
Chapter 2108: Break

Although the Fa self thought that he was hiding very concealed, but he missed a bit, that is his breath, for the real body of this level of Lin Fei, you don't need to see this Fa at all, you can pass the breath , Sensing his every move. Lin Fei has been observing this Fa-pian these days, knowing that he has been hiding in the crowd.

To be honest, Lin Fei also somewhat admired the patience of this Fa, after all, it was such a boring thing to monitor a die-casting workshop that would never be turned on, but he was stunned to be able to persist for so long, Lin Fei had to Praise him a few words...

However, although Lin Fei thought so, the Fa who was waiting outside the door did not think so...

In the beginning, this law-abiding deity was okay, at least there was no confusion in his mind. But as the time got longer and longer, the monk also felt boring and bored. After all, Lin Fei and they did not mean to open the Jianjianfang. This monk did nothing, just stayed on the ground, how could this be tolerable for a Fa-sect.

Especially on the third day, the Fascist couldn't bear it anymore. He simply stopped squatting and ran to the Linghai Pavilion to find Zhang Guanshi and reported it to him. The result was that he was scolded by Zhang Guanshi. After a pass, he was scolded out of the Linghai Pavilion, and he continued to come to Zhujianfang.

This Fa Fa can't help but can only continue to squat, not upset in his heart. At this time, I also remember to hate the old. This old man probably died in Zhujianfang. Otherwise, how could he be so **** that he refused to open the door of Zhujianfang?

And Zhang Guanshi, in fact, is constantly thinking of ways.

When the monk of the Fa phase cannot destroy the formation on the gate, Zhang Guanshi really does not know how to crack the formation on the gate, and then push the gate open.

In fact, if it was not that he had scruples and could not destroy the Zhujianfang, it would be a ghost like such a formation that could stop him, as long as he sent a real body, he could be in a flash Solve this formation.

But now, the way to break the formation is based on the fact that the real body can not shoot, so it is very difficult for Zhang Guanshi to crack this formation.

But after all, this is the order given by the head of the Linghai Pavilion personally, and Zhang Guanshi should not do it because it is more complicated to do. He must find a way to solve this problem. Therefore, in the past two days, Zhang Guanshi has been looking for a way around, and even brought together some monks in the Linghai Pavilion to discuss the way together.

Not to mention, there is a real person who remembers a good way...

This good way, to put it bluntly, is to rely on the Yuanling magic weapon. In the Linghai Pavilion, there are many Yuanling magic weapons collected, and this true body remembers that there is a Yuanling magic weapon, which seems to be used specifically to crack some formations. Yes, if you use this Yuanling magic weapon, you might be able to crack the formation method of Zhujianfang...

When Zhang Guanshi heard it, he immediately felt it was reliable. Regarding this elemental magic weapon, he had seen it with his own eyes before. It was a broken array, which was used to crack the formation, and ordinary monks, how many formations need to be cracked, so they don’t need to be broken The array, even though the broken array is a magic weapon of the Yuan spirit, was placed in the treasure trove of the Linghai Pavilion and no one had used it for a long time.

But now in order to crack the formation method of Zhujianfang, this broken array seems to be useful again...

Zhang Guanshi was overjoyed and rewarded this true body with a superb panacea. Then he went to the treasure trove of the Linghai Pavilion and borrowed from the elders in charge of the management of the Linghai Pavilion. Originally, wanting to borrow a Yuanling magic weapon is not such a simple thing, at least it has to be reported.

But because Zhang Guanshi did things in accordance with the intention of the patriarch, and this breaking position was indeed an elemental magic weapon that was not too expensive, so the elder, without saying anything, borrowed the breaking position Zhang Zhangshi.

Zhang Guanshi then took the breakout and came to Zhujianfang.


When walking in front of Zhujianfang, Zhang Guanshi couldn't wait to urge the broken array. When a burst of mysterious light drifted from the broken array, the formation that enveloped the gate also appeared a sword Angrily, Zhang Guanshi fixed his gaze, and then pressed the broken plate directly on the gate.

Then, after a gust of wind, it came directly from the door...

Breaking the array is originally capable of cracking all kinds of formations. Although it is not easy to crack those extremely powerful formations, how strong can the formations that cover a gate be? Even in this formation, there is not even a little congenital sword gas, just some ordinary acquired gas. Even the acquired sword energy is extremely rare.

Suppressed by the mysterious light of the broken array, the sword energy in the formation was continuously destroyed. Then, after a series of clicks sounded, the formation on the gate was completely broken by the broken array. The light dissipated, and the rustic door was revealed.

"Very good." When I saw that the formation on the gate was finally broken, Zhang Guanshi was also overjoyed. I didn't expect this broken formation to be so easy to use. It was really a superlative undervalued magic weapon. He put away the break order, then pushed the door in, and led the monks into the Forging Sword Workshop.

As a result, when I saw Zhu Jian Fang, I found out that there were no more magical tools in the Jian Jian Fang. The whole hall was so empty. He frowned, and then sent someone to the backyard to check. The report said that the backyard has already been empty, and in the entire Jian Jianfang, Yan Lao could not be found at all.

I go……

Zhang Guanshi didn't think of it. Just when they tried to crack the formation, Yan Lao and others had already secretly left. At the moment, Zhang Guanshi was furious and ran to question the image of the guard who had been guarding Zhu Jianfang. .

The Fa-Sang is also very wronged!

He was indeed guarding here all the time, and he didn’t leave in half a step. He also felt very strange about the fact that the old and their people went to the empty building. He didn’t even know what was going on, how could they be on their own eyelids? Disappear underneath?

"Zhang Guanshi, you punish me!" The Fashen knew that Zhang Guanshi had a bad temper. If he waited for him to punish himself, he could only be worse. It might be better to ask for punishment now, maybe Zhang Guanshi could be a little soft-hearted. ...

"Forget it, they are also a good thing since they ran, at least we don't need to worry about grabbing the Jianjianfang. Now that the Zhujianfang has snatched back, then this matter is considered to be over." Zhang Guanshi was indeed sure I want to teach this law to have a meal.

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