
Chapter 950: Fu Ming

Not to mention these three people, many people in the room felt incredible. A disciple of a second-rate school can actually do such a thing? However, this miserable situation of Wang Jue is in front of people's eyes.

Everyone paid attention to the name Li Beixing, used one person to fight against many disciples of the Dragon Ghost Palace, and also escaped only one person from the other party's calculation, even if they were replaced by true disciples of the seven major factions. At this point?

It's just that the name is too strange, and the crowd is asking each other. For a time, Li Beixing became the center of everyone's discussion. After a while, some people who claimed to be Li Beixing's acquaintances appeared and dug his past in Lingyue. After they came out, in their mouth, Li Beixing's ordinary every move had some inexplicable meaning, but he didn't see it at first...

After all, there are mostly second-class disciples here. They have long been fed up with the disdain of the big disciples. A Li Beixing has just happened, letting the big disciples suffer, and suddenly letting many people feel relieved, naturally to spare no effort to tout up...

Although I haven’t even seen Li Beixing’s face, if I talk a lot, people naturally believe in Li Beixing’s strength, including those big disciples...

"This time, the people of Xuan Yaozong owe us a favor. Later, when this person comes, let Xuan Yaozong's people come to siege him together." Fang Face Youth heard these rumors, and couldn't help but frown and dare not care. Whispered to the brother beside him.

"Will those people agree?" Brother Shi asked cautiously. After all, they are now in a disadvantaged position, and they have no way to return their favors.

"Just go." Fang Face Youth directly ordered his younger brother to go out.

He really didn't worry about this issue. Although the seven major factions fought each other, they were still able to help each other when they encountered external provocations. What's more, his master brother is still in the depths of the top of Montenegro, walking with the top geniuses, but the forerunners can represent the will of their respective schools. If there is a master brother sitting in front, other schools must have to face...


When the young man of Fang Face made this move, in the eyes of everyone, he appeared guilty and even more convinced of Li Beixing's deeds.

Seeing this scene, many people began to secretly send messages back to Shimen. This time when the head of the Black Mountain opened, a monk named Li Beixing began to rise.

At the same time, among the ghost forests that Lin Fei had walked, there was another party...

This time, the head of the Black Mountain was opened, and all the schools sent top disciples. Fu Ming, as the first true disciple of the Lingyue faction, also led the disciples to come here. However, Fu Ming himself understood that his name as the first true biography of the Lingyue faction, which sounded loud, was not at the same level as the true disciples of the other seven major schools.

So the purpose of his trip is also very clear, there is no need to contend for any benefits, mainly to bring the younger brothers to experience and experience.

However, after all, Heishantou is in danger everywhere. He also made some preparations in the early stage, specifically for Brother Li to explore the way first. Now, it seems that he has done a good job.

Fu Ming held a compass in his hand, and the complex Fu Zhuan was densely covered. Everyone would feel dizzy at first glance, but now a series of light spots shone on it, and finally became a zigzag line.

This is their unique magic weapon, as long as the disciple leaves a breath on the compass, the compass can track the whereabouts of the disciple. Now, what he is tracking is the breath of Li Beixing.

Fu Ming knew nothing about his brother Li, but his cultivation practice was quite good, but he was a bit timid and could not move forward when he was in danger. He sent this brother Li to let him experience his Taoism. Fu Ming originally thought that it would be good for his younger brother to walk in for more than a dozen miles. Unexpectedly, it was all the way to the center of Heishantou, which was somewhat unexpected.

They followed the compass and walked for half an hour, but even a ghost did not meet, thinking that this black mountain head was not so dangerous.

But after walking for a while, among the ghost fog nearby, the sound of Li Gui howling came from time to time, obviously there were ghost kings gathered, but the route they took, they all passed by these dangers.

Only then did I believe that my own brother really took the risk to open up a route, it seems that Brother Li did indeed grow.

As soon as Fu Ming sighed in his heart, he encountered a thick ghost mist in front of him, which almost turned into substance. This is the weather unique to the ghost emperor's nest, but it is still a necessary way on the compass, and he can't help but hesitate.

The younger brother behind discovered this too, and came forward and said: "Brother, the ghost in front is too strong, or shall we detour?"

Fu Ming looked at the compass, and Brother Li had walked by here. Of course, these people could walk, and he no longer hesitated and said, "Go in and see."

As they entered the ghost mist, the disciples prepared their magic weapons and prepared to be attacked as soon as they entered.


"Huh?" After seeing the scene inside, Fu Ming suddenly froze.

Unlike what they thought, there are no ghosts, no traps, only a water hole.

The ghost pool was indeed full of ghost spirit, but Fu Ming immediately discovered that the ghost spirit seemed to be a little vain, and was slowly dissipating...

Fu Ming immediately responded that there should have been a ghost emperor here, but for some reason, the ghost emperor left this place, so the ghost energy will dissipate.

But this ghost emperor is here, why would he leave?

Most importantly, did Brother Li touch this ghost emperor?

Thinking of these, Fu Ming looked around the water pool and found something...

It was a piece of broken gourd skin. Seeing this, Fu Ming looked a little dignified. As a disciple of the Lingyue School, he was naturally very familiar with the magic weapons of the school.

The ghost-cut gourd in this school, with a sword light hidden in the middle, was given to Brother Li by the master, just to guard against danger. Now it seems that Brother Li should have encountered a major crisis here, directly breaking the gourd and releasing it. The sword light.

It seems that when Brother Li came here, the ghost emperor had not left yet...

Going around the pool again, I found some traces of combat, and combined with the gourd fragments, Li Beixing should have played a battle with the ghost emperor here, and even used the bottom card, but even if it was released. Jianguang, it is difficult to make up for the gap between Ghost Emperor and Jindan...

"Brother Li is still alive?" A few disciples followed Fu Ming in a circle, and naturally they all reacted, and couldn't help asking.

"What do you say?" Fu Ming raised his head and glared. Several disciples suddenly dared not speak.

The compass light in his hand shone, and Li Beixing naturally survived.

But, how did Li Beixing survive a ghost emperor?

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