
Chapter 1900: Reentry into the Soul Abyss

Although these old-fashioned images are considered to be far stronger than Lin Fei.

But now, although Lin Fei is a junior, he twice rescued Feu from the boundary between life and death, and now it is even a real body monk who can kill the demon emperor and other existences, so it is reasonable to pray.

And most importantly, the scene before Lin Feisheng forced to retreat to the left of the moon brought a lot of shock to everyone.

You know, this month is left, but it is enough to single-handedly kill the weak Fulri from the realm, but it is still injured in Lin Fei’s hands, showing how powerful Lin Fei is now.

It is no exaggeration to say that before Fo Li's ancestors did not recover, today's Lin Fei is the most powerful barrier for Fo Li!

"Now there is one thing, but I would like to ask you for help." Lin Fei was not too polite. Once he came in, he said to everyone.

"Oh?" Obviously, Guilao and others were a little surprised. They didn't expect Lin Fei to use them. He laughed with Guilao: "It's so rare that I can still help. Wait for something. As long as I can do anything out of bounds, I will not quit!"

"It's not a big deal, it just needs a lot of manpower..." Lin Fei said: "I would like to ask you to investigate one or two. Among these dozen places, where has any vision recently..."

With that said, Lin Fei signaled Yuezuo, and told Gui Lao about the places he had prepared.

"Vision?" After listening to Guilao, he was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought: "There are indeed many visions. After all, these dozens of places are all extremely catastrophic places. , Some inexplicable ghosts are always born on weekdays..."

"Is there anything special here? For example, what kind of wonder?"

Ghost old thought for a long time, but shook his head: "It's not easy to say, I have been busy preparing for a war recently, but I don't know the outside world too much. I still let people go to see it first..."

But when it comes to this, the Dragon Ghost Domain Master on the other side suddenly said: "To say this vision, I remember there seems to be one, it should be special..."

"Huh? Tell me about it?"

"Oh, speaking of that place, it's still your origin..."

Lin Fei immediately reacted: "You mean... Wanshen Corps?!"

The realm of his birth is the Luofu Realm, and among the dozen places just listed on the left of that month, one of them is the Soul of the Fufu Realm!

"I heard that there was a riot in the place some time ago..."

"What else?" It is said that in the place of Wanshen Corps, what kind of riots are really nothing. It is just commonplace, but since the dragon ghost domain master said it, Lin Fei knew that there must be something below.

Sure enough, then the dragon and ghost domain master continued to say: "Originally, this kind of riot was indeed nothing unusual, but this time, the riot did not show any melee casualties, but the ghosts in the whole soul corpse abyss. Was swept to the depths of the corpse of souls..."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lin Fei just looked at the same month, looking at each other, all of them were wrong from the other person's eyes.

The ghosts in the Ten Thousand Souls, but most of them have no clear consciousness, can attract them regardless of everything, and they must be involved in the same place. If it is not a ghost, or a powerful ghost emperor is born, at that level Under repression, they attracted them to worship.

But the first ancestor soul crystal, it is just to meet these two conditions...

The ancestor soul crystal itself is the product of the power of condensing the Taiyin, which contains the purest power of the Taiyin, which naturally attracts those ghosts. In addition, the ancestor soul crystal itself comes from the ancestor of the Taiyin nationality.

Speaking of the high rank, it is really difficult to find higher than it...

"I'm going to take a trip there. You continue to send people to go to the rest of the place to investigate the news."

Lin Fei did not hesitate at that time, after explaining to the ghost old man and others, he got up and walked out of the hall.

Nowadays, the entrance and exit of the entire demon world is controlled by monks, and in the long history of the demon world, several spatial channels directly connecting various circles have been opened up.

This is quite dependent on the strength of the demon emperor. These historical space passages are very well maintained. I don’t know if he is also planning to invade.

In any case, now these results are cheaper Lin Fei.

With the help of this space channel, it didn't take long for the two to come to the land of the soul corpse...

Luofujie, on a hill shrouded in black mist...

Lin Fei and Yue Zuo stood on the top of the mountain, looking far away, where there was a desert haunted by a thick ghost.

When Lin Fei came that year, not even a golden pill, came to this place where thousands of ghosts gathered, it can be said that it was a crisis step by step, or thanks to working together with Wang Lingguan and others, he was able to get out of this dangerous place.

But now again, this place is still that gloomy look.

This is so deep into the endless ghost spirit, I don't know how many ghosts are bred, and hiding deep in this place can be called a fierce place in Luofu Realm.

Fortunately, however, this place is in a deserted place after all, but there has never been any major turmoil. Even the occasional outbreak of ghosts has invaded the realm of the human monks, and it is easy for the monks to fight back together.

"The power of Taiyin is very strong here."

Maybe it's because the realm is different. When I last came, Lin Fei just felt that the ghost and yin of the place are extremely dignified and almost unbearable.

But this time again, those ghost and yin qi were no longer in Lin Fei's eyes. At this time Lin Fei was most concerned about it, but it was the extremely pure power of Taiyin hidden in it.

It is this force of the lunar craze that gave birth to this environment, which can be said to be the source of this place...

Lin Feiyue felt deeper, but the more he could feel the horror of the source of the overcast origin...

"This time, you have to find the source."

Lin Fei's eyes seemed to be looking at the depths of that soul corpse abyss together, and his face was somewhat dignified. Although compared with the last time, his self-cultivation was already heaven and earth, but the degree of depth was quite different.

This time, when the two joined forces, they had to turn over the whole Soul Corpse Abyss thoroughly to find it again.

Both of them are already real monks. If you want to enter this mortal corpse, there are no real obstacles in this outer realm.

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