
Chapter 1972: peep

The pure spiritual aura, which naturally overflows from the Lingshi Mountain Range, gathers into a mist above the sky. Because there is a magic circle arrangement to seal this world into one, the aura cannot escape, but it is condensed into rain, and it falls down and is winding. Spring water gathers in the tortuous terrain...

In the end, it is in a slightly lower place, converging into a lake, and then connected into a dotted water system...

This level of reiki condensation can be used directly as a panacea for cultivation. If a child drinks this lake water since childhood, it is considered to have no talent for cultivation. After growing up, it can also be transformed into a cultivation genius.

Even if these things can be seen, I am afraid that the general real body can be attacked.

And Lin Fei knew that as the last place of inheritance of the old man, what was left in this place was not just these...

Moreover, after asking about the treasure house of Jianzong, it was indeed taken away from them by Lingji Taoists and others, but at the same time, it was filled with some interesting existences...

On the other side, I only saw a mountain like a beehive. In every cave where the beehive sinks, there is a weak blood...

Lin Fei could clearly feel that among the peaks of the hive, in fact, there are many special beasts with special bloodlines.

Many of them even have a part of the bloodline of the innate gods born in the ancient times.

They are all ancestors such as Lingji Daoren, etc. In countless years, in the first war with the Black Abyss, some of the captured foreign animals cubs, raised them here, cultivated from generation to generation, turned into slaves here. exist.

The beasts that can be qualified to be selected by the ancestors to these places personally, without exception, are extremely powerful and highly talented.

In addition, this place is a blessed place for spiritual practice. They grew up here since childhood, and they are definitely geniuses among geniuses in their kind, and there are even a lot of them. In the process, it has evolved again.

If this is released, I am afraid that it will be able to give birth to the existence of several dragons.

Of course, in these countless years, there may be a chance to give birth to some real-level combat power, but this kind of combat power is generally just detected when it has a chance to be promoted, and it will be directly detected and used directly here. To the battlefield.

After all, for the ancestor of the Fashen, a real body combat power cannot be ignored, and of course it is impossible to leave it to Lin Fei. Even the Fashen does not have such skill.

But even so, these strange beasts alone are a great asset...

However, these are only some of them. The innumerable wealth left by the old man at that time was originally the resource that was originally prepared to fight against the Black Abyss. The scale is so large, how many...

Now, it seems that these resources have been fully integrated with this land mass.

Just when Lin Fei counted these, at this time, many strange beasts in that mountain also noticed Lin Fei's arrival...I love to see Chinese website www.52kzw.com

They all quieted down, watching quietly beside Lin Fei, and walking on the land...

Among all the beasts, there is a rather unique existence. It is a dragon-like dragon. The claws clearly have the appearance of a true dragon with five claws, but the body is extremely small, and it can even be said to be Delicate.

And there are no horns on the top of the head, just two bulging small drum kits, and the body does not have the powerful and magical meaning of a real dragon. Instead, it is chubby, and the whole looks like a young dragon. baby……

This baby dragon was lying at the entrance of the cave, squinting slightly, watching Lin Feidong moving, and did not know what to think of...

On the side, a dragon head covered with black scales came out and whispered: "His Royal Highness, what do you say this guy is like? He doesn't have the smell of those old guys, and the king has no news for many years. Maybe the old guy is finally destroyed? Would you like everyone to try it out?"

For this proposal, the young dragon did not mean to answer, just a pair of eyes, followed by Lin Fei without blinking, and the light in his eyes flickered.

After a while, I suddenly said seriously: "I said again, my father said when he was leaving, he was serving several ancestors for three thousand years, repaying the nurturing favors, don't talk nonsense if you don't know! Don’t call me Your Highness or His Highness in the future, everyone grows up in the shadow of several ancestors, regardless of their superiority, and although my father is strong, he never admitted that he is the king of this place! , Always belong to several adults and their inheritors!"

Hearing the young dragon saying these things, the black dragon was anxious and wanted to say a few words, but who knows, the young dragon didn't mean much to him.

I just turned around and twisted my rather fat butt, yawned and went back into the hole, as if I were going to bed...

This time, it is the black dragon in his heart who hates to see. Although the young dragon is not strong, but because of his father's reason, he has a pure blood line. Among these strange beasts, it is quite famous.

Who knew that this kid was so courageous that when his father was taken away, he also knew to resist one or two, but when he came to this kid, he became a voluntary reward!

And even more shamelessly, it consciously regards this prisoner's cage as a paradise...

Is this really because several successive generations were born here and were domesticated out of slavery?

Or... it's that this guy is young, but he is already deliberately evading...

However, no matter how you grind your teeth, the black jelly can’t do anything, let alone force it, and don’t want to, and this young dragon is not a real dragon, but after all, the blood is quite pure, even for it All kinds of **** black dragons have a certain dragon power.

Fortunately, at this time, there are not many strange beasts holding the same idea.

In this dense mountain cave, I don't know how many fierce beasts, protruding my head, watching Lin Fei's every move quietly.

You know, they are all forcibly imprisoned here. Except for a few desperate ones, most of them want to escape from time to time. It is because their blood lines are extraordinarily pure, and their races are engraved in the blood lines. Inherited from memory, the strength of each is not weak.

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