
Chapter 873: Spirituality

The flames were burning, the redness that burned the ore block, and even it was transparent. When the teenagers began to forge those red irons, Lin Fei knew that the hunting tools that looked rough in this room were all made by the 16th and 7th teenagers.

But the forging was not completed in a moment and a half. The teenager distressed her sister and let her go back to bed early.

Outside the cabin where Lin Fei was, Mars was shining, and the red flame wrapped the iron ore. The young man stood quietly in front of the furnace, flipping from time to time, and his movements were very skilled.

When the impurities gradually disappeared, the hardware in the ore was revealed.

A mortal forging an ore is no match for a monk. No matter how big the flame is, this is just a mortal fire. After all, the impurities in the ore cannot be removed. To the extent that it can be purified, it depends on personal means.

But obviously, although this young man was able to refine the ore brought back, the means of forging can only be regarded as sparse and ordinary. Although Lin Fei could not use the true yuan, he could see that when the young man began to smelt, the ore in his hand remained There are many impurities.

As the boy tempered the ore brought back, some of the metal qi escaped from it, and he felt these golden qi. Lin Fei's subconscious mouth sucked in, and only the stars fell into his body.

Lin Fei's physique is different from ordinary monks. Most monks pursue true purity and do not add a trace of foreign objects, but Lin Fei takes himself as a melting pot, accepts sword qi, and practices sword tactics. Mutual integration, nature needs to be reformed, whether it is gold qi or other, for ordinary monks, they are regarded as flood beasts, but for Lin Fei, it is more good.

Only now, even if it can absorb gold gas, what can it do? If the true yuan does not turn, Jin Dan is blocked. He can't even absorb the aura, and hoarding more gold will only make the body burden heavier.

It would be great if I could turn gold energy into aura...

Just thinking, the bitter smile on Lin Fei's face was stiff...

Speaking of it, it seems that it is not impossible to turn golden energy into aura...

In the last life, Elder Ji not only gave a solution to Wan Jianjue’s journey, he was also keen to find various ways to replace the aura between heaven and earth.

According to his statement, compared with when the world first opened, the world is now exhausted of resources, and even the spiritual energy is constantly being consumed. If tens of millions of years have passed, I am afraid that it is the spiritual energy that the monks rely on to cultivate most. It will be the same as those treasures that only exist in the legend. If you want to disappear, it will break the way of everyone's practice.

Reiki is the conversion of the energy of heaven and earth. Reiki exists in all things, and everything feeds back the reiki, which is mutually complementary and endless. It is only because of the presence of the monk that constantly consumes the reiki between heaven and earth, so that the reiki is continuously reduced. The way the elders thought of is to restore the five elements of the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, to the aura itself. These five elements constitute the world, which was originally converted from chaotic aura, Therefore, it is theoretically feasible.

However, it is only theoretically feasible.

Elder Ji is very talented and intelligent. In Lin Fei’s view, those whimsical thoughts are enough to make him an unborn genius, and his acting power is quite amazing. After having this idea, he started to realize it.

In the year of asking Jianzong, Elder Ji was also a sensation when he wanted to create a five-element spirit. Lin Fei was also very interested in this idea, but there were also many people who didn't care at all. Lin Banhu was one of them.

Lin Fei once said to Lin Banhu that if Elder Ji’s spiritual transformation can succeed, it is no less than the existence of top-level exercises, but Lin Banhu heard it and just laughed it off, not thinking that Lin Fei was quite puzzled. And Lin Banhu's answer, after many years, still had words in his ears, he said that although the monks fight with the world, they fight for eternity, but they look at the present.

If anyone is in charge of things after tens of thousands of years, this time and here, I am afraid to be wrapped up in endless worries and thoughts.

Lin Fei thought at the time that Lin Banhu could be called the Little Sword Fairy, and it would be worthy of the title. If he was given another period of time, he asked Jianzong that there might be two Sword Fairies.

Elder Ji is also a disregardful character. After the idea was formed, he began to study. Later, after spending years of effort, he created five types of spiritualism, named gold gasification spirit and wood gasification spirit. Technique...

It's just that although the Spirit of Soul was created, no one could practice it. It was Elder Ji himself, who just sighed and put this practice into the Tibetan Sword Pavilion, and it has been put into the pavilion ever since.

Lin Fei had taken it because of curiosity. The exercises were not difficult to practice, but there were many shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming was that the aura tempered from these five elements is not pure, even if Elder Ji is thinking hard. It is difficult to solve in a short period of time, and he can’t do anything with his cultivation, let alone others?

Impure aura is already a fatal flaw. Who dares to absorb such aura? Absorbing such aura is a self-defeating way for monks.

The aura that is refined by using gold gasification spirits will also be mixed with gold qi that cannot be removed. Those gold qis are fatal to ordinary monks, but Lin Fei is different. He originally needed a lot of gold qi to enter the true Yuan people, therefore, the golden aura of spirits once abandoned by others has now become a way for Lin Fei to break through the obstacles in front of him...

Rao is Lin Feidao's tenacious heart and peaceful state of mind, and he is also a little excited at the moment. He recalled the content of the golden gasification spirit art. He sucked in his mouth and sucked more golden gas into his body. Melt until the aura is dissipated and falls into the body.

After half an hour, that little aura finally turned into a few real yuan. Of course, the newly born real yuan, compared with the original real yuan in his body, is like dripping water compared to the ocean, which is insignificant, but As far as Lin Fei is concerned, it is the first step in a journey of thousands of miles. Although it is difficult, it is finally taken out.

Lin Fei secretly thought that the next step was the work of the water mill. With this real element, he could completely manipulate the heavenly buddha to refine the gold gas. And can repair this body...

It’s just that you should also consider what method you need to use to let the boy outside bring you some hardware.

Lin Fei looked at the log cabin. The iron knives and sticks hung on the wall. Two or three, two or three, not many. When he turned his head, he found out that the campfire outside the tribe did not know when it was gone, leaving only five. A young man, but after they had extinguished the burning flame, they did not return to their home, but walked over to Ako together.

Lin Fei looked at the forging boy and raised his brow gently.

The five young people who came with them were the oldest and looked like they were in their early twenties. The youngest was no different from Ako. Although the night was slightly cool, they didn’t wear much clothes, more or less, The veins stabbed on the skin were exposed, and through the firelight, the claws of the animal could be seen.

"Si Kou, build your own irons?" A 17- or 18-year-old boy took the lead and pointed at the Si Kou, then laughed: "Only useless scrapped people use these irons?"

Others listened and laughed.

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