
Chapter 903: Annexation

After sitting at the same position as the last time, Patriarch Si An said: "This time there is such a big thing in the clan, thanks to your little brother, you have two big graces, we can't get a report."

Lin Fei smiled lightly and didn't speak.

"The last time the snake demon was in chaos, I knew that the little brothers were powerful. This time, I was able to win the magic weapon of the city master, and it also opened my eyes." The elder said slowly, and said: "So powerful, absolutely It’s not trivial, but it’s inconvenient for the little brother to say that we will not ask.

The patriarch nodded his head in response to the elders' words, and looked up at Lin Fei at the same time.

"The two have something to say, but it doesn't matter." Lin Fei said.

But the patriarch and the elders were silent for a long time without opening.

Lin Fei took a sip of the clear water around him, and then said: "Since the two are not convenient to speak, then I will speak for the two. Now that the tribe is in chaos, the two do not appease the hearts of the people or worship the gods, but come to me instead. There are only two reasons here. Either, I was asked to leave the tribe, or I wanted to capture me and dedicate it to the city lord to make up for it. But the two of you already know that I can manipulate the reward and punishment order, and I should not do it, so this time , Did you ask me to leave the tribe?"

The patriarch's complexion changed slightly, and he said aloud: "The little brother rescued my tribe twice, but it was a benefactor. No matter how bad our tribe will be, it will not be detrimental to the little brother, and he will not do anything that will revenge."

"So, did you invite me to leave?"

The patriarch glanced at the elder and sighed: "That Wangshan City is very powerful. In addition to Wangshan City, there are other nine cities working together. We can't fight at all, and we can't afford it. This time the man wants to seal the gods, we There is no way, otherwise, I dare not dare to do it with him. This time things are going wrong, Wangshan City will definitely send troops to come, and the younger brother you grab the token, if you stay, you are also in danger of death. The brothers have great kindness to our tribe, but we cannot save you. The old man is ashamed. Now that the situation is urgent, we can only ask the younger brother to leave here. As long as you leave the Shifang City, the city owner can't take you."

"The whole mountains are in the sphere of influence of the ten square cities. Even if I run, where can I go? Even if I fled Wangshan City, can I still escape the blood demon emperor?" Speaking of which, Lin Fei smiled slightly: "You have been hiding in this deep mountain for thousands of years and thousands of years. In the end, the difference is to be bullied by them and be arbitrarily determined to live or die? Can you still persevere now, and later? They can come to seal once, just Can you seal it for the second time, do you not plan for the future of the tribe?"

The patriarch and the elder looked at Lin Fei in consternation, and asked in a mute voice: "You, how do you know these?"

Lin Fei smiled: "Looking at your current situation, it is easy to guess, not only your tribe, but the tribes in this group of mountains have been oppressed by Shifang City and the Blood Demon Emperor for so many years? You are used to this kind of oppression."

The patriarch and elder were silent.

Lin Feidao: "Don't you ever think of resistance?"

"Rebel?" The elder smiled bitterly, his expression complex: "How can I resist?"

"I heard that there are hundreds of tribes in this group of mountains, and there are many tribes around you? Do these dozens of tribes unite, let alone a Wangshan city, that is, two or three, can be You have captured, why should you be like a slave here and be angry with those people?"

"If we can unite, our strength is naturally not small, but although there are many tribes around us, we have been attacking continuously for thousands of years, and blood feuds have accumulated. There is only hatred deep in the bones between each other. What we usually think about is just How to annex each other, as for the union with the enemy and the enemy, is impossible." The patriarch shook his head and sighed.

"There are not many resources in this deep mountain. In order to support the gods and make the gods of our tribe stronger, we can only grab resources from each other. Gradually, little things can cause war. Just as the little brother said, we also here Someone once thought about union. The old man remembered that more than 50 tribes had joined the alliance at that time. The momentum was huge and unmatched for a while. Even Wangshan City was dreaded a bit. Unfortunately, the good times did not last for less than a year. It fell apart because of various contradictions, but the fighting and hatred between them became stronger." The elder frowned slightly, and said: "Since then, Wangshan City's management of the tribe has become stricter. Harsh."

"It's really not easy to unite so many different tribes..." Lin Fei nodded, but then asked the patriarch and elders: "Then you haven't thought about annexing all the tribes underneath. ?"

The patriarch looked at Lin Fei with surprise: "All annexation? How is this possible?"

Although the elder didn't speak, the surprise was the same as that of the patriarch.

Lin Fei smiled slightly and said, "This is a matter of day and night. As you just said, the inter-tribal conquest has never been broken. You don't want to become stronger to annex others, you can only wait to be annexed by others. "

The patriarch and the elders looked shocked, looking at Lin Fei speechless.

Lin Fei looked up at the house, and the distant shrine was almost cleaned up. The pale golden light radiating from the shrine was the same as usual, and the tribe's people were still rushing to repair other collapses. He thought about it for a long time and said, "Looking at the attitude of people coming today, I am determined to seal your tribe, so I can't walk, but it has no effect on you, so I don't need to mention this matter. As for what I just said, there is no need for me to persuade the two of you. The situation in the deep mountain is clearer than mine.

The patriarch narrowed his eyes and said what he was about to say, but when the elder shook his head slightly, he was silent for a moment before saying: "No matter what, I would like to thank the little brother."

After the patriarch and the elder left, Lin Fei closed his eyes and continued his cultivation.

After the cultivation, Lin Fei thought about the look of the patriarch and the elders when he left, and smiled softly. The two of them lived too long and had too many concerns, so they were somewhat hesitant.

Taking the initiative to annex other tribes will inevitably make themselves the target of the attack. After all, the guns shoot out the first bird, but today’s tiger tribes are in a difficult situation. They know that if they are sealed by Wangshan City, the tribe will gradually go to extinction, so they fight against it. However, this shot has already angered Wangshan City. Judging by the strictness of Wangshan City's control of the tribe, it will not let them go. If the tiger tribe still wants to survive, only this way can go. Too.

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