
Chapter 920: Life and Death Sword Open

Now the last method was seen, the red mist was exhausted by the mountains, and was photographed fiercely by Lin Fei's palm with golden light. The mist was continuously compressed, and finally turned into an entity, lying in Lin Fei's hands, motionless, and no longer reacted.

At this time, the things in Lin Fei's hands were completely set, and the thing formed by the mist looked over a foot long. The whole body was red, but it was crystal clear, and there was a magma-like light in the center, which exuded a red shimmer, flowing slowly in the whole. It looks like a strange crimson glass...

But Lin Fei knew that this was not a glaze, it should be a piece of metal.

To be precise, this is a piece of six-piece acquired gold called "Blood God"...

Speaking of which, Lin Fei’s plan for this dear blood **** iron can be traced back to when Lin Fei first arrived at the Tiger Tribe. An accidental long-distance made him discover that the direction of the Holy Stone Tribe was actually hiding a huge amount of gold. On a large scale, it may even help him break through the domain of life and death sword.

It was just that he hadn't done anything yet, so he put this matter down temporarily. When he was planning to go, it was the people of the Holy Stone Tribe who voluntarily ran into it...

Although Lin Fei knew that there was golden energy near the Holy Stone Tribe, he did not know the specific situation. He simply arranged the later plan temporarily and released the patriarch. As for the healing of the other’s gods, it was really a matter of course...

Fortunately, however, there is a holy stone to suppress the iron of the barren blood god, otherwise, Lin Fei really can't get it.

You must know that this dear blood **** iron is different from other acquired irons. It must absorb spiritual blood when it is formed, in order to be completely mature and nourished by the spirit blood for a long time. Although the Iron of the Scarlet Blood is an acquired thing, but its spirituality is already enough to compare with some creatures. Generally, when the monk grabs it, the Iron of the Scarlet Blood has long escaped in advance.

It is because of this extraordinary spirituality that the holy stone feels that the **** iron has the potential to become a god, and has high hopes for it. Who knows that the **** iron did not want to be a **** from the beginning, but has been enjoying the nourishment of the blood of the big witch on the holy stone , Just never left...

For example, now, Lin Fei has just started to operate the Zhutian Wanjian Jue. This blood-bearing iron iron immediately felt the crisis of life and death. Despite the heavy damage, the iron iron was still trembling violently, and it seemed that he would get out of it the next moment.

Feeling the great power from his hands, Lin Fei frowned, and too much spirituality was also trouble.

A little golden light flashed at his fingertips. Lin Fei drew the nine-character mantra directly on the surface of God Iron this time, and God Iron finally calmed down.

There was no hindrance at this time, and the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens immediately smelted a large amount of gold gas from the iron of the barren blood god. A plume of gold gas flowed into Lin Fei’s body along the arm. At first, it just trickled down. A frenzy.

In just an instant, a golden gas equivalent to a small black iron vein poured into Lin Fei's body. Fortunately, Lin Fei was recovering from cultivation, and the body could already contain this gold gas, otherwise, he had to be supported Not explosive...

As the golden energy surged more and more, Zhenyuan in Lin Fei climbed all the way, and it reached the middle of Yangyuan in a moment, and it did not stop. Zhenyuan continued to skyrocket and seemed to have no end...

After a whole hour, the speed of the inflow of gold gas slowly began to slow down, and at this time, the iron of the barren blood in Lin Fei's hands had shrunk by more than ten times.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the **** iron, and I saw that the small blood **** was completely broken. At the center of the Iron God, the magma streamer is exposed, and as soon as it appears, it quickly escapes from Lin Fei's hands and rushes outward like a meteor.

Unfortunately, at the moment of hitting the door of the house, the entire wall became golden, blocking the streamer. This is what Lin Fei left before refining the **** iron. I wanted to prevent outsiders, but I did not expect an unexpected harvest...

Lin Fei raised his hand and the streamer was instantly wrapped in Juli and dragged back to his eyes.

Lin Fei took a glance in front of him, this should be a true spirit bred by the desolate blood iron, all the spirituality of the **** iron comes from this thing, and it is because of this that the holy stone only determined that the **** iron had the opportunity to set foot on the Shinto and enjoy worship.


Lin Fei opened his mouth and swallowed...

No matter how good your true spirit is, in Lin Fei's eyes today, it is not as valuable as a few golden qi.

The true spirit entered the abdomen and suddenly burst away. A very pure golden gas diffused in Lin Fei's body. The breath on Lin Fei's body suddenly soared. After a full moment, the soaring breath gradually stabilized...

At this point, the entire piece of desolate blood iron has been completely refined, and Lin Fei's realm has finally settled in the fulfillment of life and soul. Only one step away, he can return to the realm of Jindan Master...

Even so, the effect of this piece of dear blood **** iron on Lin Fei is already worthy of the rank of the sixth-grade **** god iron. If another one comes, Lin Fei can immediately go straight to Jindan, and at least restore the previous Qicheng cultivation behavior.

It's just that the Sixth Grade Hou Tianshen Iron is also an inexplicable thing. Lin Fei has planned this Holy Stone Horde for a long time, and he has harvested this piece. At least it must be difficult to obtain recently...

Although Feixue God has been consumed, Lin Fei did not stop. He accumulated a lot of real elements in his body. It was precisely by this opportunity that he tried to impact the long-closed life and death sword domain.

When Lin Fei was in danger, the Life and Death Sword Domain was automatically closed. Until now the danger has passed, Lin Fei can't open it, but this is a big killer for him. Of course, if he has the opportunity to open it, he can't let it go.

For example, now, Lin Fei intends to use the momentum of True Yuan to explode and try to force the impact...

It was only after the first wave of Zhenyuan's tentative impact that Lin Fei discovered that he somewhat underestimated the degree of confinement of the sword domain. After the pouring of all the true yuan that is equivalent to a monk of the Yuanyuan realm, there is no sign of looseness in the life and death sword domain, but this is only a trial, and there are still a lot of true yuan in preparation.

After Lin Fei's mobilization, Zhenyuan suddenly felt like a tide, and waves continued to strike continuously...

Under this kind of consumption, even Lin Fei had just experienced the baptism of the True Yuan frenzy, but he couldn't support it. Fortunately, after the 14th wave of True Yuan shock, the Life and Death Sword Domain finally showed signs of loosening.

Finally, seeing the hope of success, Lin Fei simply mobilized all the remaining real elements and rushed towards the loose rift at once...

A large number of true elements vented in an instant, even Lin Fei, there was a feeling of powerlessness in his body...

But Lin Fei didn't have time to take care of this, and after looking back a bit, he looked at Jianyu and he was relieved.

The Life and Death Sword Domain finally opened...

After many days, Lin Fei finally saw the scene in the sword of life and death......

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