
Chapter 952: Settle accounts

But it's a bit strange, these people have no wounds at all, and don't seem to be killed by ghosts...

While Fu Ming was thinking about this, the younger brothers and others on the side had discovered something.

"Brother, someone here once laid lines."

"Huh?" Fu Ming heard this and stepped over to check.

Sure enough, there were still a few circles of patterns under the big locust tree, and the general outline could be seen. It seemed that the people in the array hurried away, and they were not destroyed when they left.

"Brother, this looks like Sanyuanjuling. Will this be arranged by Brother Li, and restore the true unit here?"

"Sanyuan Lingling? How much Reiki can we gather in this place?" Fu Ming shook his head strangely and looked down carefully.

After seeing the formation, Fu Ming knew that he had mistakenly recognized his brother. This did indeed look like a three-element gathering of spirits, but it was just like it. In fact, this should be a method of gathering spirits.

At first, the master repaired the magic weapon for a monk, and he laid down his hand right next to it. The magic weapon was marked with a similar pattern. He also admitted to the mistake at the beginning, and was later corrected by the master.

The master said that this is an evil way of absorbing souls and absorbing spirits. It just looks a little like the gathering of spirits. It also explained to me in detail. However, after finishing the talk, the master was a little worried about revealing the secrets of the monks, no Let yourself go out and talk nonsense, so I was particularly impressed with that formation. This time it came in handy.

Fu Ming recognized it carefully and nodded his head affirmatively: "This is a kind of psychic..."

Speaking of which, Fu Ming suddenly remembered.

The corpses I saw just now, they were all killed by absorbing aura.

Fu Ming looked back at where the corpse died, and if this pattern stretched out, those people were simply natural sacrifices...

Since they are sacrifices, who are they worshipping? What does this have to do with Brother Li?

Fu Ming's fingertips aura lightly, lightly on the compass, countless Fuzhuan lights up instantly, Li Beixing's breath suddenly became clear, and the place with the strongest breath, which is under the big locust tree, is also big The main position of the array.

Fu Ming stood under the big tree, and then the compass was extinguished. He was very sure: "This time, it was indeed arranged by Brother Li, but Brother Li should be forced."

"Forced? What does this mean?"

"Naturally, they were forced by these dead bodies." Fu Ming glanced at the bodies and sneered: "It should be that when these bodies were found, Shi Li, who was seriously injured, followed him all the way and wanted to kill and win treasure, but It was discovered by Brother Li. Brother Li not only did not flee, but instead threw them away in a circle in front, and came directly into the valley."

Speaking of which, Fu Ming had walked to the place where Li Beixing had sat, and pointed to the nearby array of scriptures: "Look, this large array is so complicated, it can be seen that the younger brother should have been prepared for a long time, it should be that he just put on the pattern Then, the people who followed him caught up. Fortunately, Brother Li was in trouble, and finally successfully launched a formation..."

After finishing the speech, Fu Ming had already been a little amazed: "Since Li was seriously injured, he was able to make this plan. At the same time, he could avoid all ghosts along the way, and he did not forget to leave a mark. What kind of mind is this?"

"This, this is Brother Li?"

However, Fu Ming did not respond to the exhortations of the younger brothers. Although he said what he knew, the younger brothers still couldn't understand how difficult it was to do all this because of the gap in the realm.

If the younger brother of the Master first hit the ghost emperor for the first time, there is still a luck component, this time, it is already completely powerful.

If you think about it, you will know that a person is seriously injured, his mind is blurred, and he is in danger. He does not give up. Instead, he makes a plan calmly and completes it with a determined will. Finally, like a hunter, you can quietly wait for the prey to be hooked.

Each of these steps requires precise calculations and strong ambitions. If one wrong calculation is made, it may be that there is no longer any disaster, but Brother Li has done it. How firm is the heart? Anyway, I am ashamed of myself.

In fact, don’t talk about yourself, even if you look at the entire Phaeus, only those few legendary geniuses are eligible to challenge.

"No, it seems that some people have escaped here." Fu Ming suddenly found another trace, someone here had left, that is to say, those people did not die.

But Brother Li could be alone. If they were recruited by their helpers, Brother Li would be in danger.

Thinking of this, Fu Ming hurriedly left, and the Lingyue School finally came out with such a genius. The hope of the next hundred years must be pinned on Brother Li, who could not fall in such a place.

At this time, Fu Ming had already set off, and the disciples were too late to ask in detail.

However, unlike Fu Ming's thinking, Li Beixing's current situation is really not so dangerous. Although his name is being discussed in the crowd, few people know him.

At this time, nearly three hundred people had gathered around the Dragon Ghost Palace, because Li Beixing's reputation was too scary, and the square face youth simply called Xuan Yaozong and the people of Liufeng Mountain just in case. Although the top few of them have all reached the depths of the top of Montenegro, they add up enough to wipe out a small sect outside.

After a group of people discussed the countermeasures, they blocked it in a murderous way.

As soon as Li Beixing showed up, they swarmed.


After waiting for a full hour, the people of the Lingyue faction had not come, and many people began to wait impatiently. They came here to find opportunities, and they did not specifically avenge the Dragon Ghost Palace.

Just as these people were about to disperse, Fu Ming and others were dying and ran into each other...

"The Lingyue people are here."

I don't know who shouted, everyone turned their eyes and looked at it.

Fu Ming came in a hurry and was trying to find his brother, but he was suddenly looked at by so many eyes, and was a little overwhelmed.

According to their status as Lingyue School, they all exist as a foil on this occasion. They have never enjoyed the treatment that has attracted much attention. Is this Lingyue School so famous?

Just when Fu Ming was inexplicable, nearly a hundred people approached.

"You are all Lingyue people?" The young man with square face stood in front, looked at Fu Ming up and down a few times, and his face was quite bad.

Subconsciously, Fu Ming felt a little bad. He looked around and said, "Exactly, I don't know what happened to you looking for the Lingyue School?"

"What's the matter?" Fang Face Youth sneered, and said: "You have to ask Li Beixing of your sect, he killed my disciple of the Dragon Ghost Palace, and seized its true yuan, this account, what do you think we should do Count?"

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