
Chapter 804: Flock of monsters

This black robe was obtained from the Tomb of the Blue Dragon King in the Dragon Bone Realm. There are thirty-nine prohibitions. It is made of the silk of the Black Silkworm Demon King in the Dragon Bone Realm. Ability.

After returning to the cave, Lin Fei released his consciousness and found that the war in the distance, not only did not cease, but instead intensified, the air, the sea, and the land were all black shadows of monsters, and surging monsters accumulated in the world. In the meantime, the water on the seashore was dyed red, and the earth was falling apart...

What's worse, this war, which is constantly spreading out, it is estimated that it will take less than a day to come to their cave...

Lin Fei shouted Sun Qing who was still meditating.

Sun Qing's pale face also had blood, he opened his eyes and asked, "Is there a way to go out?"

Lin Fei said the old man in black and white briefly, and Sun Qing was horrified: "What shall we do?"

"Leave first."

Lin Fei removed the stone at the entrance of Dongfu, and the impermanent sword gasified into a pale mist, wrapped them, and instantly covered the breath of several people.

When he came outside the cave, a thunderous roar sounded in his ears. Although it came from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Demon Wars, they were far apart, but the sound was like falling gold and broken jade. The boiling hot water is constantly rolling, and the rich demon veil covers the sky and the sky is pulled down. The heavy one seems to fall.

It can be seen that the cliff that is connected to the sea has collapsed for more than half. Even the sea in front of the two of them was stained with red blood, and the violent killing intention is still more fierce...

Countless monsters passed by in front of the two. The sea monsters, bird monsters, and land monsters had everything. Even many monsters didn't reach the main battlefield, they began to fight, flesh and blood...

This world is like a Shura hell.

After Lin Fei came out of the cave, he only glanced at the battlefield, and he no longer ignored it, but summoned the sword demon and took Sun Qing to the cliff.

The land on this cliff is different from the dense forest where they woke up from the world of Ten Thousand Demons. The tens of thousands of high mountains are never seen. The plain of Pingchuan is actually a large grassland, which is just a plain compared to the plain of the world. The grass and trees above are too tall, and a grass is two feet tall, and the sporadic tree, with its canopy pointing directly at the sky, gives a sense of magnificence.

Of course, if there are no monsters fighting on the grassland, Lin Fei may also appreciate...

In addition to the beginning of the battlefield, the brutality of the killing has spread to the whole world, **** everywhere, corpse blood everywhere...

On the plain in front of me, there is a group of jackals who are killing birds from high altitudes. Their battles are more direct and brutal than the monks. Without the blessing of any magic tools, claws and fangs are weapons. Once they collide, It was a large piece of flesh that was torn, bloody, and shocking.

Fortunately, there is no demon king level demon on this small battlefield. Lin Fei covered his breath with Sun Qing with his impermanent sword gas. He passed the grassland calmly and continued to go far away.

Sun Qing looked frightened, and his mind was always tense. Before Lin Fei told him, he didn't even know that his martial arts had been trapped in the Xian Pavilion for hundreds of years. There was such a coveted array...

If the real spirit of the battlefield is intact, who can hold the wild and wild demon figure in hand and make a covenant between master and servant is equivalent to possessing a monster army. Who would dare to underestimate the world?

It's a pity that the world in this array has been chaotic, and the monsters are fighting. What's worse, they are still trapped in it. I don't know when they will become a pile of corpses under their feet...

Thinking about it, Sun Qing panicked and asked, "Brother Lin, how are we going to find the true spirit of this array?"

"How to find?" Lin Fei glanced around, and then chose to continue to go deep into the hinterland of this plain: "I probably, maybe there can be a way..."

probably? Maybe?

Sun Qing wanted to cry without tears: "Brother Lin, what do you do? Don't joke, you see this place is so chaotic, if you can't get out, you will really die here..."

"Just follow me."

After that, Lin Fei urged the five-day escape method of the heavens, like a gust of wind, quickly traversing the large plains.

Gradually, the green grass covered with the earth was replaced by yellow and messy rocks. Sometimes after passing a battlefield, you could see the dark blood stains all over the earth, and the large skeleton bodies were scattered on the road...

Lin Fei's brows were slightly wrinkled with the terrible sight.

What is even more troublesome is that although the two of them continue to move forward away from the battlefield, walking and walking will find that wars are ubiquitous in this world, and the battlefield they encountered at the beginning also It is not the biggest. On the vast plains, there are violent demonic scrolls from time to time, and large-scale fighting takes place. This world is worse than they imagined.

Lin Fei and Sun Qing stood above the sword demon, and the impermanent sword gas dispersed into a pale mist surrounding the two. They traveled about a hundred miles in this wilderness, but experienced six battles. The battlefield is almost never broken. There are few sea monsters deep in the inland, but the monsters on the land are also fighting, fighting for territory with each other, slaughtering, all kinds of monsters, all met here. all over.

The monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts map are all made of animals, and some are even the descendants of the wild animals in the ancient times. They have opened their wisdom, with magical powers, and even those with great chances can even get real cultivation methods. Asked about the way of becoming a fairy, but the wild nature of the fierce beast remained in the bone.

Starting from the original forest, Lin Fei and Sun Qing were chased by the tree demon and the forest monsters to the beach, and then from the sea cliff to the inland. There were hundreds of monster kings and birds and beasts. There are countless monsters. Almost every monster king has a monster army with strong fighting power.

According to the old man in black and white, when the Ten Thousand Beasts dominate, the Millions of Monsters bow their heads, and there must be some characters similar to ordinary generals to help manage this group of monsters, such as those they have encountered before. The tree demon king, the whole jungle was sensational at the order.

Moreover, Lin Fei found that although the monsters were fighting fiercely, they were not really crazy, but they had a purpose to attack. They were competing for the territory, just as they saw in this journey, the big monsters led the monster army , Fighting against each other and merging, the strong one is respected, the weak monster group around, either bow to the title, or resist to death...

The monsters in the sea want to rush to the land and occupy the land, and the monsters on the land form a front line, and the birds in the air cross the foot...

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