
Chapter 2091: despair

Lin Wudao can't tell the truth now.

He did not expect that the news that he had been strictly sealed about his cultivation practice would be leaked out, and he was still the spirit stone sect who was not weaker than Qianshanzong! Moreover, the action of the Lingshi Sect was extremely fast, and he ran directly to contact a real-level foreign aid and united to attack and move the Shanzong.

Lin Wudao's strength is really not too weak to say. However, the biggest hidden danger now is that Lin Wudao's strength has been sharply reduced to the edge of his true body, and is at the limit of falling to the law. That is to say, if you don't pay attention, Lin Wudao will directly become a monk of the Fa phase...

His real element is no longer a real body, it is only a little more than the peak of the ordinary form of law, even if it has the essence of the real body, but now it is not just a real body, but It is two real bodies!

Under such circumstances, it is really not easy for Lin Wudao to support now...

"Spirit Demon, you are too presumptuous, and dare to attack me to move the mountain sect, are you not afraid that I will move the mountain sect to destroy your spirit stone sect in the future?" Lin Wudao stepped back a few steps, Standing in the void and shouting at the head of the Lingshi Sect.

The spirit demon is the head of the spirit stone sect. To be honest, he and Lin Wudao once had a lot of origins. When they were young, they met and met unintentionally, and later they learned together in this world of spirits. . It was only later that Lin Wudao discovered that the spirit demon was fierce in nature, and he did not blink when he killed. Even some secular people who did not understand spiritual practice at all, the spirit demon could brutally kill him.

This is very inconsistent with Lin Wudao's philosophy of cultivating the Tao. Over time, Lin Wudao and the Spirit Demon went farther and farther, but after all, they are old acquaintances, and the two have a little friendship. Now the spirit demon attacked and moved Shanzong, making Lin Wudao extremely angry.

"Lin Wudao, you are about to die, and you still have the courage to threaten me. Do you know that after your death, the monks who moved Shanzong can't live, and how will you beat me the Lingshizong? After hearing Lin Wudao's words, the spirit demons couldn't help laughing.

And the real monk beside the demon also sneered at the moment.

"Spirit Demon, you promised me before. After you lay down the Emperor Shanzong, you should divide the resources of the Emperor Shanzong into half of me. Don't forget this matter." The monk said casually to the Spirit Demon.

"Relax, promise you things, I will not forget." The spirit demon also nodded slightly when he heard the monk's words. For this transaction, honestly, the spirit demon didn't care much. Shi Zong's existing strength is completely incapable of dealing with Qian Shanzong, but with this true body he has drawn from Qingyun Gate, his strength far exceeds that of Ling Shizong.

At no time can one underestimate the combat effectiveness of a true monk.

When I remembered going to Qingyun Gate before, the spirit demon felt that his luck was really good. It stands to reason that a school like him is simply difficult to directly contact with the senior officials of Qingyun Gate. After being avoided by Qingyun Gate that day, it was originally The demon is also extremely disappointed, intending to look for other assistance.

However, at this time, the Qingyun Gate called Mingfan took the initiative to come to the door, and on the condition of allocating half of the resources of the Qianshanzong, he actively requested to deal with the Qianshanzong together with the Lingshizong.

Although I don’t know why Ming Fan wanted to carry Qingyun Gate to help himself, he was also a real body. The spirit demon immediately agreed with Ming Fan’s proposal and united with him. Zong's station.

The two true bodies worked together, like the mountain protection method of moving the mountain sect, which was totally useless, and they were completely broken by them easily. Until now, the leader of Lin Wudao has been about to attack. kill.

Recalling the previous battle with Qian Shanzong many times and always falling in the wind, the spirit is now very happy.

When I first learned that Lin Wudao’s practice was declining, honestly, the spirit was really shocked and happy. Originally, according to his strength, he was absolutely unable to confront Lin Wudao. After all, Lin Wudao was in this real body. The realm has been there for hundreds of years, and the inside is deep. It took less than half a year for the spirit to be promoted to the real body, and neither side was at the same level.

However, as Lin Wudao's strength gradually weakened, the spirits that were originally weaker than Lin Wudao's front line are now also catching up, and their strength has surpassed Lin Wudao. Coupled with the fact that Youming Fan is holding Lin Wudao around, today the death of Lin Wudao is already an unchangeable fact.

"You bastard..." Although he had known for a long time that the spirit demons were mad and mad, Lin Wudao didn't expect that this spirit demons would deliberately kill all the disciples of the Qianshan Sect. This is already contrary to heaven. But Lin Wudao also knows that the spirit demon is definitely not just talking about it. If he really falls here, then the spirit demon may definitely kill all the monks who moved the mountain.

At that time, Qian Shanzong will cease to exist, and he, as a sinner, will go to Huang Quan to see the senior heads of Qian Shanzong.

How can he allow this to happen...

At the moment, Lin Wudao bit his tongue and tried to force out the last point in the body to restore his cultivation to the peak of the real body, but this is a method of burning life, and it can only last for a short time. Time, if you can't solve Ming Fan and Spirit Demon, then Lin Wudao himself will fall.

So, this is already a battle to death...

"Mr. Lin, why do you need to go there? You forgot, I promised you before that you should treat the injury in your body?" But just when Lin Wudao was already enlightened, suddenly, in Lin Wudao's ear sounded a hearty laugh.

The sound was so familiar. Lin Wudao's desperate face was filled with a sudden surprise. Looking back, it turned out that Lin Fei was looting towards him.

"Lin Daoyou, the teleportation method has been refined?" Lin Wudao asked Lin Fei in surprise. He knows that Lin Fei is also a real body, and this real body has extraordinary knowledge. Although he hasn't seen Lin Fei's shot in person, Lin Wudao is very clear in his heart that Lin Fei will never be an ordinary true body. body.

Furthermore, even if it is an ordinary real body, it is also a real body after all. For Lin Wudao, who is now at the end of his journey, it is simply the gospel. If Lin Fei can help move Shanzong, then moving Shanzong may still hope to survive today.

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