
Chapter 906: Blood Soul

The patriarch not far away wanted to come to the rescue of the elders, but was stopped by the soldiers beside Gu Yang. The man raised his hand and cast his feet into the room. With the pressure of falling like a mountain, he felt hard to move, let alone come to protect the elders. I could only watch the blue-grey light pass through the elder's body straight, and then there was a flash of blood, and the blue-grey streamer rushed back to Gu Yang.

Gu Yang smiled, and in his palm, the blood spirit stone shone slightly: "The things are really in your place, your tribe is in trouble, and if you want to come, you also feel that it is safer to put things on yourself. It's a pity..."

Before Gu Yang's words were finished, he saw a shadow flashing in front of him, and then there was a muffled sound. Gu Shan, the first warrior of their holy stone tribe, was shot and flew like a shell, fell high from the sky, and fell to the ground. Most of the bluish-grey light in front of his chest was scattered, and he spit out a big mouth of blood when he leaned his head.

Gu Yang frowned violently, looking at the person who shot Gu Shan away. To his surprise, it was not the patriarch of the fierce tiger tribe, but a young man he had never seen before.

The strength of Nagu Mountain, even the boulders, can be crushed in an instant, but just a punch with the young man, it looks like an egg hits the stone, and it is destroyed by a single blow without any backhand strength.

Quirky and scary!

Huge doubts spread into Gu Yang's heart, but he decided quickly, without thinking about it, he sacrificed the power of the war pattern into the **** stone he just got!

As a hard and quirky spell was read from Gu Yang's mouth, the blood and spirit stone in his palm instantly turned into a thick blood, and the fierce and strange breath almost enveloped the entire tribe in a blink of an eye. Everyone only felt that the blood mist was scattered everywhere, and a grisly beast soul emerged from the blood mist. The clan of the fierce tiger tribe was disturbed. It seemed that they were caught by a pair of **** hands and wanted to leave the body!

"Gu Yang!" The patriarch shouted furiously, but there was a trace of terror on his face: "Dare you dare to use blood soul!"

"When you die, who can prove that I used the forbidden technique?" Gu Yang's face became blurred in this blood mist. He murmured lowly, and the next moment, he suddenly raised his eyes and said: "kill!"

"What kill?"

Lin Fei chuckled, and a golden light at his fingertips shot like a sword. Wherever he passed, the blood mist disappeared, and he instantly fell into the blood spirit **** stone in Gu Yang's hand, and then the **** stone turned into a stone again. It looks like a few golden thin lines wandering in its body, a very small vortex is opened above the **** stone, and the sky of blood mist flows from all directions, and then turns into a huge **** tornado, quickly immersed Inside the God Stone!

Gu Yang looked at him horrifiedly, and a coolness came from his heart.

Blood Soul is a forbidden technique in the tribe. It uses the power of the evil spirits between heaven and earth to slaughter everything. The person who casts the spell must also bear the danger of being bitten. This forbidden technique is difficult and difficult to learn, and the risk is too great. Few people will know that Gu Yang also used his talents to figure out a little. He has always regarded this hand as a hole card. If it is offered at the ordinary sacrifice, there will be no vitality within ten miles. At this moment, he has a blood spirit stone in his hand. Several powerful beast souls have been sealed, and the elders of the Tiger Tribe have not completely refined them. Once summoned, the soul of the tribe will add a spell, and the tribe in front of it will disappear completely...

But now...

The forbidden technique was actually broken!

Gu Yang's forehead green muscles burst, he tried his best to control the God Stone in his hand, and his body's blood continued to flow out of his skin and dripped onto the God Stone, but the God Stone had no reaction at all, and only swallowed his blood. Then take orders from that young man...

Gu Yang was not aware of it, and quickly cut off his connection with Shenshi, and then suddenly raised his head, the war pattern on his body burst out, the next moment he raised his arm, and suddenly flew towards Lin!

The fist shadow of that punch was wrapped in blue and gray light, and it continued to grow in the air. Eventually, it was ten feet in size, carrying the power of thunder, and struck Lin Fei!


Like a thunder and a thunder, the sky shuddered one after another, Gu Yang exhausted his strength, and he knelt on the ground halfway. He watched the stones and wooden houses around Lin Fei shatter, but this young man was intact in a rage, even facing Smiling in his own direction, his pupils shrunk: "How is it possible..."

This change made everyone stunned. Whether it is the holy stone tribe or the tigers tribe, they all looked at Lin Fei like a ghost.

A person's body is stronger than the surrounding boulders...

"It seems that the effects of tempering the body these days are not bad."

Lin Fei touched the powder on his body, raised his hand, and the blood spirit stone came to his hand, and then sacrificed the reward and punishment order. , Head roared, unmatched, powerful coercion, so that the creatures in the tens of thousands of squares, trembling.

"How is it possible..." Looking at the reward and punishment order in Lin Fei's hands and the black mist appearing in vain in the air, Gu Yang's face was ashamed, so shocked that he couldn't even say a word.

Rewards and punishments, but that magic weapon personally sacrificed by the city owner, how could it reach the young man? Was the messenger in the city yesterday not only not able to clean up the Tiger Tribe, but also lost the reward and punishment order?

The dark clouds were heavily weighed down, as if the army was under pressure, Gu Yang collapsed to the ground, using forbidden techniques and war prints one after another. He now no longer had the strength to move his fingers, let alone resist the rewards and punishments, and was quickly washed away. The upper Si Lang and others controlled it, the leader was arrested, and there were deterrents from the rewards and punishments.

When Gu Yang and others were ordered by the elders to be taken into the cell of the tribe, this war of near genocide was finally settled.

In the messy endgame, the people of the Tigers tribe still had palpitations. The patriarch ordered the people around him to clean up, and then came to Lin Fei with the elders. Without a second word, they were deeply involved.

Lin Fei was not polite, he accepted it calmly, and then said with a smile: "I am worshipped by you, those polite words, there is no need to say."

Lin Fei said that he handed the **** stone to the two.

Looking at the divine stone, the patriarch and the elder looked a little complicated, and did not move the divine stone. The elder said to Lin Fei: "This blood spirit divine stone is what you got from the little brother, or the little brother, keep it."

"You are worried about the branding on it..." Lin Fei smiled, put a hand of magic stone, and saw a ray of gold appear from it, and returned to Lin Fei's fingertips, he said: "But you have not cleaned it up. ."

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