
Chapter 914: Peace talks

In fact, it's no wonder that Gu Yang and the two people were a bit extreme. The people in the tribe are so prejudiced against the people outside the mountain. They are vicious and mean, anyway, there is no good person...

Speaking of this, this pot still has to be buckled on the head of the messenger in Wangshan City. Whoever asked them to scrape the ground three feet away, forced many small tribes to the point of genocide. Lin Fei is now innocently implicated...

It's just that Lin Fei's polite manner now makes Gu Yang feel a little uncomfortable, neither entering nor retreating, it's really better to fight at the first meeting...

"Cough, the elders of the Lower Holy Stone Tribe, Gu Feng." The elder took a step forward, although it was considered polite, but the quietly occupying a favorable position, the attitude is guilty.

"Yeah, I met again..." After a long time, Gu Yang also suffocated this sentence, just standing in front of Lin Fei, he became very uncomfortable.

"Haha, we really have a fate. If I knew that it was so close to your tribe, I would have been a guest..." Lin Fei's smile was a splendid, as if she really wanted nothing to come to the door.

Gu Yang smiled a little stiffly. If he hadn't lost his blood right now, he wouldn't be able to raise it for a year and a half, and he might be a little believer, but now...

The elders were equally uncomfortable on the side. In the end, they were really suffocated and asked directly: "We are naturally welcome as guests, but our tribe is now somewhat inconvenient to receive guests. thing?"

The implication is that there is nothing wrong with you, so go quickly, our tribe does not welcome you.

"Oh, it's still the elders who are understanding, there is something so..." Lin Fei smiled and ignored the elder's words directly.

The two of them saw Lin Fei finally got into the topic, immediately raised a breath, always ready to ignite the war pattern, but Lin Fei next, almost let that breath stuck in the middle to suffocate them.

"This is not a recent misunderstanding between the Tiger Tiger Tribe and the Guizhou Tribe, so let me adjust it..." Lin Fei sighed regretfully: "The Tiger Tiger Tribe and the Holy Stone Tribe have lived in peace for thousands of years. There hasn’t been any conflict. Neighbourhood still needs to be harmonious. How can it hurt the peace because of this little thing recently? So I think, the two tribes are still reconciled, do you two think?"

As Lin Fei finished speaking, Gu Yang's faces became a little weird, especially when it came to what neighborhoods were in harmony, Gu Yang's expression was a little indescribable...

Not to mention, at least Gu Yang knows that there are two cracks on the big blue stone because of the fierce tiger tribe, and there should not be an accident that a piece of the tiger's head should be stuck...

"Two." Lin Fei said that Gu Yang and the two did not respond, and they reminded patiently, saying: "My proposal, how do you two look?"

"When, of course, it is possible, our Holy Stone tribe is a tribe that does not like disputes. In the future, we will definitely get along with the Tiger Tiger tribe, and do that, the neighborhood is in harmony..." The elder suddenly reacted and said quickly.

Until I saw Lin Fei nodded in relief, the elder still had a dreamlike feeling. Is that all right?

I thought I had to wait for the young people to leave and prepare for the battle. I even thought that I could pay some prey to appease the Tiger Tribe. In short, I could not reveal the secrets of the Holy Stone Tribe.

What he didn't expect was that this young man would come to the door and ask for peace...

Wait, something seems wrong...

This thing went a little bit beyond imagination, and it was unbelievable...

By the way, the strongest fighting force of the whole tribe is the two of them and Gu Yang. Now that the two of them are exposed outside this tribe, it is undoubtedly that we are led out?

The elder thought of this, and suddenly looked around, even the war pattern was ready to light up at any time...

After a while, the wasteland was still that wasteland, and there was no sign of ambush...

Facing such a scene, the elder had to temporarily calm down the restless battle pattern.

Because, judging by his familiarity with the neighborhood, there really seems to be no ambush nearby...


If there is no ambush, what is this young man here for?

Is it really to sum?

But years of tribal fighting experience tell him that this is impossible, but this young man has achieved this point, except for summing, it seems that there is really no other possibility...

The elders didn't know what to think about, but in the end they simply didn't want to. They didn't do any harm to them anyway, and the rest couldn't control that much.

Just when the elder wanted to talk to Lin Fei and test his identity, a voice suddenly came from his side...

"We can reconcile with the tiger tribe, but the tiger tribe must take the bleeding spirit stone as sincerity, otherwise, reconciliation is impossible." Gu Yang said firmly to Lin Fei.

The elders had come to their mouths. They were forced to go back by Gu Yang. They couldn't help turning their heads and looked at Gu Yang with an inexplicable expression...

He wondered if he had heard it wrong. After all, it was not your way to find death.

Everyone has taken the initiative to sum up with you. How dare you put on a stand? Although the blood spirit stone is very important, it is not your way of asking for it.

"Oh, the patriarch he loves to joke, don't mind the little brother." The elder first smiled apologetically at Lin Fei, then turned to Gu Yang but turned his face, and whispered angrily: "This is not the time to say this. We will talk about it later..."

Gu Yang seemed to not hear the elder's warning, but instead took a step forward and pushed the elder aside.

"I'm not kidding. There must be a blood and spirit stone before I can agree to peace talks." Gu Yang's tone seemed incontrovertible, and his burly body stood in front of Lin Fei's eyes, as if he couldn't let it go.

"You..." The elder looked at Gu Yang with a frightened face, and then glanced at Lin Fei, who was still unhurried and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know what to say for a while...

In the end, he only sighed heavily, shook his head, and stood behind Gu Yang, but a hint of stone texture appeared on the back of his right hand, extending all the way to his wrist. Obviously, he was always ready to work hard...

Gu Yang, who confronted Lin Fei, was firm-minded, but if someone looked closely, he would find that Gu Yang's tightly clenched fist skull knuckles had become pale.

Obviously, his heart was not as calm as the surface, but he still made such a request when Lin Fei summed up...

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