
Chapter 1910: Zhan Li Qingshan

And if this doppelganger talent is good enough, it can continue to nurture that ray of split soul, making it more and more powerful.

Returning the soul to Tianwu Zuwu's body eventually will make its strength skyrocket.

This can also be said to be a special cultivation method!

And with the strength of that real man, he must have more than one split soul among the heavens and the world, without any surprise.

As long as all the split souls are in place, he can immediately climb back to the top of cultivation.

Therefore, it is no wonder that he can travel between the Black Abyss and the heavens and earth so easily. He put a part of the power here, so he can make his fluctuations in the space of the shuttle, difficult to detect...

It was just this technique of splitting the soul that immediately caused Lin Fei to fall into a dangerous situation.

When Li Qingshan struck, the powerful coercion actually made Lin Fei feel a powerful pressure.

The real element in Lin Fei's body is agitated, and the endless sea of ​​swords is spread out.

In an instant, Lin Fei will be repaired and urged to the extreme. In his eyes, it seems that there are countless sword lights surging wildly.


Followed, only heard a bang, the countless sword lights like a meteor, from the star sea of ​​stars, fell unreservedly.

As soon as he came up, Lin Fei made no effort to make any effort.

But at this time, Li Qingshan, who was striking quickly, did not seem to see these oncoming sword lights, but his face was still indifferent, but his lips became red as blood, and the whole person showed an incomparable Eerie breath!

Immediately afterwards, he was only seen in his body, bursting out a powerful real element.


In an instant, the blood dragon burst into a roar, colliding with the countless sword lights.

In a short time, I only saw that the blood dragon opened its blood basin with a big mouth, which was actually like a hundred rivers, swallowing the countless sword lights into the abdomen, and swallowed it cleanly.

Lin Fei's blow with all his strength turned out to be mud bulls entering the sea, and even the slightest waves failed to set off, and they disappeared completely.

The blood dragon did not stop, but continued to roar towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, I saw only that an endless stream of mountains and oceans rushed into that boundless sea of ​​stars.

Lin Fei's complexion instantly became pale.

The star sea of ​​boundless swords actually persisted for a few moments, under the impact of the blood dragon, it was continuously broken.


Immediately after that, Lin Fei's mouth spewed out blood, and Lin Fei's figure was as if he was shot and flew back a few steps.

Every step is left on the ground of the hall, leaving deep footprints.

At this time, Lin Fei had been injured by just one blow, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was wiped off, but his face was still pale. When he looked at a blood shadow not far away, his face was even ugly.

If I had just gotten the opportunity given by the Soul of the Ancestor, just like this, I was afraid that I would be seriously injured by this force.

Although there is only a trace of split soul in Li Qingshang's body, it comes from the dharma body after all. Li Qingshang itself is very talented. It seems that this split soul has also brought Wen to a very extraordinary state...

Not to mention anything else, just the blow just now, I'm afraid Li Qingshan will be able to overcome most of the real state.

Only the demon emperor's real physical strength such as the natural flesh can be shaken with him.

"Lin Fei, when you killed me, did you ever think of today?" Li Qingshan came to the top of the hall, a pair of enchanting pupils, staring condescendingly at Lin Fei.

And he didn't seem to expect Lin Fei's answer, but raised his hand again and waved at this time, only to see a horrible blood shadow formed again.

A faintly terrifying momentum exudes faintly, which actually makes the whole space tremble.


However, at the moment when Li Qingshan was preparing for the killer, in this void, there was suddenly a banging sound, and then, at the next moment, there was a full moon, shrouded in Li Qing Above.

That's awesome.

Previously, Yue Zuo stayed here all the time, but now, he still has to help. At that time, I only saw that a powerful brilliance broke out in him, which actually caused a slight distortion of the space, together with Lin Fei, Go to resist that Li Qingshan's blow.

Li Qingyi suddenly snorted, when the other hand was suddenly raised, suddenly, it was through the void.

At the next moment, a pale hand actually caught Yuezuo's throat directly.

But at the same time, the moonlight seemed to be extremely burning, directly on Li Qingshan's hand, leaving a burning scar.

"Huh?" Li Qingyi immediately frowned slightly. You know, now he has some strength of a red-haired real person. Although it is still not enough to deal with the dharma body, in the real body, it is almost the first person. exist.

Today, it was actually burned by Yuehua, and it can also be seen that this month is really extraordinary...

"It's not bad that it's the Taiyin clan's lineage. Waiting for this matter, you can go back to my abyss with your ancestors!"

Li Qingshan sneered, followed by a trembling hand, and actually left Yue Zuo directly and threw it out heavily.


And at the moment when he started to throw Yuezuo out, the void actually shook, and then, an unsightly sword light pointed directly at Li Qingshan's heart.

In the moment when this sword light appeared, Li Qingshan was immediately aware of it, but despite the preparation, he still felt a sense of panic in his heart.

It seems that this sword light can really threaten your life.


Followed by, just heard a harsh sound of sword sound.

And at the next moment, Li Qingshan put that sword light in his palm, and he could see clearly at this time. In this sword light, several sword spirits were entangled with each other. , Different sword intentions, superimposed on each other, revealing a vast and powerful sword intention.

At this moment, Jianguang was like a living creature. He was struggling and entangled in Li Qingshan's hands. In a moment, there were Dao scars in his palms, and blood dripped down.

After a while, the two stalemate, and each other burst back.

This time, Li Qingshan stepped back a dozen steps in the void before stopping his body, and then his eyes were completely gloomy, looking into the hall, still blending with the ancestor soul light Lin Fei, at this time Lin Fei's hands are also entangled with the sword light just now...

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