
Chapter 935: doll

Lin Fei looked up and saw that the foot of the chain was half a foot thick, at least ten thousand feet long, and it could be transformed in the virtual and the real. Obviously, there are a lot of gold in the stars.

Those stars and gods must weigh at least ten thousand pounds!

At this time, Lin Fei's eyes are already incredible, even if it is the general acquired gold, it is calculated according to a few pieces.

This kind of weight, even if it is the star **** gold that has been collected in all worlds, shouldn't it be so much...

Could it be who this power is, who cut down a star?

Although I know that this is a big burst, there will be some treasures, but I really did not expect to see so many stars and gods here.

It seemed that a thief wanted to break a few pieces of silver. After entering the house, he saw an entire mountain of gold at once, and he could not start.

Lin Fei felt the massive gold qi contained in it. If the chain was turned into gold qi to exhaust, let alone restoring to repair it, it was enough to support himself further.


That's a bit unlikely.

If Lin Fei was right, the other end of the chain should be locked on that ghost emperor. After so many years, it may have been integrated with the ghost emperor and could no longer be won.

Where is this place, with ten thousand catty stars and gold as the lock, and a ghost emperor as a slave, guard here...

Lin Fei turned his head and looked down at the root of the chain, where it was buried deep, I don’t know how deep it was...

Lin Fei didn't hesitate either, the light flashed in his hand, and there was a golden sword energy, and he dug up towards the ground below.

It was just that the land here was as hard as pig iron, and I didn’t know how the flowers and grass grew. Lin Fei spent a lot of energy and dug the bottom half.

When it was impossible to dig, Lin Fei squatted down, digging away the soil, revealing the scene below.

Lying in that pit, it was...

A doll?

The slap-sized doll, buried in the soil for some years, looks a bit tattered. If the soil is shaken and cleaned, it should be a pitiful puppy.

Cute is pretty cute...

But what is this? Use a doll to sit in the whole array?

But no matter how Lin Fei suspected, the section of the chain was gradually blurred above the little doll, and then disappeared into the body...

Looking up at the boundless chain above, and at the look of the puppy shape below, Lin Fei scratched his head, and suddenly a heart emerged in his heart that could lock the ghost and become a watchdog, but he had a love for dolls. There is a strong image of a strong spot.

These methods are very powerful, and they are really amazing. How can it always seem strange...

When Lin Fei just wanted to pick up the doll, his movements stopped suddenly. After thinking for a while, he quickly drew the nine-character mantra in the air. With one shot, he shot nine Fu Zhuan into it.


The nine-character mantra is still useful. Lin Fei's heart suddenly burst into a feeling of manipulation and control. The thirty-six prohibitions in the doll's body have entered the ranks of magic weapons, but the prohibition seems to protect its body from immortality. No power.

When the thought moved, the doll floated. When Lin Fei took it in his hand, the scene of Fang Yuanli was immediately imprinted in his heart. Although it is so far, at least it explains one thing...

This puppy doll is really **** here!

Lin Fei's face is a little weird, but he can only accept this fact.

A glance at the flowers and plants around it can grow up in this abnormal place. It seems a bit weird to look at it. Whether it is useful or useless, this rare thing outside the world must be put away.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand, and the flowers and grass rose to the ground in an instant, and put away. After confirming that there was nothing else here, he stood up and headed towards the water again.

At the same time, outside the water pool, Li Beixing was exhausted, and the true element of the body was completely exhausted. Today, with the use of mysteries twice, even the blood of the essence was consumed a lot, and his face was pale, but he looked up at it. Dao Jianguang struck in the air and could even tie the ghost emperor. Between the dancing of Jianguang, it seemed to tear the sky...

In fact, even Li Beixing didn't think that the sword light hidden in the gourd was so powerful, it just made him live to the present.

No wonder the master told himself that the 50% of the success of this trip had to be pinned on this treasure gourd.

If the master knows that he has opened the gourd now, I am afraid he will be mad?

Li Beixing laughed bitterly. When the sword light was finally exhausted, he must be dead at that time. Just admit the mistake to the grandfather in the Hades...

At this moment, there was another wave of ripples stirring in the water pool. Li Beixing saw this scene, and his heart was already ashamed. What might be the ghost emperor's hand?

Anyway, it's a death, come and come, it's nothing but speed.

"Huh?" Just when Li Beixing wanted to take a last look, and just waited for death, he suddenly found that something was wrong.

What appeared was Lin Fei?

No, it should be wrong, Lin Fei should now be a zombie.

Yes, it must be a zombie, ah Lin Fei, you will be transformed into a zombie to blame me, but this is also just right, give me a chance to avenge, today I will kill you again even if I die!

Just when Li Beixing stood up and prepared to draw his sword.

Suddenly discovered that the zombie seemed to speak?

"Hello, don't be stunned. The ghost emperor hasn't left yet, wake up..."


"What's the matter, hurry and don't bother me."


Li Beixing rubbed his eyes and looked at Lin Fei. He was really a living person...

This kid actually fell into the pool and didn't die? Let yourself go?

However, Li Beixing also put down his sword at this time. Although he kept scolding Lin Fei in his stomach, he knew clearly that compared with the ugly ghost emperor, Lin Fei was a man on his side.

Moreover, Lin Fei was able to return safely from the ghost emperor's den. He was obviously able to escape, but now he came back when he was dying, and let him go, which was very unexpected.

Is it the wrong person? Does Lin Fei have such a sense of loyalty?

Thinking of this, Li Beixing suddenly burst out of fighting spirit. Anyway, it was a mortal ending. Simply drawing a sword and standing next to Lin Fei will face the ghost emperor together. Turning his head to Lin Fei, his face is serious, as if he wants to be in the face Say something before you die.

Lin Fei glanced at Li Beixing and suddenly understood what the genius thought, but he was only interested in the origin of your nine-character mantra before letting you go first, so you shouldn’t do it yourself.

But he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and kicked directly.

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