
Chapter 1937: Arrivals

In the face of such changes, Lin Fei did not pay too much attention, but only changed with it. ,

Because Lin Fei knows that these changes are only unexpected gains, don’t care too much. Compared with this, I still continue to practice and achieve the dharma body, and come more steadily...

Although he has just crossed into the real body, Lin Fei has not slacked off at all. Any time, he must squeeze it out and use it in practice.

In this way, time passed little by little, and when one day, a monk came to wake up Lin Fei. At this time, it was not far from the Jianmu Realm before Lin Fei woke up from the practice.

When Lin flew to the deck, there was already a world visible to the naked eye, and I saw an endless land that appeared in front of me.

At this time, in addition to Lin Fei, Yue Zuo, Zhou Xiangfu and others, all came to Lin Fei, they can all see, the huge land underneath is drawing closer...

At this time, Yue Zuo came over and said, "According to the strength of Jianmu Realm, we are afraid that we will soon reach their detection limit. If there is no accident, then we will probably encounter a monk in Jianmu Realm... "

Lin Fei nodded and turned his head to say, "Everyone is ready."

In fact, if it weren't for the nine spirit ships, they had gone through all kinds of hidden arrangements. I was afraid that they were already noticed at the beginning of the construction of the wood world, instead of being able to reach such distances as they are now. Before they can be noticed.

Under the order of Lin Fei, the monks quickly ordered each other. On top of the other nine spirit ships, they immediately got the power of the whole equipment war and were preparing quickly.

Lin Fei's order was quickly implemented. Suddenly, the surface of the nine flying swords shone with a stream of fluidity, and the whole seemed to be covered with a layer of misty tulle, which was difficult to see through.

Under this envelope, the speed is slightly improved.

Nine Spirit Ships approached that land quickly...

At this time, Lin Fei on the deck suddenly raised his hand and waved. Suddenly, a space crack was torn in front of him, and Lin Fei stepped into it.

In the next moment, the whole person appeared directly in the sky less than a thousand feet above the land.

The whole process is extremely smooth, without any slight fluctuations in space, and even a trace of true power has not been leaked out. It seems that Lin Fei really took a simple step.

Even Yue Zuo and others nearby didn't even notice it.

After discovering the disappearance of Lin Fei around, Yuezuo and Zhou Xiangfu and others suddenly changed their complexions, especially Yuezuo, which was a bit horrified.

In the war not long ago, Yue Zuo was almost the same, knowing where Lin Fei’s strength is, but now, only a few months have passed, he actually has a sense of impenetrability...

In fact, Lin Fei's action just made Yue Zuo not inserted at all. If Lin Fei had just tried to secretly calculate anything, Yue Zuo didn't even notice it, so Lin Fei would succeed...

When Yue Zuo thought more and more shocked, Lin Fei was back on the deck...

At this time, regardless of the surprises of the people around him, he just pointed in one direction and said: "There were a few monks in that place, who should have been stationed from Tianzong. Now, we should not have found us yet, so go there first."

With Lin Fei's order, the order was quickly delivered. Suddenly, the nine spirit ships immediately responded, and the huge fleet slowly turned its direction.

Follow, it is going in the direction that Lin Fei pointed out...

Sure enough, in the front of the fleet, there were several floating islands in the distance. Those islands showed a character shape, not small in size, vaguely, you can see the pavilion Taoist temple, green ancient trees, and aura .

These floating islands are high above the ground, and they look quite extraordinary at a glance.

Nowadays, the monks on the floating island seem to have found something wrong. They immediately flew out a few monks, and soon approached Lin Fei’s fleet, shouting at this place: "This is from Tianzong Where are you waiting for to come here, stop quickly! Do not offend!"

"It's a bit strange from Tianzong..."

But seeing the shouting monk, Lin Fei frowned a little puzzled. "

According to the truth, after the defeat of Red Haired Real Man, this place where Tianzong, as the source of the split soul of Red Haired Real Man, should have been prepared to deal with trouble.

But now it seems that even if there is not much defense on the periphery,

How could it be like this now, and still have the mood to shout here?

Although Li Tianzong, which dominated the entire Jianmu world, acted quite arrogantly in the past, and regarded himself as very high, but it should not be the present.

"I think I'm invincible since Tianzong?" Lin Fei didn't have much clues about it, but he didn't think much. Anyway, he has come to the door now. What is the details of the other party? understood.

Lin Fei then raised his head and looked at the shouting monks in the sky. Gently raised his hand.

When Lin Fei's arm fell, he already had countless sword qi, like a gust of wind, and swept away towards those few monks.

At the next moment, the monks burst into panic and miserable howling.

Immediately afterwards, I saw only that the monks seemed to have been swept away by the storm that had been formed by countless flying knives.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the four or five monks among them, turned into a blood mist, scattered in the air...

However, under the sweep of this kind of sword qi wind, there are still several figures, covering all kinds of magical auras, escaped from it, desperately out of the range of sword qi wind, but also unable to escape, only If it fell on the ground, it was already dying...

Now it is to escape again, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape far.

"Bring those people over."

With Lin Fei's words falling down, more than a dozen Tianmen City monks immediately turned away from the light and quickly moved towards those monks.

It's just that the monks who escaped from the floating island also seemed to belong to the strong. Although they tried their best to escape, when they faced the enemy, a revolt broke out and injured two Tianmens. City monk.

As a result, he made himself even more miserable. After making the monks in Tianmen City angry, he was severely beaten and turned into a complete dying, before he was firmly tied up, like a dumpling, dragged to the spirit. Above the ship, it was delivered to Lin Fei's feet.

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