
Chapter 999: Take root

Lin Fei hurried to calm down his mind, and the cultivation in front of him hadn't recovered yet. I thought that some of these things were really unreliable, but just about to leave, the big locust tree that he had high hopes for had another move.

Perhaps because of the cruising in front of the earth, Dahuai Shu found three ghost king spirits, and he took the sheep to take it, and now the three ghost king souls are struggling to survive under the tree roots.

When Lin Fei noticed it, it was too late to stop it. With the sound of a terrifying ghost, the souls of the three ghost kings were completely crushed by the roots of the tree, and turned into nourishment for the growth of the big locust tree.

"..." Lin Fei took a deep breath and convinced himself not to pull out the broken tree seedling that had just been rooted.

I have taken great precautions against the old guys in the underworld, but I have forgotten that there are still new ones. I was cheated by the harmless appearance of the small sapling of the big locust tree. This guy even behaved with the black coffin. What did he see? I want to swallow it.

With regard to this coffin and a tree, Lin Fei suspected that they had an unspeakable relationship with Pixiu.

Lin Fei endured the heartache and comforted himself that there are still five-headed ghost king spirits outside, which can make up for the loss, otherwise even the battle for the God Stone will be delayed.

At this time, after absorbing the ghost king's soul, Dahuaishu really grew a little higher, and even picked three: "The quality of the three-headed ghost king's soul is really poor, but the five heads outside seem to be good, if they can absorb..."

Suddenly I saw Lin Fei staring at me with poor eyesight and shut up quickly, no matter what his identity was before, but now that the person is under the eaves, it is better to give the Master Nether Earth a face.

"Well, don't be angry, there are a few ghost king spirits, no big deal, I will pay you."

"Huh?" Lin Fei's eyes lit up suddenly. The meaning of the words in this big tree tree seemed to know that there was a place where ghost spirits gathered.

"Let's listen." Lin Fei asked, staring at Dahuaishu.

"Actually, this was a long time ago." Dahuaishu had no worries about his life, and he spoke quite relaxedly: "You collect ghost spirits, not to wake up the broken stone, you think that you have the mysterious Xuanyin Sect that year , Have you done this preparation?"

"Oh?" Lin Fei froze for a moment. Although he said that he had experienced that period of illusion, there are still many secrets that have not been discovered. It is difficult to say whether Xuanyin Sect has any backstage.

It seems that Dahuaishu knows a lot of secrets. It is not the same as old age. Even the things that happened tens of thousands of years ago know one or two.

"Oh, it's just a little news that I was bored when I was bored. That place is not far from me. It's just that a long time has passed. I don't know how many ghosts are left..."

After Lin Fei asked the location, he stepped out of the nether, and the Five-Headed Ghost King died long ago. He collected the five ghost king spirits, but this time it was carefully kept and must not be swallowed again.

After doing this, I just saw Li Beixing just crawling out of the big pit, and then looked at the big pit clean, it seems that all the spirits have been put away by him.

Li Beixing is holding his treasure gourd, his face full of satisfied smiles, let alone say, as soon as he gets out of the head of Heishan, he can pile himself up to Jindan's nine-turn situation by relying on the panacea alone.

The disadvantage is that he offended the Green King City again...

Whatever it is, the spirit is in hand anyway, let's talk about the rest.

Seeing Lin Fei coming out, Li Beixing felt subconscious.

Now he is also a person with a lot of treasures. This is a dangerous place in the top of the Black Mountain. I can't go around with Lin Fei. If I am accidentally found by the Chou family, I will be hurt.

After looking at Lin Fei's complexion, Li Beixing carefully advised: "Well, we offended the Green King City, did we first find a place to hide? Anyway, we have so many creatures, we hunted ourselves in a formation. The ghost king will work."

Lin Fei glanced at him and smiled slightly: "It works, but the speed is too slow. Besides, I think you are talented in doing robbers."

"There is no talent, practice makes perfect." Li Beixing scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

No, what should I say, I should persuade Lin Fei to run the road now.

Li Beixing reacted, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Fei: "Now, the opportunity is rare. As long as we get another vote, I guess you can directly care for the elderly after you go out, which is worth your practice. Thousands of magic weapons..."

"This..." Li Beixing suddenly got into a tangle, unable to say anything when he came to his mouth.

What Lin Fei said makes sense. Such opportunities are not always available. If you change to your own refiner, you will have to practice a magic weapon for thousands of years to save so many spirits...

And now, only a few days...

Maybe this opportunity is my whole life and I can't let it go.

Li Beixing gritted his teeth secretly and immediately made up his mind.

"Right, what did you just say?"

"Ah? It's nothing, nothing. By the way, who are we going to grab next?" After Li Beixing denied it, he talked about the next target of the robbery, his eyes were flooded and he was eager to try.

"Don't worry, take your time..." Lin Fei smiled, recognized some direction, and headed towards the west, Li Beixing hurriedly followed.

Half a day later, Li Beixing was in doubt. He looked at Lin Fei and said: "There are no individuals in this place, what are we doing here?"

No wonder Li Beixing hesitated. In front of him was a barren swamp, not to mention a monk everywhere, and there was no ghost. What good is this?

After Lin Fei confirmed it, he was quite affirmed. With a trick in his hand, his body suddenly radiated aura, and then stepped into the swamp, letting himself sink in.

Li Beixing hesitated in the back, and found a rune paper from the gourd. A flame suddenly appeared on his body to wrap himself, and then fell into it.

Soon, Li Beixing discovered that there was no cave in it.

Under the swamp, a space was buried, there was a force outside to isolate the swamp above, and below it was a huge underground palace!

What made him stunned even more was that the indelible light was still shining in this palace, and a closer look showed that the bricks and tiles on the main hall were made of jade glass.

Although this is not a very precious spirit stone, it has the effect of condensing the heart and condensing the qi. For the monks, there is a futon of jade glaze to avoid getting caught in the magic during cultivation.

This hall is really good, it was actually a tile made of jade glaze.

Looking further, this underground palace is vast and vast. Although it is a bit ruined today, it can also imagine the spectacular scene when it is intact.

Li Beixing thought that the people of Qingwangcheng were enough local tyrants, but now he was shocked again.

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