
Chapter 917: Holy Stone

When the patriarch extended his hand to invite Lin Fei to enter the ancestral shrine, he even stunned the tribes present. When can outsiders enter the ancestral shrine casually, is this place still not a tribal holy place?

But Lin Fei, who entered the ancestral shrine, had no time to ignore these arguments, because as soon as he entered, his eyes were attracted by the big bluestone.

Daqingshi was enshrined in the center of the ancestral shrine, and it was almost a pair of splits. It seemed that a small child could just let a child break the gods of this holy stone tribe...

But Lin Fei did not underestimate the big bluestone, on the contrary, there was a trace of dignity on his face...

Because from the time he entered the Holy Stone Tribe, Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue was a little tempted, and when he was getting closer and closer to the ancestral shrine, and before Da Qingshi's eyes, the real element in his body was a little restless...

It's just that Lin Fei has no time to take care of the situation in his body, because a voice sounded on the almost cracked large bluestone.

"You are here..." This voice is very weak, revealing a very old taste. I don't know how long the master of this voice has lived. If it is not very quiet in the ancestral temple, it is easy to be ignored by others...

The words just fell down. Daqing stone seemed to be awake. A golden light appeared on the surface of the stone skin, quickly expelling the seal left by the previous elders. In an instant, the entire blue stone surface was wrapped in a layer of golden light. .

It's just that the light is a little bit uncertain, like a candlelight in the wind, it may go out at any time...

Lin Fei's eyes swept over the surface of the sapphire, and through the golden light on the surface, he felt a deep, murderous breath.

When he was in the Tiger Tribe, he had read a few of the hides in the tribe. Most of them recorded the secret stories between the tribes, and there were records about the gods of the Holy Stone tribe.

According to legend, this big bluestone was stained with blood of the Great Witch in ancient times. It was naturally psychic after a thousand years. Later, by chance, it was discovered by the ancestors of the Holy Stone tribe.

This legend should be true...

Lin Fei looked at the holy stone, and the surface of the stone skin showed a touch of gold, which should be the blood of the legendary big witch...

It's just that from ancient times to the present, Dawu's blood can't withstand the passage of time, and now on the blue stone, the pale gold is almost negligible, and the whole stone is wrapped with a thick death air. It is estimated that the day when Dawu's blood completely dissipated , That is, the dying of big bluestone.

Hearing the weakness in Daqingshi’s old voice, the elders looked anxiously and quickly took out the Shenshi: "The Lord God is assured that we have found the Blood Spirit Godstone, which will definitely help you extend your life."

With that said, the elders held the **** stone and carefully placed it on the enshrining platform in front of the big blue stone.

Take a few steps back and kneel down with the patriarch, looking at the holy stone full of hope.

I saw that when the **** stone was just placed on the enshrined platform, the crystal clear surface instantly burst into colorful brilliance, as if it were a rainbow, connecting the blood spirit **** stone and the holy stone to form a small rainbow bridge, in an instant The small ancestral temple is filled with breath of life.

With the successful connection of the Rainbow Bridge, the surface of the holy stone actually showed signs of healing, and several cracks began to close slowly at the same time, and some small cracks recovered instantly, and the golden glory of the holy stone surface seemed to follow. It is brighter...

Everything is moving in a good direction, and Gu Yang and the elders can't help showing joy.

Only Lin Fei watched with cold eyes on one side and looked at the sacrificed blood spirit stone, which began to become muddy...

Finally, at the moment when the blood spirit stone became gray, the rainbow bridge turned into a light spot, disappeared into the air, and the breath of life in the shrine began to dissipate.

At this time, the crack on the surface of the holy stone was only one-tenth healed...

"This, this is..." Gu Yang and the two suddenly froze. Seeing this scene, they looked at Lin Fei, who was standing beside him, his face was at a loss. Doesn’t it mean that the gods might not be filled? Why hasn't the spirits been completely healed, this blood spirit stone cannot be used?

"You children have a heart..." The old voice sounded again, but this time, the voice was not so weak: "This is indeed the bloodstone, the quality is good, it is enough for me to extend my life for a year..."

"What?" Gu Yang couldn't believe it and hurriedly asked: "Isn't this blood spirit stone alive for hundreds of years a year? How could it be only a year?"

"Oh, a year is not short..." Sheng Shi smiled, seemingly unwilling to talk about this matter, and slowly commanded: "Life and death are at your own risk, you don't have to ask too much, while I recover some Spirit, you listen to me first..."

"I had expected this day, and I thought about the way back for the tribe..." The old voice carried the vicissitudes, and even if there was no fluctuation in the voice of death, I continued to arrange: "Three hundred years ago, the west side The white wolf owes me a big favor. I heard that its tribe is suffering from natural disasters and it definitely needs fresh blood. Let the children go there and become a member of them. The white wolf will be willing to accept..."

"As for you, after I die, I will take my body to Wangshan City and dedicate it to the leader who has been collecting tribute from our tribe. If you are obedient, he will always give you a way to live."

"Lord God, it's useless to blame the children and grandchildren. This year we continue to look for things that extend our lives. We will definitely find it." The elders quickly uttered a voice and still refused to give up.

"You don't have to waste your energy, it has nothing to do with the longevity..." After that, the old voice gradually weakened: "Now go down and arrange for the children to come here to receive the war print. This is the last thing I can give you Something left..."

At this time, the elder finally remembered the technique of life extension mentioned by Lin Fei. He quickly turned around and knelt in front of Lin Fei: "Please, use your technique of life extension to save our gods, we are willing to pay any price... "

Lin Fei had not said anything, but the holy stone that had just extinguished the light was suddenly golden light, and the old voice suddenly became louder: "Is there anyone else here? Who is here?"

Today's holy stone still has the weak appearance just now, the golden light is magnificent, the splendid people can't open their eyes, and even a golden giant figure faintly appears in the golden light.

"It's done, it's all old people, and it's still so mad." Lin Fei faced this compelling pressure, but was not panicking, and even walked a few steps toward Jinguang, shaking his head regretfully. : "With such a profligate method, ten blood-spirit **** stones are not enough for you to build. Is this four or five days of life lost?"

Sacred Stone did not listen, and the golden light surged again: "Who are you?"

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