
Chapter 842: Sleeping place

Another half a month later, the four demon kings all came to the Xinglin Palace under the name of offering the hardware, but Lin Fei remained closed, only Sun Qing came forward to let them put things down.

Red Phosphorus Jiao is accustomed to this scene, but the thoughts of the three demon kings such as the tree demon king are alive.

Three days later, the tree demon king announced the practice of retreat.

All creatures and creatures have become one with the tree demon king, and the infinite vitality lingers around it. The fist-sized demon is floating in Xiaoding, constantly swallowing demon qi, washing its body until the sky becomes dark As night fell, the most trusted demon came from the Xinglin Palace, saying that Lin Fei had been closed and there was nothing unusual.

The tree demon king opened his eyes, and the light green light and shadow disappeared around it all at once, and suddenly, the void was slightly twisted, and the three elliptical halos appeared out of thin air. Then, the three figures slowed from the halo. Slowly appear.

Red Phosphorus Jiao dressed in a red robe, as if wearing a layer of flame, with a scorching breath, the Kraken King closed his eyes and focused, wrapped around the body of Haiyuan, and said nothing, compared to the caution between them, Eagle King Harrier Kong is completely different. It appeared behind the Tree Demon Palace. It looked as proud as ever, and walked out of the distorted space directly. Then it sat in a position, and smiled coldly at the other two demon kings: " Don’t come if you’re so scared.”

The red phosphorus jellyfish and the Kraken king's face suddenly turned black, but they also knew that the eagle king's temperament did not care much, and the path came out of the halo.

Red Phosphorus Jiao looked around and smiled: "The tree demon king Qiankun's conversion secret has become more and more advanced."

The tree demon king glanced at the three demon kings: "With the small Ding of Lin Fei refining, we have entered the realm of demon emperor, but it is only a matter of time."

Hearing Lin Fei's name, there was a sudden silence in the tree demon palace.

The four little Dings that are now integrated with them make the four demon kings love and hate, on the one hand, because of the great increase in the strength of Xiaoding, on the one hand, because it is controlled by others...

"However, the four demon emperors were trapped under the hands of a human monk who was in Jin Dan's second turn, and they said that they might laugh at the monsters." After a pause, the tree demon king said slowly.

"Oh, I didn't see that you were worried about being laughed at by the demon." Eagle King's words were stinging.

The Siren King also sighed: "We are now like chopping board fish, we can only be controlled by people, and the scene that happened at the Xinglin Palace banquet that day, you must not forget..."

With that said, the Kraken King glanced at the Shu Yao Wang: "You have always been thinking, but this time, I don't understand what it can do to call us, can you destroy the four little tripods?"

"Destroy it?" The tree demon king smiled: "Why do you want to destroy it? That Xiaoding can help us become enlightened. It is a great opportunity and cannot be destroyed."


"The reason why the old man shouted you is that he also sees that you are not the people who have lived for a long time, and you have an antipathy in your heart, but you can't find a chance."

This time even the red phosphorus jiao couldn't help but ask: "Could you find an opportunity?"

The tree demon king stroked the white beard on his chest and spit out a word: "Yes."

The eyes of the Kraken King, the Eagle King and the Red Phosphorus Lit suddenly lighted up, looking at the Tree Demon King in shock and surprise, and they all asked what is the way to turn Lin Fei upside down.

Facing the enquiries of the three demon kings, the tree demon king did not directly say the method, but asked them a question: "Have you ever thought about what this world you live like?"


The three demon kings were puzzled on their faces. They were so confused that they didn't understand the meaning of the question of the tree demon king.

The Tree Demon King looked at them and sighed softly: "When you were born, oh, no, when your ancestors were born, this world of monsters had already retreated from its original appearance, and it had evolved into a preliminary What a real world looks like, you naturally don’t know the truth."

"The truth?" The Siren King froze: "You mean..."

The other two demon kings were shocked and speechless.

"This world of demon is not a real world, but a magic weapon evolved from the ancient times. At the beginning of this evolutionary world of magic weapon, I moved here with the ancestors and watched its space become vast, Seeing the landscape of mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon are empty, watching the birth of the demon, so I know that there are always more than you."

"Dharma, magic weapon?"

"Yes, the so-called ten thousand demon king in your mouth is nothing but the true spirit of this magic weapon. It is subject to the ten thousand demon's obedience and enjoys the boundless incense wish. It follows the Shinto. If all goes well, this magic weapon can be promoted to the innate. , The magical space we are in will also evolve into a real world. However, tens of thousands of years ago, I don’t know what happened to the outside world. This magical weapon left the world at the time and fell here. The spirit was badly hit and nearly dissipated. It was also because of the numerous monsters in this world of monsters, and its strong mental power that it could withstand its life. After thousands of years of cultivation, the true spirit also slowly recovered, but, in the count Hundred years ago, and for no reason, this magical spirit disappeared."

Although King Eagle was still shocked, he responded fast enough: "disappeared? Is it dead or..."

"If the true spirit of the magic weapon dies and there is no second magic weapon to replace it, the world will slowly be destroyed." The tree demon king shook his head and said: "According to my speculation, the true spirit should have suffered some accidents. So I fell asleep. Since the disappearance of the demon king, the old man has been looking for its whereabouts. Hundreds of years have passed and I finally found a clue..."

The three demon kings Qi Qi looked at the tree demon king, and the eagle king directly asked: "You found the sleeping place of the magic weapon? Where?"

The tree demon king smiled slightly: "The old man does know."

The Siren King had the longest encounter with the Tree Monster King and knew his character the most. He frowned immediately: "If you know, how can it not be done? Is it impossible to fight?"

"If the old man could capture the true spirit by himself, it would naturally not fall to the present level, and it would not be concealed. If he can take the power of the true spirit for his own use, he can become the master of this Ten Thousand Array in an instant. , As long as you are in the array, you can stand in an invincible position. As for Lin Fei, it is just a ant.” The tree demon king said with a sigh: “It is a pity that the old man is not strong enough, even if he knows It’s impossible to do that in the sleeping place of the true spirit."

"Is the sleeping magic weapon true spirit, is the strength so strong?"

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