
Chapter 938: Black gas

Although Lin Fei walked very casually, there was no danger along the way. If it wasn't lush here, it would be hard to see what was different here.

After walking for half an hour, there was finally a sound of ghost horns in front of him, and Lin Fei didn't seem to hear it, still walking forward.

Li Beixing followed the way silently, but this time he couldn't help but say: "I'm afraid there are ghosts in front, wait for me to use the treasure to explore the way first."

Lin Fei finally stopped this time, but he just looked at the front and said: "There are a few ghosts, but someone just helped to deal with it, there is no danger."

Li Beixing immediately anxiously said, "Why is there no one, why I didn't see it."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "I have better eyesight and look farther."

Li Beixing feels that he has been humiliated, and I'm a golden man six times anyway. Who is better than your eyesight? Fortunately, he endured in his heart, after all, he didn't say anything.

Lin Fei no longer talked to Li Beixing nonsense and walked straight in.

When Li Beixing was hesitating to stop Lin Fei, he was pulled into by Lin Fei.

The two broke into the ghost mist in a few steps. Li Beixing didn't care much, and immediately took out the sword symbol, ready to be turned into sword light at any time.

But when he saw the scene clearly, he was stunned.

There are traces of fighting methods everywhere. There are at least a dozen corpses lying on the ground. All the corpses are full of ghosts, obviously killed by ghosts.

And when he saw one of the young bodies, Li Beixing found out that he knew him.

"This is Yu Zhen at Xuan Guimen. We have met before coming here." Li Beixing squatted down to look at the body and turned to Lin Fei.

Li Beixing's face was a little complicated. The person he had seen a while ago was now a corpse, which made him wonder what to say. Eventually he could only sigh and started to burn these corpses clean, at least not after death. You will be enslaved by the ghost king, and if you are lucky, you will be safe and superb...

Suddenly, the sound of a ghost sound came from one of the bodies.

Lin Fei turned his head and looked, it was a ghost king, but now he was dying, curled up next to the corpse, and now he was desperately absorbing ghost gas and corpse gas to restore his injury, and the sound of the ghost number outside the ghost fog came from here...

Lin Fei directly cut off with a sword light. The ghost was already seriously injured and was too late to react, so it was split into a cloud of black mist and disappeared.

Li Beixing had properly disposed of several bodies at this time and returned to Lin Fei. After hesitating for a while, I finally looked serious: "I know, you can never look so far through the black mist. After all, you and I have experienced life and death, and we may go further together next time, can you tell To be honest, how do you know the situation here?"

Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "I know how to speak ghost words, and I can understand how it is wailing."

"It turned out to be ghost language..." Li Beixing slowly nodded, thinking carefully, and being able to communicate ghost language, that is, to communicate yin and yang. This is a very rare magical power. Will this be the secret technique of the school?

But suddenly I raised my eyes and saw Lin Fei's perfunctory expression, and immediately reacted, did you **** lie to me again?

However, Lin Fei had already walked away at this time and continued to walk towards the center of Heishantou.

Li Beixing sighed. After all, he didn't continue to ask questions, and continued to catch up.

Along the way, Lin Fei was still in a hurry, although he encountered some ghostly places along the way, but all took Li Beixing to walk through at random. When he saw it, it was not that the ghost had just left. The battle has ended, and a full day has passed, and the two have never encountered danger again.

Li Beixing left a mark for the martial arts along the way. As long as they walked along their route, they could avoid most of the hideouts. When Lingyue sent here, it would save a lot of time.

At this time, the two had already walked thousands of miles by virtue of Xiu Wei. According to Li Beixing's map, they were only a hundred miles away from the center of Heishantou.

However, Lin Fei knew that the map was inaccurate. Perhaps because of the black fog, the topography of Heishan Mountain had changed a lot, and the overall expansion had more than doubled.

Today, they are at least a thousand miles away from the true center of Black Mountain.

But it is these thousands of miles that are the real place of danger. Even if Lin Fei holds this position, his usefulness here will be greatly weakened.

Because the entire Black Mountain head is a big disk, the outer periphery is extremely large, although there are many monks coming, but generally they cannot see each other on the outer periphery.

But when you approach the center of the Black Mountain, the situation will change. From here, not only ghosts will become more powerful, and most importantly, you will meet other monks...

In such places, monks are often more terrible than ghosts...

Lin Fei used his help all along the way. More often he deliberately avoided other monks, but when he arrived here, it was already difficult to avoid...

If Li Beixing can see the whole picture clearly, he will find that the monks in their vicinity are, without exception, more than a dozen people from the group, only them, only two people are here...

But this way down, Li Beixing already had great faith in Lin Fei. When Lin Fei entered the thick fog again, Li Beixing already followed without hesitation.

When I went in to see this time, there was another scene of fighting. It was not surprising that Lin Fei and I saw more.

There were not many people who died this time, only three people, but the body could not be corroded in this ghost fog, it can be seen that it was not weak before birth, at least all of them were Jindan or above.

Lin Fei stepped forward to check it and frowned, "Why is the ghost repair school again."

At this time, Li Beixing also walked over to take a look and recognized: "On this way, I met a lot of ghost repair schools. This should be the people of the ghost tour door. They are just a third-rate school. This time they lost three. I am a monk of Jindan, I am afraid that I will be seriously injured."

Lin Fei nodded, more than just, I have seen you, a monk of the refinery school, almost all of them are ghost repairs.

Although Lin Fei does not have much contact with the ghost repair school, but he also knows that this kind of spooky school generally does not go out. When he goes out, he looks for corpses or treasures.

"Huh?" Lin Fei was about to leave, and suddenly found that a ray of black air had drifted out and merged into the nearby black air. It seemed no different.

However, Lin Fei knew that this ray of black gas was different from this boundless black gas.

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