yin sect, and he held a group of golden corpses. I personally battled against this black dragon, who is famous for his flesh...

It’s ridiculous to pass it out...

It's all because of that **** white-haired real person!

If it were not for him, a group of golden corpses was consumed, and because of the use of a substitute for death, the soul was consumed too much, and he could not be reduced to the point that even a black dragon could not deal with it...

But now, he has no strength to curse the white-haired real person. The black dragon in front of him now launches the offensive again.

After hitting the sky, the huge carcass was actually abruptly in the air, stopped the castration, and a smooth roundabout was to open the big mouth of the blood basin in a burst of earth-shattering screams, and then again Leaving the dusty ghost.

There was a thousand feet away, but the old ghost of the dust could feel that a burst of strong wind hurt the face. At that time, avoiding unavoidable, he gritted his teeth and gathered the remaining real elements in his hands. Above the black streamer, hurriedly urged.


Suddenly, I heard only a fierce roar, and a thousand-height ghost ape came out of the black streamer.

A pair of eyes flashed red, his arms were hammering on his chest, and a thunderous sound of thunder broke out, and a violent and terrifying atmosphere directly suppressed the black jelly.

Ghost King!

At this time, the dust old ghost was bleeding.

The ghost ape king itself is the pure bloodline of the ancient ancient arm-armed ape. With its blood of indomitability, it is born to fight the world, and it is hard to shake all kinds of ancient strange and fierce. Extinct.

However, under the coincidence of chance, Lianyin Sect obtained a corpse of the arm-armed ape, and exhausted all kinds of secret methods and massive resources to cultivate this ghost ape king. Although its combat power is not as exaggerated as the body, it still has Has growth.

Originally, it was only brought in case, by the way, can we meet any resources suitable for cultivating it, in order not to harm the future potential, it will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Today, there is no way...

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