
Chapter 926: Lord of the Ten Sides

Not only Gu Yang but almost all the people of the tribe were stunned by the bare ground in front of them.

"This is..." The young man in the air at this time naturally noticed this scene too. For the first time, his silver eyes became dignified.

It wouldn't be a big deal to die some black armor, this kind of thing that can be made casually, he didn't feel distressed if he died a thousand more.

What makes him care is, what is the origin of the bright moon in the sky?

Originally preparing to slowly pack up the holy stone god, he didn't feel the mood at this time, and instead turned his attention to the bottom, trying to find out the source of this scene...

Soon, the young man locked Lin Fei's hut and just wanted to go down to check it. Instead, the door of the hut opened first...

The door was slowly pushed open from the inside, Lin Fei walked out slowly, looked around, suddenly looked up, and looked at the sky, and looked at the young man who watched him from the sky.

"Yuanyuan?" The young man was a little stunned. When Lin Fei appeared, he immediately judged Lin Fei's realm, and it was absolutely just Yangyuan...

It's just that after making this judgment, he was subconsciously unbelieving, would anyone who could use this kind of sword light only have Yang Yuan?

Lin Fei raised his foot and took a step forward while hesitating in the heart of the youth.

The footsteps fell, the breath rose suddenly, Zhenyuan opened a clean open space, the breath suddenly climbed ten times, straight into the realm of life and soul.

The young man froze for a moment, thinking that he had just misunderstood, this person should be the soul of life, but just entered the soul of life, it is nothing...

Then, Lin Fei looked up and looked at the young man. He seemed to have a step in the void, and took another step. The breath continued to climb. The fire was looming, and it was fleeting. It was already the realm of life and soul.

"This is..." The young man's eyes widened, and although the Second Soul of Life and Soul was nothing, but the speed of this kind of breath climbing could not be faked, and he was absolutely right at first.

This shows that this person is one step at a time, just two steps to complete the change from raising yuan to life soul...

Just when the young people thought about this, Lin Fei has taken the third step towards the young people, and at this point, he has achieved three lives...

Lin Fei did not stop here, he could cross a hundred feet in one step, and the fourth step fell, and the breath rose quickly.

The youth looks startled, this is not a human, it should be a monster...

There is almost a thousand feet between them. When this person comes over, wouldn't it be a good idea, no, this person is too weird, I will first investigate his details and then...

It is a pity that although Lin Fei's footsteps are slow and the distance spanned, it seems to be faster than the distance that the youth retreated.

After only two steps, he has reached the youth not far away, and now, Lin Fei's breath is already across the Six Souls of Life and Soul, and Life and Soul is complete!

"Wait, you may think that I am your enemy, but in fact it is not, listen to me slowly..." The young man finished anxiously and quickly, fearing that Lin Fei would take the seventh step and enter Jindan would be really bad Too.

However, Lin Fei shook his head, as if the young man came to the tribe so calmly: "Sorry, I don't want to hear..."


However, before the youth finished his sentence, Lin Fei had waved a sword.

Then, the sword energy spread out, and it was an exhibition of a world of sword energy. Thousands of sword qi were traveling in the air, and there were countless sword lights brewing in the two lakes.

This is the life and death sword domain that Lin Fei initially recovered. As soon as he appeared, thousands of sword lights flew towards the stunned youth. All of a sudden, within a thousand feet of the youth's space, they were occupied by sword lights, as if they were space. They must be cut by Jianguang.

After a moment, Jianguang returned to Jianhu, the life and death sword domain also disappeared, as if never appeared...

At this time, looking at the space where the youth exists, it is completely out of the youth...

What was left was just a blood-red mist, which was cut off by countless sword lights at high speed, and even the corpse was not left directly. In contrast, the broken corpse is nothing. This young man was actually Jianyu cut directly into the mist...

"The recovery is not bad." Lin Fei took the life and death sword domain back and looked at the results of his time. I was quite satisfied. It is estimated that there will be another ten days before the life and death sword domain can be completely restored to the original...

Thinking about this, Lin Fei suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly a ray of black gas condensed in the blood mist left by the youth, and as soon as he appeared, he flew away towards the distance.

"They all die like this, can they be resurrected?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but stunned, but immediately reacted, raising his hand with a sword light and cutting it out.

"Hello brave!"

At the same time, there was a cold hum in a city thousands of miles away.

A moment later, this voice actually sounded over the tribe, with a terrifying coercion, shattering Lin Fei's sword light as soon as it appeared...

Even if Lin Fei has returned to the state of life and soul now, in the face of this cold hum, he can't help but a burst of qi and blood, just a voice can have this power, there is no doubt that this is absolutely the state of law...

At this time, the appearance of the law should be that of the tenth party...

Lin Fei had just thought of this, and a big hand of black mist condensed in the air, as if crossing over tens of thousands of miles. Holding the ray of black gas directly, he would retreat from the void...

The following tribes are stupid...

As soon as this voice appeared, many people guessed the identity of the voice master.

Definitely the lord of the ten directions!

Fortunately for them, the city owner did not intend to kill them, but returned immediately...


Lin Fei's next move made everyone stunned...

"I still want to go when I'm here?" Lin Fei sneered, but instead let go of the big hands of Black Mist. Raising his hand was a golden sword gas of hundreds of feet. This is the long-dead Tai Yi sword gas. After being nourished for half a month, he was finally reawakened.

Taiyi Sword Qi is originally the power of the most divine and most holy, congenitally restraining the power of demon, and the black mist around the big hand is obviously not a serious way, and it is just controlled by death...

Sure enough, the black mist wrapped in the big hand was easily broken when facing the golden sword light. At first glance, there was only a golden sword light in the endless black mist in the sky. It seems that the big hand can be cut off soon.

However, just before Tai Yi Jianqi was about to cut into the giant hand, the black mist in the air suddenly froze. That giant hand actually swelled to a huge scale, and the backhand covered it. The sky was suddenly covered by the giant hand. Slashing towards the Taiyi Jianqi...

Followed by a loud noise...

The sword light turned into thousands of light spots, but it was directly distracted by the giant hand...

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