
Chapter 1894: Qiu Fu

It is under such terrible throughput that that cultivation practice has not grown much. If it was in the previous legal situation, such consumption, how can he grow visually...

Unlike now, I just stabilized the cultivation base...

This is not Lin Fei's high demands on himself, it is too much investment.

You know, after occupying this demon world, although there are a lot of resources, it was continuously transported out, but every time, Lin Fei first selected the things he needed.

At the time of selection, Lin Fei can be said to be unkind. The gold line is calculated directly on the veins, and the spirit stone is based on the mountain.

Not to mention, even the acquired golden energy, regardless of its grade, was transported into this palace and became part of Lin Feixiu.

Today, there are still more than a hundred thousand demon, enslaved in the mine veins everywhere, to open the mining vein for Lin Fei.

This almost made Lin Feiyu demand, and all kinds of practice resources were not limited at all.

This is an environment that is impossible to enjoy in Tianmen City, but in this kind of luxury supply, Lin Fei has practiced for half a month and consumes countless resources, but it only makes his cultivation completely stable. .

This is really too exaggerated...

"It's a little difficult."

Lin Fei shook his head, dissatisfied with his progress.

"You're almost done, it's still difficult..." And when Lin Fei sighed a little here, a somewhat indignant voice was passed by.

Lin Fei turned his head and glanced, it was Zhou Xiangfu...

"People are like Qianjun, and they have been practicing for thousands of years. It is only in the later period of the real body, but this is still a gift of talent. What are you unsatisfactory here..."

When Zhou Xiangfu talked to Lin Fei, he was really a bit jealous...

Looking at the massive resources, this period of time is like entering a bottomless cave, which is constantly swallowed up by Lin Fei. This is a huge shock to Zhou Xiangfu's shock...

You must know that Lin Fei can enjoy this kind of treatment. The monks below are not qualified. If they want to get resources, in addition to getting monthly copies, they can only go out to encircle the demon and exchange it with the demon’s head. .

Although the monthly portion is twice or three times as it used to be in Tianmen City, what is it compared with Lin Fei's consumption this day?

Zhou Xiangfu tossed and turned in the past few nights, and he couldn't even sleep...

Damn, I already knew these benefits. Perhaps, I should have really saved up my money and competed for that opportunity!

Although the hope is slim, it may have won!

That’s why I’m eating Haisai every day here. That’s myself!

All in all, Zhou Xiangfu doesn’t want to see Lin Fei now, just look at the consumption of others, and then look at himself...

Everyone knows the truth, these are Lin Fei's hard work.

But that does not hinder Qiu Fu!

It’s usually nothing, just forget about it, but today, it’s really something...

"Give you!"

Zhou Xiangfu seemed to be very difficult. He reached out and handed Lin Fei a jade box.

Since this time, too many treasures have been consumed, Lin Fei is also a bit numb, and it is even stranger to Zhou Xiangfu's constipation expression, but now he is a little curious to see him suddenly come to deliver things. Come here: "What is this?"

"Innate Lingmiao." Zhou Xiangfu twitched the corner of his mouth, and said the name with some heartache.

It's no wonder that anything related to the congenital is bound to be extraordinary.

This innate spirit seedling is a kind of natural material and treasure. It can swallow the acquired aura and spit out the innate aura. With it, it can create an innate environment for itself and greatly improve the speed of spiritual practice.

However, for true monks, it is the most wasteful usage.

The real usage should be planting it in your own half-walk environment. As the innate spirit seedlings grow slowly, your own half-walk environment will also slowly change...

The most direct effect is to increase the maturation speed of this half-track environment, and the mature environment will also be biased towards innate...

There is no doubt that it is not a little bit stronger than the average half-walk environment.

This kind of effect can be said to be a treasure for real monks!

Even in the treasure house of Tianmen City, there is only one such innate spirit seedling, and it is still congenitally deficient, half-dead and alive. It has been cultivated in the innate spirit water for thousands of years before it is assigned to the real elephant of Qianxiang.

The effect it exerts is not very large. Even so, the true king of Qianxiang can become the first true body in the city of Tianmen. This innate spirit seedling also has a considerable effect.

When Lin Fei achieved his true body, the Spiritualist Taoist had promised to find other compensation for Lin Fei, but it was not suitable for a while, but it was dragged down.

It's just that Lin Fei doesn't have any hope for this. After all, there are few congenital things, and they can still be passed down. Most of them have been used. Once they are found, they must be true treasures. Will not let go.

But I didn't expect that I can see such a plant in this demon world...

But this is understandable...

After all, the demon practice is different. If you don’t cultivate the Dao realm, if you plant it like this, you can’t use its maximum effect. I think this demon emperor is going to use it as a price for exchange with other powerful monks...

I didn't expect it, but it finally fell into my own hands...

"I found it in an ancient altar...you're lucky...it's really good..." Zhou Xiangfu obviously also knows the value of this thing, and with a long sigh, he took this innate spirit seedling in Lin Fei's hands and couldn't bear to follow it Read more...

"Oh, thank you very much."

Lin Fei raised his hand and waved his heart, satisfied with the innate spirit seedlings, gave it away.

Looking at Zhou Xiangfu's constipated expression with red eyes, Lin Fei also patted his shoulder with a bit of comfort: "That's good, just recently a group of cinnabar soaked in blood from the demon emperor arrived, You’re ready to take a picture..."

However, Zhou Xiangfu couldn't keep up his spirit and shook his head.

Lin Fei was suddenly surprised that Zhou Xiangfu, who had always seen the treasure, still had a day to refuse?

However, at the next moment, Zhou Xiangfu just looked up at Lin Fei: "I have taken those things long ago."

After finishing talking, he still carried his hands on his back, shook his head and sighed to leave the hall...

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