
Chapter 973: Acquired gas

The immortality is born of a trace of evil thoughts of the powerful body, and this evil thought is extremely stubborn, and even the demon of the powerful body of the law itself.

Once the immortality is born, there is the unpredictable power of the ghosts, especially after the baptism of tens of thousands of years, it can even be transformed into tens of millions, everywhere.

Once it falls into it, it is difficult to get out of the real body of the Fa, unless it is to find out the key point of the fairy, and pierce the bubble created by the fairy

It was because the immortality was so special that Lin Fei recognized it as soon as this black gas appeared. This kind of power involving the dharma body, even he had to deal with it cautiously.

It's a pity that Lin Fei's reminder was a little late after all. As soon as his voice fell, the black gas rushed behind Li Beixing.

Li Beixing also responded quickly. As soon as he saw the presence of black gas, he immediately changed shape, and he traversed a hundred feet in the air, and he had to escape from the black gas range...

But it seemed useless. I saw that the black gas suddenly swelled up, and then spread like waves, directly involved Li Beixing into it.

Li Beixing was trapped by the black gas in an instant. When he was trying to find a way to escape, the black gas floated and condensed, and finally a face appeared.

After seeing Li Beixing, he almost fainted.

That was Lu Qi's face.

But Li Beixing died hundreds of times under Lu Qi's hands, and finally escaped. Now seeing Lu Qi's face, he immediately remembered the despair and fear when facing death.

The worst thing is that he is not in an illusion now, but there is no limitless chance of rebirth. If he is killed, then it is really dead.

Just as Li Beixing's dreams were all gray, Lu Qi's face in the air was plain and quiet, with no intention of attacking.

Just looked at Lin Fei, nodded, and then slowly dissipated.

Lin Fei has not spoken, but when the black gas is about to dissipate, he suddenly said: "I can help you."

The words fell, the underworld opened, the Buddha sat solemnly in the underworld, and the sound of Brahma singing in the air, a golden light suddenly spread out, as if there were blossoming lotus flowers.

The face froze for a moment, but it also stopped dissipating, and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, it seemed that he had made up his mind and finally turned into black gas again, drifting into the underworld.

Lin Fei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. At first, Li Beixing was still in the air, shouting, "I'm not going to get the acquired air yet."

Hearing Lin Fei's reminder, Li Beixing recovered, and quickly reached out to grab the aura.

After losing the black gas shield, Aura was unable to escape. Li Beixing was caught in his hand. The Aura was struggling a few times, and he could not escape after all.

As soon as the Lingguang was in hand, Li Beixing was relieved.

For this aura, he almost fell into illusion and almost died. Now he didn't hesitate anymore, and a gourd appeared in his hand. This is the magic weapon he intended to refine.

This gourd magic weapon has a sword symbol in it, which is infinitely powerful, and it is the card of Li Beixing's trip.

It's just that the gourd blew up when dealing with the Python Emperor Ghost Emperor. Fortunately, Li Beixing was used to it cautiously. Before coming here, he asked his master for a spare gourd as a spare, and now that sword symbol is stored in it.

Li Beixing suddenly ignited a spirit flame in his hand, and the scream of the acquired sky was burnt out like a scream when a life was in danger.

However, Li Beixing was unmoved. Under the flame of the spirit flame, a few strands of black gas flew out. This is the impurity that has been deposited for many years by the acquired qi.

The rest of the acquired sky became a ray of thread, and silently, it would wrap around into the gourd without any waste.

Even Lin Fei took a few more glances at this hand. Li Beixing was worthy of being a disciple of the Refining School. This refining device was extremely skilled, and was no weaker than the disciple of Mo Jianfeng.

As the acquired yin qi gradually integrated, the gourd magic weapon really changed.

The original dark yellow gourd surface suddenly climbed into countless black fine lines. A bit of white light seemed to glow in the gourd belly.

This light seemed faint, but as soon as it lighted up, it burst into a strong sword, and countless small swords flew out of the gourd.

At the same time, Li Beixing was flying around the seal, and the prohibition among the magic weapons has also changed. In this moment, a prohibition has been added.

This change surprised Li Beixing. You must know that for each of the forty or more magic weapons banned, the difficulty will increase exponentially for each additional ban. At this momentum, after thoroughly purifying this acquired dark gas, you can at least break through Two prohibitions...

And this magic weapon has forty-two prohibitions originally, and if it can add three more, then its power can be at least ten times more powerful.

At that time, even in the entire Lingyue School, they can be ranked in the top five.

Lin Fei was not very surprised. Of course, the general acquired qi can certainly not have such an effect, but this acquired qi is born from the immortality, and it is naturally different.

The immortality was transformed by the evil thoughts of the powerful body of the dharma, this yin qi was bred in immortality for countless years, and it naturally included all evils.

However, Li Beixing's gourd is a bit different. He used some of the methods of the Heavenly Buddhism at the time of the sacrifice. It is an excellent container in itself, and it can accommodate even the sword light of the forest and lake. The evil thoughts of each other complement each other perfectly.

So Lin Fei said that this was Li Beixing's chance.

After a long while, all the yin qi was refined in the gourd, and as long as it was slowly digested, the magic weapon could fully absorb the benefits.

But at this moment, the acquired qi in the gourd suddenly condensed, and thousands of ghosts and monsters appeared in phantom, struggling and roaring on the surface of the gourd, even to break the gourd, even to gobble up the gourd.

Li Beixing was shocked, and quickly urged the True Elemental confrontation. The gourd shook for a while, and the sky was full of energy after refining. At the same time, a bright sword light bloomed in the gourd.

The day after tomorrow, the yin qi seemed to be spiritual, knowing that if it did not resist, there would be no chance, and the resistance would be fiercer. Thousands of ghosts and demon wrapped around the gourd, even the sword light was enveloped.

Suddenly, the two magic weapons were suppressed. If there is no accident, I am afraid that these two magic weapons will be swallowed down.

"Don't watch the excitement, save your life." Li Beixing anxiously shouted to Lin Fei.

"What is anxious." Lin Fei is not anxious or slow. The reason why he hasn't shot is that he wants to see how powerful this immortality breeds things. Now, it seems that it is really good.

However, it is just good...

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