
Chapter 957: Pick up clothes

Up to now, there has been no human life, which is enough to show the extraordinaryness of these big disciples.

However, these disciples were able to save their lives, and they dared not think about counterattacks.

"That's what you said you want to do with me, let's say, what do you want to do with me?" Li Beixing found Fang Face Youth in the crowd, grabbed the other's collar by one hand, and asked with a sneer.

"I, I..." The young man's face was suffocated, and he couldn't say anything.

If I knew that Li Beixing was stronger than the legend, I couldn't say anything to go up to death.

But it's too late to say anything now. Looking at Li Beixing's meaning, it's clear that none of them is ready to let go...

Between this life and death, the youth of Fang Face responded very quickly, and quickly said: "I blame me for not knowing Mount Tai. We are willing to repay our sins, and we have treasures to offer!"

Hearing the treasure, Li Beixing's eyes lit up.

Yeah, just out of breath, I forgot the identity of this group of people.

This is a disciple of the seven major factions, and they are all very rich. This time they have the opportunity to rob, why not take it?

"Humph, you are sensible, take everything out."

"What, what?" Fang Face Youth suddenly froze for a moment, and quickly said: "Brother Li misunderstood, I said there is a hidden treasure deep in the top of the Black Mountain."

After talking, Fang Face Youth began to wait. As for what to wait, of course, Li Beixing continued to ask. You must know that everyone who came to the top of Montenegro came for those treasures. Speaking out the name of that thing, Li Beixing, who is a strong man, will definitely be unable to find a chance.

I do know a place to hide treasures, but that place is not so peaceful, as strong as the brother of the Xuan Yao Sect, and finally where I fell, I have to save myself.

By then, as long as he can lead Li Beixing, he will naturally be able to take revenge...

Next, Li Beixing should ask. The young man with a square face is brewing in his heart. How to make the place more enticing.

"Less nonsense, I am not interested in those things, and quickly take out the magic weapon!" Li Beixing rolled his eyes, his ghost emperor power was borrowed, so deep in the head of the Black Mountain, of course, he could not go.

"Ah?" Fang Face Youth suddenly froze. Is your line a bit wrong?

According to your style of genius, don’t you like to welcome the hardest, looking for opportunities from the most dangerous places? What do you mean by not forgetting a few magic weapons?

Next, you should ask me where the treasure is, and then fall there. Why don’t you follow the script?

"Brother Li, the treasures in that place are very good, really don't think about it?" Fang Face Youth still wanted to struggle.

However, Li Beixing rolled his eyes: "Less nonsense, quickly take out the magic weapon, your clothes are also made of silkworm gold thread? Take it off for me quickly."

The face of the youth of the square face is green. Everyone is a person with identity. Anyway, if you want to grab the magic weapon, do you just pick your clothes like this?

"you are not willing?"

"No, it's not." The square-faced youth spoke hard.

Under the threatening eyes of Li Beixing, Fang Face Youth struggled in his heart, and he was also a person with a certain reputation. Today, this one will not be able to raise his head to be a man, but if he wants to resist, I am afraid he will fill in the ghost emperor. belly.

The young man with a square face wanted to cry without tears, his hands trembling and unbuttoned. At this time, he had a feeling that the girl with a yellow flower was ruined.

However, as he struggled in his heart, a voice suddenly came from his ear.


No matter who said it, Fang Face quickly put down his hand, and as the voice looked, it turned out to be a young man in his twenties, and he was just a life and soul monk.

The youth of Fang Face was amazed for a while. He thought he was a disciple of the Seven Major Schools and came to help him to say something. He wanted to thank the other party. Who knows that if he only sees a life soul monk, he dare to stop this kind of behavior Li Beixing, the big devil, isn't this looking for death?

However, before waiting for him to speak, Li Beixing quickly greeted him: "How did Brother Lin come by himself? I was asking him to hand over the treasure. Brother Lin went to rest first, and after that I would send it over, let Brother Lin first pick."

It's no wonder that Li Beixing is so enthusiastic. The ghost emperor power in his body now comes from Lin Fei. If Lin Fei is unhappy and takes this power back, he will be sadly reminded...

The most important thing is that the longer this ghost emperor's power is used, the more Li Beixing can feel Lin Fei's horror. I just used it for a while, and it was a little floating, and Lin Fei may have had this killer tool, but he could not hold it down all the time. Just with this mentality, he can dump several himself.

Not surprisingly, Lin Fei should enter the realm of the Fa-phase like a sky-fired man, and it is not impossible to even achieve the Fa-spirit.

This is a future monk of the Fa-sect, and now it's not good enough, there will be no chance in the future...

Lin Fei ignored Li Beixing's enthusiasm, but looked at Fang Face Youth: "You just said there is a place for treasure? Tell me in detail."

However, at this time, the square face youth had been dumbfounded.

Li Beixing, who was still arrogant and arrogant just now, was actually quite respectful to a life-soul monk? Let this soul pick the treasure first? Moreover, this life-soul monk silk seems to be accustomed to it, and does not even care about Li Beixing.

What's happening here?

"Hey, if you don't say it, I'll just leave. He will pick you up." Lin Fei reminded patiently when he saw no response from the other party.

"Ah?" Hearing that he was about to be stripped of clothes, the young man with a square face suddenly relieved himself, and quickly said: "Yes, there is a place for treasure, that, I said, can you not pick my clothes?"

"Tell us about the conditions?" Li Beixing sneered, his face bad.

"I said, I said." Under the threat of Li Beixing, the square face young man had to swallow his voice: "In fact, the place where the treasure was found by the brother of Xuan Yaozong was the one lying there."

With that said, the face-faced young man pointed to the young man who was seriously injured in the corner, and continued: "This brother has long been deep in the head of the Black Mountain, and then just saw a spiritual light shining. Who knows but fell there, and then I received the order from Master to go and rescue this brother..."

"That's all? Are you kidding me?" Li Beixing's face suddenly sank when he heard that there was no more text. There was no valuable information at all, and no treasure was clearly stated.

"No, I never lied." Perhaps I also felt that the news I was saying was too brief, and the youth of the square face quickly added: "The reason why I am so sure is that the brother we rescued is Xuan Yaozong. Flamboyant."

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