
Chapter 947: Mountain River Mirror

Unfortunately, no matter whether it is for personal preference or for disciples' consideration, the old white-haired man will not lend him so easily.

You should know that the disciples of the seven major forces are all in the top of that mountain. If you don’t have a middle-aged family, your disciples will get more benefits. Although their relationship is okay, now, it’s not easy. help……

Middle-aged people obviously have this, and their faces are a bit ugly. After a while, the anger on the middle-aged people's faces gradually subsided, and they took their chess pieces and landed on the chessboard, seeming to make up their minds to consume with the elderly.

At the same time, Lin Fei found himself very close to the center of the Black Mountain.

It's not that I can see the map, but that along the way, the ghost forest has become more and more sparse. The most important thing is that more and more monks have been encountered. In the end, almost three people can be encountered at the same time. Four people.

Most people are like the disciples of the Dragon Ghost Domain. More than a dozen people come in groups, at least four or five Jin Dan.

Lin Fei is just two people, one of the key is life and soul.

Lin Fei's passing was so conspicuous, the atmosphere on the road was a little weird, no one greeted them, no one bullied them, they just looked at them strangely.

Under this onlooker, Li Beixing's face was flushed. He had originally wanted to explore the way for the martial arts, even if he received some rewards. He didn't expect to be able to come to the center of this black mountain.

Just walking on the road, I felt a little nervous in my heart. Fortunately, Lin Fei was still around, so he ran without pulling his leg.

"Look at that one, yes, that is the young man in red who is staring at us." Li Beixing leaned over to Lin Fei, looked at these people on the road, and gave him sneaky instructions: "That's Huoling's real disciple , The natural Fenghuo spirit body, the first-hand wind and fire technique complement each other, when he first entered Jindan, he beheaded a golden corpse. It is said that he has now reached the realm of Jindan’s eighth turn. Huoling real person admits that after one hundred years, he will Pass to him as the leader."

"There is also the leader in front, who is a true disciple of the Xuan Yao Sect. It is said that he has a rare demon in his body, and he is taking the road of the combination of human and demon. Once the Fa is achieved, even the monster can become a demon emperor together. When facing the enemy, the two Fashens shot together. Although it is only Jin Dan’s fourth turn, the potential is endless. It is said that he once killed Jin Dan’s seven turns...”

"Look, look, look, this is coming, this is the young city master of the Blue King City. Although he is not a spiritual body, he is born with amazing qualifications and extremely fast cultivation speed. I heard that it has now broken into Jindan nine turns. I don’t know if it is true or not. ..."

"..." Lin Fei gave Li Beixing a helpless look, perhaps because of nervousness. When Li Beixing saw a person, he introduced Lin Fei desperately. The meaning inside and outside the words was that Lin Fei did not know their identity. Offensive and provocative.

Lin Fei touched his nose, is he that kind of person?

Li Beixing's ears are about to be worn out of the cocoon, thinking about interrupting him, but there is a voice behind them.

"Fake." Just when Lin Fei was about to interrupt, a voice came from behind.

"Huh?" Lin Fei was baffled, and suddenly looked back.

"Jin Dan's nine-turn thing is false. It's just a lie. You two don't believe those gibberishes." The person who spoke was almost twenty years old, he was quite handsome, his smile was mild, and there was no frame, but he was just standing There, it makes people ignore the existence of other people.

"Oh, I am the young master of the Blue King City, the one you just discussed." The young man looked at Li Beixing and smiled: "The two can walk here on their own. I admire and hope to see you again in front. you guys."

"Goodbye." Lin Fei smiled, watching the young man lead a team of people over himself.

Li Beixing's face was flushed, and he never dared to speak. He was talking about others behind his back, and he was also seen. The key point is that he was talking about the young city owner of the Qingwang City. Fortunately, they were not investigated.

"Qingwang City, is it powerful?" Lin Fei asked a little curiously.

"Slightly smaller than the Three Demon Sects." Li Beixing then calmed down and replied a little depressed.

"Oh..." Lin Fei nodded, Li Beixing chattered along the way, and had long popularized the force distribution of Fo Li.

Among them, the three demons are the most powerful, and there are six other forces that are slightly inferior. This green king city should be one of the six major forces...

Most of the people Li Beixing has pointed out to him just now belong to these forces.

It seems that this time the Black Mist opened, the Seven Major Schools regarded this place as a place for the younger generation to experience, and maybe they didn't even want to share the benefits with the loose repair.

"Let's go, people are still waiting for us in front." Lin Fei smiled and stopped thinking, pulling Li Beixing to continue his journey.

After another half an hour, the monks around have appeared in large numbers, many of them are dozens of people in groups, rushing out from the ghost forests everywhere, but these are already second-rate monks, most of them come to experience Take a chance, by the way.

Lin Fei's existence is not so conspicuous at this time. Among these second-rate schools, there is no lack of life soul monks, but most of them appear as vassals, just to follow the elders of the Shimen to see.

"Brothers, how come they haven't arrived..." Li Beixing looked at the crowd for a long time, but still didn't find his martial arts brothers, murmured in disappointment.

"Don't worry, the front seems very lively, go and see." Lin Fei looked up at the front and pulled Li Beixing over.

At the same time, in front of the chessboard on the peak of Liufeng Mountain, the middle-aged man finally could not bear it, but the old man on the opposite side was not in a hurry, and holding a chess piece in his hand would not leave him, as if he could be consumed with him The sky is old.

"Here you!" The middle-aged man suddenly dropped the chess piece and slapped a kit on the table, his face ugly: "Don't think too much, love it or not."

"Hehe." The white-haired old man gave Yun Danfeng a light smile, and said: "With your friendship, the gang will naturally help, why are you?"

Speaking of words, the old man did not resume the game this time. Instead, he picked up the kit on the table, weighed it, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This set of movements is extremely natural. Obviously, it is already waiting for middle-aged people to come up with this thing.

"Don't look at it, ten Needle Beads, you have also got your stuff, so lend me my mountain and river mirror."

"Not in a hurry..." The old man put the kit back on the chessboard, and said without panic: "You give such a big gift, and the old man can't be rude, of course, I just have a pot of good wine for a hundred years. Let's drink a few glasses. ."

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