
Chapter 896: God stone

The four people who thought they were going to die, were all covered in one face, and they were shocked all over. Their noses were all smelly snake blood. They blinked and saw Lin Fei disappeared from the sky and Lin Fei jumped from the head of the green snake , Coming towards them.

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, and there was a little blood stain on his robe. There was obviously no change from him before, but he saw that Shi Kou and others tremble in heart and couldn't help being afraid.

Behind Lin Fei, the body of Baizhang Snake collapsed to the ground, bringing a large amount of dust, and the pale red light wrapped around the snake body, protruding from the dense wounds of the green snake and sucking all his blood. .

Si Kou, Si Lang and others have been dumbfounded, and even some of them failed to respond.

"We are not dead?" Si Rong murmured.

After sucking away the blood from the green snake, the Huaguang that had turned into red turned around, and once turned from Si Kou and other four people, he would blot the blood that had just protected them from being attacked by poison gas. Too.

The crimson light, with the crimson stone as the center, stretched out to the four sides, until the blood of the animal within a thousand feet was completely absorbed, and then came back together.

Immediately afterwards, Si Kou and others saw that the crimson stones continued to gather, and eventually turned into the size of an adult’s fist, and gradually became clear and transparent, crystal clear, and its color became more deceptive, like a peerless glaze. treasure.

Looking at this strange glass-like stone, the eyes of Si Feng and others straightened, almost at the same time, the four of them said in shock and shock: "Blood Spirit Stone?!"

Blood Spirit Stone is a very precious precious stone within the mountains. It contains infinite spiritual breath and is the patron saint of the tribe. It is one of the favorite sacrifices.

It’s just that the **** stone is rare. One hundred years may not be able to show a piece. Even if there is a piece, it will inevitably cause fierce fighting between the tribes. Nothing else, because if you get this **** stone, the tribe gods absorb the power, The capacity will also increase greatly.

The tribe and the spirit coexist, and the power of the spirit is strong, so that they can protect the tribe and make the tribe prosperous.

And such a baby, now in front of his own eyes, how can Si Kou and others not be excited?

Although they had heard of the Blood Spirit God Stone before, they had only heard from the patriarchs and elders. The images they saw were all the same as the Blood Spirit God Stone in front of them, and the pale blue light and blood color when they first saw them The appearance of light has never been achieved. As for how the blood spirit stone was formed, it was seldom known before, but now it is understood, so I am more awed in my heart and understand why the elders once said that this blood spirit God stone, also known as blood spirit god, it turned out that the formation of a blood spirit stone actually required the pouring of blood from countless spirit beasts...

After the blood spirit stone is completely formed, it is already psychic. The reason why they will lead to tribal competition is that apart from the amazing effect of their own, they will also automatically move away from the places they feel dangerous.

Just as at this moment, after absorbing the blood of the spirit beast, the Blood Spirit God Stone vainly collected the blood of the sky, and even collected a breath, turned into an ordinary fist-sized dark red stone, and fell from the air to the ground, Will flee.

Si Kou and others were startled again, fearing that the blood-spirit stone escaped from his own eyes and hurried forward.

Lin Fei raised his hand and took the blood spirit stone in his hand.

"Brother Lin, be careful!" Skou shouted.

Lin Fei was playing with the Shenshi, and in the surprised eyes of Si Kou and others, he smiled: "Be careful?"


Si Kou and the others came to Lin Fei, they were amazed and couldn't believe it. This Shenshi was so honest.

Lin Fei saw the cautious appearance of several of them and shook his head and smiled, and although he could also feel the amazing power contained in the Blood Spirit Stone, this stone, with its own evil spirits, was formed by grabbing the spirit blood of the soul, It doesn’t match his own way of practicing, for him, it’s useless, but looking at the look of Si Kou and others, it is very respectful of this **** stone. Lin Fei thought that he was not interested in any blood **** stone anyway. He threw it to Si Kou at will.

Scouten was like a hot potato, his face pale.

Lin Fei comforted: "Although the power of this stone is strong, it has just formed, and it has swallowed the blood of countless souls, and it has not been able to absorb it for a while. Now it is the time of weakness, don't worry about its power."

Although the power on this blood-spirit **** stone is great, but the wisdom starts, like a child wielding a big sword, as long as there is no spirit beast that has been hit hard, there is nothing to worry about, and Lin Fei has set up on this **** stone A weak but ingenious imprint can seal the power of the God Stone, but in order to avoid the trouble of explanation, he did not tell Si Kou and others.

Although Si Kou and others did not understand Lin Fei's truth, he heard that he didn't need to worry, and he was relieved. The tension and fear that pervaded the four people gradually disappeared.

Si Kou swallowed and asked Lin Fei: "Brother Lin, did you just kill the green snake?"

Si Lang and three others also looked at Lin Fei, not knowing whether he was expecting his answer or fearing his answer.

Lin Fei shook his head.

Si Kou was shocked.

"You didn't see it just now, it was that Shenshen moving hand." Lin Fei smiled slightly: "I just provided Shenshen with a few mouthpieces that could supply it with blood sucking."

Si Kou, Si Lang and other four people, not far away, were covered with bruises and brutal green snakes, all silent.

The shock in Si Lang's heart was far beyond the others. He looked at what he saw in front of him, and when he thought of what he said at the foot of the mountain, his face was hot. He thought that although Lin Fei was not weak, after all, he was a person without war marks. I tried my best to suppress Lin Fei's words, but now it seems wrong.

The green snake just now, although it has not yet become a god, is much weaker than the tiger totem enshrined in the tribe, but even if he has been practicing for ten years, Lin Fei's actions today, he can not compare...

Si Langwu was shocked, but Lin Fei looked around and then said: "Go."

The fierce battle on the mountain came to a halt. Those surging spirit beasts either fled and fled, or died around the mountain, looking around, a terrible, and the entire mountain was injured by the poisonous gas of the flat-billed green snake. After the potholes have been dissipated, most of the aura has disappeared. It takes decades to restore the original appearance.

Si Kou and others, who were greatly afraid of Lin Fei, listened to him and responded quickly.

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