
Chapter 1768: Mention

I just probably know that there seem to be four or five Dharma followers all year round. One of them is naturally the Tian Wu Zu Wu who sent him here. The rest are not very clear, but some legends are spread in the city. , Do not know if it is true or not.

"I don't know what kind of dragon and phoenix can Xuan Lao half a month..."

Lin Fei didn't think much about it either, running all the heavenly swordsmanship and conducting the evening classes throughout the day. Although he had become the late phase of the Fa, he came to the place where Fa Fa walked everywhere, but it gave Lin Fe a sense of urgency You must break through the real body and even the dharma body as soon as possible. Only then can you have a minimum power to survive here and destroy the black abyss again.

What Lin Fei did not know was that while he was conducting the evening class, the battle outside the door just now was quietly spreading...

Blame it on that Hong Yitian is very famous in the city...

The item of Dharma body disciple alone is enough to attract attention. In these years, he has strangled the black abyss creatures without knowing how many black abyss creatures with his sword sword array. It can be said that it is very beautiful. In the past few years, he even guarded the Tianmen alone. One of the eighty-one mountains.

But this is the kind of person who, when he came to the door to find fault, was given a positive look and broke the sword formation, and he was defeated so neatly.

Now, let alone those ordinary monks, even the few who have been famous in the city for a long time, and the top few in the list of meritorious deeds, have heard of Lin Fei's name...

At this time, in the Meridian Hall.

A monk who witnessed the battle just now described the scene of Lin Fei's broken sword formation.

The real monarch Qian Xiang sitting above is not that bad, but the youth next to him is frowning...

After the monk finished speaking, Qian Xiang Zhenjun waved the disciple down and said to the young man standing next to him: "I didn't expect Lin Fei to have such means, what do you think?"

The young man frowned and nodded: "It's indeed very strong. At first, I and Hong Yitian fought all day and night, but I couldn't break his sword formation. Although I can be sure that I can break it now, I don't necessarily have Lin Fei as clean."

Several people, including young people, are all in the city of Tianmen. Among the monks below the real body, there are famous people who are not comparable to each other on the merit list, but they did not expect that someone could understate the sword of their opponents. The impact on youth can be imagined.

It’s just that here, the youth is a little strange: "It’s just that these people, who are actually thrown here by the ancestor and witch, are always atonement people, and they always feel something deep in it..."

"Oh, what can be meaningful, it's just that they have no characters who can handle it, they just found such a person, preparing them for the future of the Wu people..."

"Ah?" When the young man heard it, he thought about it and nodded: "It's also possible that the Wu people haven't heard of any outstanding people in recent years. The ancestor hasn't appeared in recent years..."

"These don't need us to do much, this Lin Fei has great potential..." Qian Xiang Zhenjun didn't care, but when it came to this, his face actually showed a little appreciation: "I see, if I give him more In a few years, in the future, there is hope to become one of the people entering the tomb..."


When the young man heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that his master would give Lin Fei such a high evaluation, but he was somewhat dissatisfied: "But will this evaluation be a bit high? He even It is able to overcome Hong Yitian, and it is only by mastering a few strange sword qi, full of spirit, and connecting each other’s minds. He Dehe can crush everyone, enter the ruins of the ruins, and get the predecessor’s legacy..."

"Do you really think that Lin Fei can win by relying on foreign objects?"

But when Qianxiang Zhenjun heard it, he immediately frowned, and his gazes towards the youth became severe.

"There is a congenital sword spirit..." The youth's voice is getting smaller and smaller, but obviously, he has not changed his mind because of his master's questioning.

"Innate Sword Qi is just the icing on the cake." However, Qian Xiang Zhenjun did not scold, but only taught: "He is really powerful, he walked out of the sword-throwing path of the sword, breaking the routine, before he became famous. The sword repair, without exception, takes the path of breaking a sword with a sword. Everything is broken by a sword. It is the fiercest at first, but it is easy to break, but this piece of sword by Lin Fei is very useful. But it is able to fuse all swordsmanship into one sword, that innate sword energy is indeed powerful, but fundamentally, Lin Fei has made this way through, otherwise, no matter what sword energy he used, The battle just now was a sure defeat."

"It may not be through..." The young man was still not convinced when he heard this: "The road that so many predecessors don't take, must have his reason. He is just a physiognomy now, at best it is just entering the room, who knows in the future Can he keep going..."

Regarding his apprentice, Qian Xiang Zhenjun did not feel angry, but said: "You still didn't understand Lin Fei's battle, did you not hear it? This Lin Fei has melted countless swordsmanship The confluence is connected and turned into a star river of swords, if he is not on that road. How far is it possible to merge thousands of swordsmanship into a star river, I think that what Lin Fei lacks now may not be kendo , But accumulation, if I expected it to be good, within ten years, he should have achieved his true body..."

"How could this be!"

If it weren’t for his own master, the young people are now afraid to turn their heads and go away. What a joke, how big is the gap between the real body and the Fa, how many so-called geniuses stand still outside the threshold, regret for life, this is a breakthrough Just break through? Within ten years? Why?

But when I thought about the scene when I was fighting Hong Yitian, I was a little hesitant...

The life of the sword array is almost airtight, making people unpredictable, so that they have been trapped for a long time, and now they have found a way to crack it.

However, Lin Fei actually broke it...

This at least shows that he really has a very high level of knowledge in kendo, and he can find the flaws of the live sword formation in a short period of time. This alone can't be done.

Others say that Lin Fei can’t do it. For himself, Lin Fei can’t achieve his true body, it seems that there is a little... sour?

Thinking of the words and deeds in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and said to the real prince who has been patiently mentioning Qian Xiang: "Thank you Master for calling, it is the disciples who are extreme."

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