
Chapter 886: Return home

If you want to come, it is Si Lang, Si Rong and others, who can't do so easily.

He recalled that after he picked up Lin Fei, he did not see the war pattern on Lin Fei. He thought he was an ordinary person like himself who did not gain the power of the gods, but now, Si Kou is not sure...

How can an ordinary person have such great strength?

Si Kou lay on the body of the giant bear and thought, although in general, the war pattern will appear on the front chest and back, but I also heard that some people's war pattern position will be more secret, is this brother Lin's war pattern also in his own Invisible place?

Lin Sifei had seen the stone wall of the tribe just like Si Kou was thinking about it. It took much less time than when Si Kou went up the mountain.

At this time, shortly after dawn, the tribe was smoky and smoke could be heard faintly.

When Lin Fei got away, he felt a sudden panic in the tribe, and then several figures were all around the mouth of the tribe. He smiled: "It seems to be scared."

I want to know that such a big behemoth slowly approaching the tribe will inevitably cause confusion.

Lin Fei looked at the front, thought for a while, then stopped, and then walked around behind the giant bear and dragged the Si Kou down.

Si Kou was involved in the wound and his aching face was a little white. He had just landed on the ground, and he didn't stand still, nor did he have time to ask Lin Fei what was going on. He heard A Ning suddenly yell in front: "Brother, this is my brother !"

Immediately afterwards, A Ning rushed out of the tribal crowd like a small artillery shell, originally wanted to pounce on Si Kou’s arms, but after seeing the large and small scars on Si Kou’s body, his red eyes fell. Tears actually cried.

Scouten was in a hurry.

Since the death of his parents, A Ning has grown up overnight and has become more and more sensible. She doesn’t play like a child of her age. She rarely cries. She cries like this and hasn’t seen her for a long time. Too.

"A Ning, don't cry, brother is okay, really okay, you see."

Si Kou stepped forward, wanting to hold A Ning, a big move, the whole skin was torn like pain, and his face became whiter.

A Ning kept crying, but was afraid of hurting his brother again, so he dared to drag him by the corner of his clothes, and wept silently, "Brother, you, don't die..."

Si Kou's nose was sour, but he endured it and smiled at A Ning, "Of course my brother will not die. How can my brother die, these injuries are minor injuries, A Ning..."

"Your brother is a big hero. Look, this giant bear was killed by your brother. Your brother will be fine." Lin Fei squatted, looking at A Ning, and said softly.

A Ning, who was coaxed more and more by Si Kou, listened to Lin Fei's words, but heard it strangely. Her eyes covered with tears turned to Lin Fei, and when she moved a little, it was a line of teardrops. :"really?"

"Of course it is true. Look, this giant bear is here. Your brother killed him." Lin Fei raised his voice a little.

"This, really was killed by the scorpion?"

"how is this possible……"


The people of the tribe who came forward heard the words of Lin Fei, and they were shocked. They even blasted the pan, looked at the giant bear's body, and then looked at a wounded scorpion. There were surprised and questioning voices. And Lin Fei was directly ignored. After all, looking at his figure was not enough for the giant bear to shoot with one paw. Naturally, no one would associate the death of the giant bear with him.

Si Kou was busy coaxing A Ning, and he didn't take care of the clan who had been talking about it for a while. When A Ning finally stopped crying, many of the clan present had already assumed that he had killed the giant bear himself, and Si Kou repeatedly waved his hand: " It’s not me who killed me alone, Brother Lin and I killed them together."

A sister-in-law smiled: "Don't be humble, Sikou, how can this little brother fight this giant bear."

"Really." Si Kou looked at the unbelieving crowd and suddenly felt a sense of inexplicability.

The sister-in-law looked at Si Kou with a heartache: "Yesterday Si Lang only came back with an ivory beast. We all felt happy. I didn't expect Si Kou to be more contentious, but he brought such a giant bear back with you alone, but you Injury, go back and let the doctor take a look."

A sister-in-law said she would come forward to help the soldiers. She said that there was no malice. After all, the day of offering tribute to the city owner was approaching. The more prey the tribe’s tribe brought back, the more the burden could be reduced, but these words Once out, Si Lang and others, who were also in the crowd, sank their faces.

The ivory beast is bigger than the giant bear, but it is a fierce beast in the mountains. It looks like a buffalo, but it is bigger. It has two ivory-like protruding teeth. It is very dangerous, but this beast rarely appears. , Occasionally appearing once, may not necessarily be captured, but Silang accidentally discovered the traces yesterday, and it took a day of hard work to catch them, which caused the cheers of the tribe to continue to cheer, and they were also very complacent.


Si Lang and others did not expect that in the early morning of the next day, this guy, Si Kou, brought back a giant bear.

The ivory beast was captured by the strength of Si Lang, Si Rong and other eight people. They were all warriors with tiger prints, but Si Kou killed a giant bear by himself. see……

Warriors such as Si Rong who had a tiger's war pattern called Si Kou a waste all day. At this moment, when they looked at Si Kou and the giant bear corpses around him, these people couldn't hang on their faces either. If such pirates are waste, what are they? Isn’t waste the same?

Si Rong was so anxious that he couldn't bear it immediately. He stepped forward and said sharply: "Si Kou, you really killed this bear alone?"

Si Kouben didn't want to take the matter, but after hearing this question, he replied: "No."

"Oh, I'm the one..."

"I killed him with Brother Lin."

"Fuck! You play me?" Si Rong anger rose up: "How could he kill a giant bear even if he is not as good as you? Even if the two of you are tied together, it is not enough for this bear to shoot!"

Si Rong looked at Si Kou and continued to ridicule, "Where wouldn't it be a wild bear who got sick and died, come to the tribe to lie?"

"What do you mean?" Si Kou also got a little angry on his face: "This bear is what Brother Lin and I just hunted yesterday!"

"You can kill this bear with a piece of waste that doesn't even have battle marks? What about the ghost?" Si Rong said reluctantly.

Si Kou's mouth was clumsy, and was irritated by Si Rong, and he would only repeat that the bear killed himself, but he could not say anything else.

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