
Chapter 1941: Xuefeng

At this time, Lin Fei was following Yue Zuo, Zhou Xiangfu and others, while the fleet was advancing slowly, observing the scene of the Jianmu world.

Looking down, I saw lush forests everywhere, with green foliage and green eyes, a green wave brushed across the scene, a strong aura, almost came from the face...

These ancient trees do not know how many years they have accumulated, and it may be that these ancient trees are indeed related to the legendary building tree. This ancient tree is naturally capable of exuding a strong aura.

And if they are transplanted to other realms, they still cannot survive. The existence of these woods can also be said to be the iconic existence of the built wood world...

Basically, for every tens of thousands of miles, there will be a floating island residing, it seems to be the people who guard this territory.

Along the way, their fleet, even less, had to destroy four or five floating islands...

"The reinforcements led by Haoyang Zhenjun should be coming..."

Lin Fei stood on the deck and looked towards the distance. The spiritual consciousness of the real body could be easily sensed. There was a breath of war in the distance, and he was approaching quickly towards himself...

"They are here... shall we fight immediately?" Yue Zuo frowned.

"Of course." Lin Fei did not hesitate.

"But... this building wood world is not the same as you think..."

Yue Zuo asked, as they walked along the way, they also discovered that the Jianmu world was very different from the imaginary situation of full alertness.

It seems that it is in a stable environment, without even realizing it, there will be invasion by foreign enemies...

This is too abnormal...

I’m afraid that something changed in this wood industry...

Under such circumstances, it is not wise to start a war with a real body...

"It's too late to say anything..."

Lin Fei glanced towards the distance and said, "That person can't talk about anything..."

At this time on the left of the moon, it was also sensed. In the distance, there was an extremely powerful momentum, and his face suddenly changed slightly.

Looking up at a distance, I only saw that on the far horizon, a black shadow appeared suddenly. Among them, the head was a huge spirit ship.

It seems that he is already waiting for the battle, full of fighting spirit, without any slight dullness, it is towards his own side, and hit him unbiasedly...

Seeing this, Yue Zuo felt a little deep in his heart, knowing what Lin Fei said in his words, as far as the other party's fighting intentions were concerned, there really was no possibility of negotiation.

It seems that a head-to-head battle is inevitable...

Although it is a pity, it is nothing.

In the past, even the dharma body was faced with. The breath in the distance is nothing more than a real body...

"This battle, I'm coming." Yue Zuo took a deep breath and took a step.

Three days later...

A piece of news, like a huge stone thrown into the pool, shocked the entire Li Tianzong.

Responsible for guarding the eastern domain of Jianmu Realm, as a real realm of Haoyang, he led tens of thousands of monks and died in the air over the dense forest of the eastern domain!

And Yue Zuo, who fought for three days and three nights, returned to the fleet to cultivate. While taking advantage of the fighting between the two sides, Lin Fei led the fleet without pause, and continued to advance from east to west. Very Soon, the entire eastern territory was captured, and even the ancient tree palace where Haoyang Zhenjun lived was occupied...

After the news of the death of Haoyang Zhenjun came out, the details of this fleet were fully exposed, and the name Lin Fei was even more resounding from Tianzong.

Litianzong is located deep in the Jianmu Realm. It is in all directions, but it has not built the woodland's iconic dense forest.

The entire Litianzong stood on a snowy peak in an icy and snowy field, and looked towards the surroundings, and saw a bare scene, full of snow.

For a hundred thousand miles, only the peak where Lizong Zong is located stands here.

According to legend, this peak is a remnant root of the built wood. In countless years, it was rooted in this extremely cold frozen soil and almost frozen its own life, so it can be preserved in this way.

Those who can practise here, without exception, are the true core figures in the Sect of Heaven.

At this time, in a snow-white hall in Lizongzong, the elders who were really in power in Lizongzong, as well as the rest of the powerful monks who guarded several other places like Haoyang Zhenjun, gathered here to share Discuss how to deal with it, the menacing fleet...

But in the center of the hall, there is a somewhat vague picture. In it, it is the picture that appeared when the Haoyang Zhenjun’s natal lamp was broken...

This psychic lamp is owned by the core figure of Tianzong, and is enshrined in the ancestral hall. The body and soul are connected, and the lamp can show the state of the master.

Once someone is dead, it will also be displayed on this natal spirit lamp, so that people can know the prospect of that person’s death...

At this time, I only saw that the picture was quite vague.

It can only be roughly seen that the figure flashed in the picture, and a misty moon suddenly broke out, and then, Haoyang Zhenjun was pinched by his throat and lifted into the air...

The blazing flames burned on Haoyang Zhenjun's body, but it didn't seem to work. Even if he was so urged, the anger-like power in the body was locked with his throat.

Immediately afterwards, Haoyang Zhenjun disappeared with a misty moonlight coming from the other party...

Then, the screen disappeared...

After the whole picture disappeared, there was still silence in the hall.

You should know that although the fall of the real body is not too rare, and Haoyang Zhenjun is not the pinnacle of the real body.

However, as a person stationed in the Eastern Territory, Haoyang Zhenjun, in addition to his own strength, can still draw on the strength of the local jungle. That’s it. He was only killed for three days, and he was so killed. Still makes it difficult for everyone to accept...

After a while, I only saw an old man wearing a red robe with a slight scar on his face and said slowly: "The power of these people cannot be underestimated. This person who killed the true king of Haoyang is just the Taiyin. Yue Zuo, this is not that Lin Fei personally shot..."

These words fell, and there was a slight silence in the hall.

They all know that Lin Fei was a man who had faced the Fashen directly, and Yue Zuo's combat power was still underneath it. That's it. Haoyang Zhenjun was killed like this, one can imagine that Lin Fei's battle force…

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