
Chapter 892: Montenegro

But now that the treasures of the mountains have not shown signs of appearing, but there is a phoenix fox, which is a bit strange. Could it be that the phoenix fox also went for the treasure?

It's not impossible...

Moreover, Silang was more anxious than Lin Fei thought, but he couldn’t wait for a day. He had just angered him, and he was about to fight back soon. He wanted to come. This time, the hunt for catching the phoenix fox is still next. Silang What I want to do is to show everyone my ability, and by the way, I ridiculed Si Kou...

Everyone came to the periphery of Bafeng Mountain, and then stopped, Silang said: "According to our one-night investigation, Fengwei Fox is on the main mountain of Bafeng Mountain. This spirit animal is alert and faster than the evil birds. Quickly, if you feel a little wrong, you will run away without a trace, and you may not come again in the next few years, so I think that there are not too many people who hunt up the mountain, so as not to disturb it."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Si Lang again said: "I think about it, the number of people hunting phoenix tail fox, no more than five people, I and Brother Si Rong, Brother Si Feng and Lin Fei, Si Kou just go."


"It's okay for five people, but for insurance, let the five soldiers go."

"Forget this brother Lin Fei, we all know his hunting ability, but Cosmo..."

Si Lang's voice fell, and the accompanying people questioned.

Lin Fei could feel that the Si Kou around him was stiff and his face was pale.

Si Lang grinned at the corner of his mouth and smiled, "We don't forget that Si Kou also brought back a giant bear with his bare hands, so I still believe in his ability."

"Isn't that giant bear killed Lin Fei..."

Ever since I saw Lin Fei hunting, the people in the tribe have taken Lin Fei and Lin Fei back to the giant bear that day, which has been regarded as the credit of Lin Fei alone.

"Moreover, Si Kou was injured. Let him go. Will there be any problems?" Someone said.

Si Lang looked at Si Kou with a smile and said, "Yes, I don't know if you can go hunting with Si Kou."

Faced with the provocation of Si Lang, Si Kou didn't pay much attention on weekdays, but today was aroused by the current atmosphere, and he was somewhat unable to control his anger, immediately said: "I'm fine."

Si Lang smiled deeper: "Si Kou is the most honest, since he said no problem, it is no problem."

Seeing that some people were hesitant, Si Lang glanced at Si Rong around him, and Si Rong met, and quickly said: "The patriarch told the elders. This time, capturing the Phoenix Tail Fox and let Si Lang arrange, everyone listen to him, even Si Kou Can't cope with it, don't you still have a few of us at that time? Rest assured, no problem."

"That line, Si Lang, you have the final say, as long as you can catch the Phoenix Tail Fox."

"Well, so is it."


Si Lang said again: "The five of us were uphill. Before we left, the elders passed me the trapped beast charm. A total of thirty-six pieces were needed. Warriors can only perform."

"This is easy to manage. We stayed at the foot of the mountain. Once the trapped beast spell came out, the entire mountain could be sealed by the power of the gods for half a day, enough." Someone said immediately.

"Yes, the remaining people are guarding the side, so as not to be disturbed by the beasts of this mountain."

After Silang arranged the hunting plan, he distributed the spell to everyone.

It was a set of bone pieces made from the bones of the king of tiger. The dark red cinnabar portrayed thirty-six runes. The twists and turns are different from the texts known by Lin Fei. They are quite ancient.

After distributing the spell of this sleepy beast, Silang took the other four people up the mountain.

The mountain climbed by the five people is steep, steep and taller than the surrounding seven mountains. Compared with other mountains, it is also quite rugged, but such a path is no different from the level of the tribal tribes who hunted from a small mountain.

When the five came to the middle of the mountain, Silang stopped and said to the four: "Phoenix fox is the most careful and cunning, even if the trapped beast formation is laid down under the mountain, but if the spirit beast fully impacts, it is impossible to guarantee that I escaped, and I still have three blood-net runes here, made from the spirit of the wolf king, the most fierce."

Si Lang said that he took out three dark red oracle bones, which were deep in color and seemed to be soaked in blood. Since there was a fierce anger, he left one by himself and gave each one to Si Feng and Si Rong. , Said: "We can form a blood net formation from the mountain of Sanlu as long as we run the runes with the force of the war pattern, and the two formations will go together.

"Okay." Si Rong replied.

Si Feng took the rune and nodded. He looked at Si Kou and Lin Fei and hesitated: "Then..."

Si Lang smiled slightly: "I'm going to climb from the southern road closest to Fengwei Fox. In order to prevent accidents, let them both follow me."

What Si Feng had to say was dragged away by Si Rong.

When Shi Lang saw the two of them walking away, Shi Shiran turned around and looked at the people around him. He skipped Lin Fei and said directly to Si Kou: "You didn't get the war print, that's because the spirit will punish your father. , Fell on you, you have been rejected by the gods, what else do you want to fight with me?"

"My father didn't do anything that I'm sorry about the tribe." Si Kou's face was pale, but his expression was still calm. During this journey, Si Lang's actions were very useful to show the difference between him and himself. No matter how stupid, I can see it, but it’s not the first time I have experienced these words and actions, so apart from a little bit of suffocation and tingling in my heart, there is nothing else. He calmly said: "I never thought of going to you Struggle, one day, I will go to the head of Montenegro to find my father and the missing uncle, even if they are really good, I will bring their bones back."

"Someday?!" Silang face angered in vain, but was quickly suppressed by himself again, replaced by a sneer, and then the rune in his hand lit a blood red mist, faintly You can see the figure of a wolf, the blood mist is scattered, and the condensed filaments extend out of the air, and they are connected to the other two pieces of filaments. Si Lang sarcastically said: "You don’t even have battle marks. Heishantou? I haven’t dreamt of daylight here!"

After speaking, Si Lang gave Lin Fei another look and said, "I don't know what weird you are, but that day I didn't sacrifice all the power of the war pattern. Today, I let you two understand that between us The gap! A waste person without a war pattern, no matter how powerful you are, what can you do?"

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