
Chapter 1690: Meet

Infinite sword gas spewed out, as if there was no end...

Under the ravages of these sword qi, terrible ravines appeared on the surrounding ground, as if they had been plowed once, and on the surrounding trees, they became scarred, and none of them were intact.

It looks as if this place was ravaged by some terrifying beast...

What's more, after the wave of sword energy raged, it was still unstoppable, so it rushed all the way to the sky, and the clouds in the sky were washed out of a blank space, and it disappeared into the invisible distance...

"I, I rely on..."

When I saw everything in front of me, the white-haired real person was shocking. Compared to before, the ground was flattened by three feet. Only myself was three feet under the foot of the Earth Spirit Patriarch, and it was relatively complete. The three-foot land was alone. A piece around...

The white-haired real person has scalp...

All this is like Tianwei...

Fortunately, I was rescued in time just now, otherwise I was afraid that if I didn't wait for the reaction, I would follow the ground and be plowed by the infinite sword.

"Is this someone breaking through?"

At this time, the Earth Spirit Patriarch could not help but frown...

This scene is indeed rare.

Speaking of it, the Master of Earth Spirit has been practicing for many years, and the disciples he teaches are even more unknown, naturally no fuss, but after so many years, I haven’t really seen it. The momentum of...

I don’t know, I thought there was a beast tide passing by...

It’s just that it’s different from the previous news...

For the first time, there was a puzzling look on the face of Earth Spirit Master...

Speaking of that, before I came, I knew that Lin Fei, who I was looking for, had made extraordinary achievements in the refining machine. Looking at the heavens, it would be considered a top character.

Knowing this, it is natural to understand that this young man will not be an ordinary person.

But it was really unexpected that this scene...

This eruption can be compared with the scene of Wanshan Patriarch's breakthrough...

People all say that Wanshan ancestors can break through successive times, it is a miracle or any opportunity, but for people at the level of earth ancestor, naturally know that these claims are just groundless.

In fact, the spiritual ancestor of the earth who cultivated all his life relied on the perseverance of one step at a time. Even if there was an opportunity, it was only an aid...

It is this accumulation of bit by bit, coupled with the practice of the unique exercises, and the cruel to squeeze yourself, only to have the last moment of thick accumulation.

In the end, there were successive breakthroughs at that last moment.

Today, this scene is almost the same as that of the ancestors of Wanshan that accumulated over the years...

At this time, even the Earth Spirit Patriarch had a little bit of squeeze in his heart. The accumulation of this monk on weekdays was so rich.

When he succeeds in breaking through the border, how terrifying his combat power will have to climb...

Thinking of this, the earth ancestor stood there, frowning, looking at the hall door with a gap open.

After half an hour, the aftermath of the sword energy raged, and then gradually stopped...

And the hall door finally opened...

There is no sword spirit coming out, but an invisible sword intention is overwhelming, and a young monk who walks in this sword intention...

It seems that the eyes are clear, the whole person is quite restrained, but every step of falling, the violent sword is like a frenzy, spreading forward one point.

When he came, it seemed that he had brought a vast world of swords with him and broke into this world.

However, after two or three steps, this vision disappeared rapidly, and the boundless sword was like a swallow returning to the nest, gathering quickly and returning to the young man.

When he came in front of the two, the boundless sword intention had disappeared, and his whole person was like a mortal, without any abnormal fluctuations, and even the breath, there was no spirit of the ordinary monk to breath .

The whole person seemed to have a sense of harmony and self-confidence...

"You, are you okay?"

However, in the face of Lin Fei, who is more peaceful and without any edge, Bai Fazhen does not know why, but instead feels that the invisible gap between the two sides has widened a lot.

When I stepped forward to speak at the time, I didn't even find myself, in addition to the usual fears in my heart, there was a little more real awe...

"It's okay, it's just a breakthrough..." After finishing, Lin Fei didn't talk to Bai Fazhen more, but looked at the Earth Spirit Patriarch in front of him, and smiled and said: "I didn't expect there will be guests, It's been a long time."

Bai Fazhen didn't dare to say much at the time, but after whispering about the identity of the old man, he quickly hid behind him, daring not to mix the conversation between the two...

After listening to Lin Fei, he only looked at the Earth Spirit Patriarch, his eyes were clear, he gave a gift as a junior: "The junior has heard the name for a long time, and has seen the Earth Spirit Patriarch..."

"Hehe..." It's not the same as when faced with a white-haired real person. The Earth Patriarch still has the posture of punishment just now. After looking at Lin Fei, he nodded, just like the ordinary old man who saw the outstanding descendants. , With admiration, said: "It is worthy of asking Jianzong Senior Apprentice, my apprentice who is not a weapon, is really incomparable."

"Senior Senior Mistressed..."

Lin Fei heard each other and said his identity, but he was not surprised.

After all, this is the Earth Patriarch...’

Even if you haven’t seen each other before, now that the other party has specifically found it, it must have investigated their identity, plus the real body of vision, look at it with your own eyes, you will know the inheritance of a person’s heels Now...

No surprises...

And, compared to this, Lin Fei is more concerned about another thing...

In the past, whether it’s an auction, an inquiry, or dealing with yourself, it’s just a disciple of this earthly ancestor,

What's going on today, this earth ancestor, actually came to the door?

"Qianzong Zong has always been talented. I heard that your few disciples who were personally trained by Qian Yuan's masters are even more talented. Are you also a disciple of Qian Yuan?"

It was only at this time that the real ancestor didn't seem to rush into the topic, but after watching Lin Fei for a while, he suddenly asked.

"This is not..." Lin Fei did not conceal from the face of a real monk: "My master is just an ordinary Jindan elder in the sect, hehe, you should have never heard his name..."

"Jin Dan..."

After listening to the ancestor of the earth spirit, he was a little stunned, and when he looked at Lin Fei, his face was even a bit weird...

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