This is the real Situ Hong in front of you

And before appeared in the dacha,

The person who issued the entrusted task to Su Tian and the others was Situ Hong, who was imitated by the alien worm.

Su Tian’s words came out

Bingyan was visibly stunned

Looking towards Situ Hong,

I saw Situ Hong nodding excitedly, and tried to open his mouth

Lip syncing, but unable to make a sound.

Although Bingyan’s heart was a little shaken, she still said on her mouth:

“How can I be sure that what you say must be true?”

“If you say it wrong, everything will fall short.”

If the information Su Tian said was wrong

A mistaken mission objective leads to mission failure, which is true for Bingyan

is unacceptable.

Of course,

The current Bingyan did not dare to rashly attack this Situ Hong in front of her

Because she couldn’t be sure that what Su Tian said was right

It is also impossible to be sure that what Su Tian said is wrong.

And after Su Tian said that this Situ Hong was true,

The prompt sound of the [Knight Century] light brain

sounded in his ears

[Congratulations to player Su Tian for completing the hidden mission of the novice quest ‘Find the Truth’: find the real Situ Hong. ] 】

[Mission reward drawing…].

[Congratulations to player Su Tian for obtaining Kamen Rider Kiva prop – ‘Pasha Flute Whistle’! ] 】

Hide the mission!

Su Tian was overjoyed in his heart, which showed that his speculation was correct

The real Situ Hong is next to this,

Just don’t know why, she can’t speak now,

And when he came to the dungeon world, the first thing he encountered was the real alien worm!

When I first saw this Situ Hong in front of me,

Su Tian noticed that Situ Hong, who was staying in the pile of alien insects in front of him, seemed to be very scared

There are also various abnormalities in the middle

Especially when Su Tian’s punch hit her

If it is an alien worm, at least it will subconsciously reveal its true body to resist.

These also made Su Tian guess that this Situ Hong in front of him was real

I didn’t expect to say this after saying it

Also completed the hidden quest of this dungeon!

Pasha flute whistle!

One of Kamen Rider Kiva’s transformation items

You can change Kamen Rider Kiva into Pasha form!

Kiva, on the other hand, mainly fights by shooting, and can attack enemies who move or teleport at high speeds.

Just right for the current situation.

The hidden mission prompt tone of [Knight Century] is a momentary thing

After Su Tian heard Bingyan’s question, he knew that the prompt tone just now should only be heard by himself who completed the task.

So he responded:

“I don’t need you to believe it!”

With that, Su Tian came to Situ Hong’s side

He patted Situ Hong’s shoulder and signaled her to hide in a relatively safe place first

Then look at Bingyan,

“You don’t need to believe what I say,”

“I don’t need your trust either.”

“It’s not a team copy anyway.”

“Oh? Is it? When Bingyan heard this, she snorted softly

A little annoyed at Su Tian’s words

“You don’t think that after becoming Kiva, you can complete the task alone.”

“What if I have to think she’s a real alien?”

Under the Kabuto armor, Bingyan’s eyes narrowed slightly

The meaning of her words is obvious

If you think that this Situ Hong in front of you is a real alien worm,

That means that he will not let go of this Situ Hong,

And Su Tian, who was guarding in front of Situ Hong, was her Bingyan’s obstacle!

“Then there is no need to talk about it?”

Su Tian spread his hands

Under Kiva’s armor, the corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly

The tone also became a little excited:

“If you’re stubborn, I don’t mind killing you first!”

Speaking, Su Tian took out a green flute whistle from his waist

It was the Pasha flute whistle that had just been rewarded.

Place the Pasha flute whistle in the mouth of Kivat Bat III on his belt

Just listen to Kivat Bat III whistle and make a sound effect:

“Basshaa! Magnum! (Pasha Merlin gun!) )”

As the sound of the sound sounds,

A green gun-type weapon appeared in Su Tian’s right hand

This gun is none other than the Pasha Merlin gun.


Just when Su Tian was holding the Pasha Merlin gun,

Chains appeared on Su Tian’s right hand

And spread upwards,

Armor of the right hand, right shoulder armor, and armor on the chest

Chains have appeared

These chains cover these places

“Bang!” With a bang, the chains disappeared

And at this time,

The armor of Su Tian’s right hand, right shoulder armor, and chest all turned green.

Not only that,

The eyes of Kivat Bat III on his belt also changed from red to green

Su Tian’s eye armor also turned green

Kamen Rider Kiva, Pasha form!

“Would you like to give it a try?”

Su Tian aimed the muzzle of the Pasha Merlin gun at Bingyan.

Looking at the gloomy muzzle pointing at himself,

Bingyan didn’t know why, and the pressure in her heart doubled.

Although because of Kiva’s armor, Bingyan couldn’t see Su Tian’s expression

But Bingyan could feel the ease in Su Tian’s tone.

“Is it to look down on my strength?”

“Or is it… Absolute confidence in your own strength? ”

Bingyan’s heart is more inclined to the second possibility

But even so,

Bingyan didn’t plan to back down just because of Su Tian’s words.


“Give it a try, give it a try!”

Bing Yan snorted coldly, and then walked towards Su Tian unhurriedly

Just two steps away, I saw Bingyan’s figure flash

The whole person turned into a red shadow

It’s Clock! Up! (Ascend time!) )

I used it just now, but I stopped halfway

The red shadow that Bingyan turned into continued to rotate around Su Tian

Seems to be looking for an attackable place,

Su Tian held the Pasha Merlin gun, motionless

But actually, under the Kiva armor,

Su Tian was highly gazing at the movements around him


I saw Su Tian aim the Pasha Merlin gun in his hand in his right direction

Pull the trigger,

“Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

Three water energy projectiles were fired quickly.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

The water energy bomb flew extremely fast in the air, and soon exploded as if it had hit something

And where it exploded,

The red figure appeared, and it was Bingyan who became Kabuto

Bingyan clutched the chest that was hit

He looked at Su Tian in disbelief

Su Tian couldn’t see Bingyan’s expression

Just turned the Pasha Merlin gun in his hand into a gun flower,

Then with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to Bingyan:

“Your Kabuto is not good!”

“When I get a chance, I’ll let you see how the real Kabuto should play!”

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay tuition!”


PS: Ten chapters updated on the first day,

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